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Author Topic: A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- October 14 2012  (Read 1507 times)

Offline Unibot

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A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- October 14 2012
« on: October 14, 2012, 11:53:12 PM »

A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate of The United Defenders League,

Well, hasn’t this been a strange two weeks? It certainly has had its highs and low, that’s for sure. The first shock, I guess you could say, came early in the week when my nation, “Unibot II” was deleted, the full-story can be found here. Following shortly after my deletion, Eastern Islands of Dharma was taken by the Black Hawks. The United Defenders League and I especially would like to give our thanks once more to Osiris, The North Pacific and The Founderless Regions Alliance who contributed troops for an attempted liberation. I’ve also gotten word that the South Pacific Army would also like attend a future liberation of Dharma, so I have to express my gratitude for them too, in addition to the general coalition of the willing that seems to be surrounding this counter-invasion sentiment.

However, I guess our organization’s spirits were lifted a few days later, on my birthday. Solm decorated our forum in my blue and whites and Osiris (you made my day, folks!) celebrated “Unibot Day”.  I would like to jokingly point out that Unibot Day corresponds with the passage of “Max Barry Day”, take from this what you will *shifty eyes*.

Left: Osiris announces “Unibot Day” // Right: The birthday banner is placed above the UDL forum board.

As you can see from the photo on the right, The United Defenders League has also been flying Goobergunchia’s flag on our forum to celebrate the ascension of one of our own to the Hall of Honour to mark his quiet but well observed departure – the full declaration is located here. Earth22 has been announced as his successor, her first request was to rename her position from Chief of Feeder Affairs to Chief of Feeder and Sinker Affairs. Earth22 (also known as Lyanna Stark), who has previously served as our Chief of Orientation, is probably better known for her service as Osiris’s Delegate for the past year. Earth also chose to construct her new office, so feel free to talk to her there.

Earth is not the only person who has been appointed to a position as of late. We also have welcomed Biyah to his new position as Press Secretary in the newly minted Office of the Press Secretary. Biyah is known for doing many things in his long and prolific career in NationStates; let’s just stick to the pretty things and say: Former ADN Council President and former Vice Delegate of Osiris. The Office of the Press Secretary is responsible for providing support and information to the regional and interregional media regarding the organization's beliefs, activities and actions. It works alongside the Chiefs of Staff in crafting and espousing the administration's message. I will still be writing these usual periodical Embassy Updates, but the Press Secretary will be writing and distributing most of our declarations from now and onwards.

<Biyah> Please, let someone say something stupid
<Biyah> I feel like bitching
* Unibot closes his mouth
<Unibot> If Romney can go ninety mins without saying something stupid in a debate, I can too!
<Biyah> ...
<Biyah> you're f**ked

Heh, he has so much faith in me. Anyways, The United Defenders League has had a ton of military victories.  We had a liberation of Fortreau against The Cat Burgulars and a joint FRA-UDL defense in Continent of Pwned (my favorite region to pwn raiders), a defense of The Imperial Palace of Fandom and a defense of Marxism against Europeia, in addition to successful defenses against the Black Riders in Islamic Republic of Iran, Asia Pacific, Koeln, The NationStates of DDO, Stargate, Greece, Former United States,  Deutschland, Blackwater, League of MPNet Nations and The Dark Alliance, among other defences that were not logged. We also were able to refound Ohio safely for the natives (using “Crosby Stills Nash and Young” as the disposable founder account). A shout goes out to Ohio!

Last Embassy Update, I asked what should the name of The United Defenders League’s two practice squads be? Our Lieutenants have chosen “Team Free” and “Team Hope” on the basis that The United Defenders League can use two of our regions, Free and The Ring of Hope as headquarters for the squads and of course, the team names are throwbacks to two absolutely legendary defenders, Free4All and Pope Hope. As promised, the embassy with the most responses to our question would receive praise and a special gift; that distinction belongs to none other thhhhhhhaaaaannnn…. The Allied Republics: A rising defender region with, apparently, a lot of enthusiastic members.  Our gift to The Allied Republics, referencing a recent joke I made, is a tray of cookies named after famous feeder tyrants (and probably a few elected ban-happy delegates who will rightfully argue that title until kingdom come):

I’ve heard that Astarial has even baked her version of Pixiechoculence (a reference to Pixiedance, the tyrant who ruled over The North Pacific) in real life. I think we can all agree that themed cookies are the best way to learn history, nom nom nom. Speaking of history….

<Biyah> come to think of it, the bastard tried to put most of us on Trial.
* Biyah eyes dilber
<Dilber> you started it :<
<Biyah> you were part of it :P
<Dilber> you still started it :<
<Unibot> Come make up :P
<Biyah> you still leaked it :P
<Dilber> yeah, i did
<Dilber> :P

GUYS! The Dominion was –years- ago, play nice. Hmpf. *snickers* The United Defenders League happily welcomed Dilber to our Military IRC channel for a visit; Dilber was formerly, Deputy Director of the ADN and Major General in the West Pacific Liberation Force. I invited Dilber to our channel after I found him in CyberNations (on the search for lost NationStates Heroes and Villians who haven’t taken the Gameplay Alignment Test yet). Dilber chatted it up  for several hours and reminisced enough to resurrect his nation after a long absence. We wish him well; he seems like a really nice fellow. Other well-known names who have taken The Gameplay Alignment Test as of late, include Kandarin, Gates the God, Cathhy, Brightonburg and Jakker. If you were wondering, Gates the God does still refer to me as the #1 WA Whore: he will never lose that ol’ charm of his. :wub:

In related news, The Naivetry Reference Library has been stocked with a whole shelf worth of interesting material, various speeches by EuroSoviets, “The Great Pacifican Lie” by Unistrut, Interviews of Max Barry and Free4All conducted by The Meritocratic Times, a must-read Lemurian seminar conducted by Ivan Moldavi (also included is a notable rebuttal by Flemingovia) on his tyrannical regime in The North Pacific, a collection of articles from the Alliance Defense Network News Service and of course, my brand new essay entitled “The Polysemes of Nativeness: Two Fundamental Conceptions of Nativeness Unravelled and Compared” (go check it out and comment please!). Thank you to Winnipeg and Thel for their contributions to the Library, especially.

Erm, and some final notes: I sat down recently with Communist Quinntopia of NS Weekly for an interview which has been recently published. If you haven’t had enough of me talking yet. Additionally, a shout goes out to Balder and Osiris, who are celebrating their one year anniversaries on Thursday.

To conclude, here’s two new (hopefully reoccurring) features to our update:

Today in history, only seven years ago, Cpt. Sekuu of “Invaders” was exposed as a spy for The RLA, on the coat-tails of the destruction of The Black Hawks and DEN’s forum by The RLA.

Your random fact of the Update is: General Colin Powell of DEN apparently coined the term “fenda”. Who knew!?

And, of course, your Moment of Zen, in a true “All restaurants are Taco Bell” moment:

<Dilber> black hawk still exists?
<Earth> Yup.
<Dilber> the old raider group?
<Dilber> I would never have picked them as one of the ones to last