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Author Topic: A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- October 01 2012  (Read 1240 times)

Offline Unibot

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A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- October 01 2012
« on: October 01, 2012, 11:26:18 PM »
Also: See Embassy Contest Below!

A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate of The United Defenders League,

<Mahaj> What do you mean "the Chief of Printing is not a real position"?

Include Mahaj in an Embassy Update, CHECK!

Okay, erm…moving on. It’s been a busy couple of weeks for The United Defenders League. The first major curveball of the week came with Ballotonia adding “variance” to the server which makes it more difficult to attain “accuracy” and “precision” in Military Gameplay. This has definitely added a lot of stress on our staff, especially our excellent technicians, in the past week to try new techniques and advance our military technology. Invaders often have dozens of “tag-raids” a night so they can afford to “miss” their target almost as much as they “hit” their target and still emerge with a sizable list of regions tagged – defenders on the hand, often have –one– shot to perform a night.

It’s our goal to push forward beyond this imbalance and develop a system for responding to variance that is infinitely better and after a lot of late nights, coffee, calculus and clever engineering, I am certain we’ll get there. Then the task, of course, switches from innovation to counter-intelligence. However, all of our staff sees the situations developing in Hippiedom (with native ejections and banning occurring), Hell (with raiders taunting natives to break the rules) and Ohio as requiring us to innovate faster and more thoroughly than I think the game has ever forced defenders to do before, including Great Bights, if we are to be the source of relief that these communities desperately need. Battles may be lost, but the war will be won by the superior minds and hearts.

Nonetheless, it certainly hasn’t been all somberness and Gene Kranz impressions. Merrymen have recently received mission ribbons for participating in the liberation of Middle Earth against The Black Riders and the liberation of Former United States against the Cat Burglars, as depicted below:

We also had defenses in DFI, Those IRC guys, Land Of Evil Oppression and Voxia as well a good dozen other regions that someone has *shockingly* not tabulated. Besides that, there's been detags, detags and more detags – as we motion to restore regions from the incoming flood of spam. Also congratulations to Ravania for breaking his old record for most restoration missions at one update by the same lead (in recorded history), amounting to a grand total of twenty detags, you sick but loveable bastard you.

Ravania, the unofficial “minor update” lieutenant and steward of restoration, has been recognized for his contributions this month with a “Chief’s Award”.  A shout out is also deserved for Cormac Stark, who picked up our first “Newcomer of the Month” award ever, since it is, ironically, a newcomer award to our traditional selection of awards (“Triggerman of the Month” was discontinued). For further info regarding the Monthly Awards, look no further than here!

The other recipient of the Chief’s Award, Chief Lieutenant Solm has, as explained last update, been working on The Gameplay Alignment Test. As of now, The Test has just cracked 500 participants (whoohoo!).  There have been some fairly exciting new additions to the Celebrity Compass: just recently, for example, I tracked down Sir Paul, former NPO senator and tyrant of TNP (as “UPS Rail”), on the game-that-shall-not-be-named, who scored a modest result in around the pocket of "the usual suspects" (: Venerable Heroes of The Feeders),  as well, Westwind, former everything, who scored a humble statesman-like result (: Moderately Suspicious Moderate), Aegera and Luxembourg, former one-day tyrants rightfully positioned themselves solidly in Durkadurkiranistan territory (: Saints of the Order of Freedom! Hail!), RedCommunist, Founder of USSR and former NPO senator, edged towards the “Blue” (: Comrade-With-Excusable-Insensibilities) , The Bruce, Founder of Wysteria and renowned historian was caught having lunch with several hard-core defenders  (: Defender-Scum-Knows-Best-State), in addition to Reploid Productions (: Hero Mod) butting heads with former mod colleague, Erastide (: Card-Carrying Ex-Mod of the Vast Defender-Wing Conspiracy). *coughs and clears his throat* Hhhm, my apologies, I appear to be coughing up devil's advocates like fiery fur-balls. I'm sure I'll have an update on this, since some exciting names are lining up to take to test like Dilber, Former ADN Deputy Director and Unlimited, Former Pacifican Delegate.

Respondents for The Gameplay Alignment Test as of now.

<Astograth> nssport represent
<Zwangzug> high-five.
<Astograth> o/
<Zwangzug> \o

Yes indeed! NS-Sports Represent! Heh. I know of at least one new NS-Sports colleague of theirs, Weatherdon has joined the staff this week. Daiteikoku Nippon, Caecuser, South Kings, Vespeucia, The Ferrol Land, Jetan, Shmana, Carcassonne, PrussianEmpire, The Great Mid-North and Interania have also join the Greenwood Band this week, many of these fine chaps have already been in battle and demonstrating considerable skill. Also, we welcome the return of Tim-Opolis to our ranks. Tim-Opolis, the current Vice Delegate of The North Pacific has been seen around the Sherwood Forest, grumbling about troop discipline – so much so in fact that I have promoted him to Vice Chief of Orientation to help train the newcomers to defenderdom.

And who will be supervising Tim? Why none other than Mewsland himself! Recently receiving a promotion, the “Admiral” has got some big plans for revitalizing our orientation and training system. ABK, our former Chief of Orientation, has been reassigned as the Principal Librarian of The Naivetry Reference Library to pursue his passion for Gameplay History. Yeah, that’s right, The Naivetry Reference Library. Named after Naivetry, beloved defender, politician and scholar; The Naivetry Reference Library seeks to archive important documents, articles, essays, legal texts and other materials of historical value that can inform the public on the history of NationStates Gameplay -- especially Military and Political Gameplay.

It just has some basic documents so far, but over the next little while I hope to develop it at lot.

Also, as a note, congratulations to Johz and Cormac Stark on their passage of the Senior Merryman Exam and their subsequent promotions to Senior Merrymen. Excellent work from both of you!

Finally, your Moment of Zen:

<Phonencia> UDL actually stands for Unibot Does Lots


So in about a week’s time, The Greenwood Band is going to be running some training operations and we’re going to split members off into two teams. Currently, the names, “Red Squadron” and “Blue Squadron” don’t exactly tickle my imagination. Therefore, if you have any suggestions for “team” names, please post them in this thread.

Next update, we will announce the “winning” submissions and we'll also recognize the embassy that had the most participants in this contest.