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Author Topic: A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- Nov 01 2012  (Read 1155 times)

Offline Unibot

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A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- Nov 01 2012
« on: November 01, 2012, 05:49:38 AM »

A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate of The United Defenders League,

I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!

A week ago, Earth22 casually stopped by my place to help me carve pumpkins for this great holiday.  Earth had a different version of the excursion however. Nonetheless, Earthie and I figured the proper way to celebrate Halloween is with all of you; so we set out to carve a UDL pumpkin and a Unibotian pumpkin – don’t be fooled, the professional looking UDL pumpkin is largely the work of my amazing Aunt.

Incredible, aren’t they? Heh. The United Defenders League was also on the prowl for candy in its celebration of Halloween. We visited twenty regions that had approved us beforehand for a visit; the Greenwood Band happily begged for candy during the event. Highlights included Vlaanderen giving us Flemish Beer, A Mean Old Man dishing out LSD-laced candies in The East Pacific and Astarial dressing as Sheldon the Dinosaur for her *cccccuuuuuttttee* costume. My only lasting regret is we didn’t get to visit The Rejected Realm to ask for more Kandy.

Fine, that was corny. But if you actually do want more Kandy, he’ll be back to NationStates to do a seminar with Naivetry during the 2012 NS World Fair – and so will many other NationStates scholars and celebrities (e.g., Westwind, Todd McCloud, Myself). This is my shameless plug for the event, but The United Defenders League will be attending the Fair and managing an organizational venue. I hope to see you there too.

Quote from: Lt. Ravania on Detags
<Ravania> In 1914, defenders from all over the world came to Flanders and stopped the German tag-raid at Ypres.
<Ravania> It took them 4 years to detag
<Tim> xD
<ABK> lol
<Aliandra> lol
<Zwangzug> lol
<Earth> baha

Quote from: Halcones
Holy smoke! Just look at those detags! What an effort by the defenders! – Halcones

Ah yes, detags, the smell of glorious detags is the air. Don’t you love it, Ravania and Halcones? Hhhm. I think I heard between the UDL and the FRA, we detagged (which means we restored them from raider spam) forty-two regions, yesterday morning alone. Great work guys, at this point I couldn’t hazardous a guess as to how many restoration missions you’ve pulled off as of late. Hhhm, but something is missing from our usual proud collection of successe. Johz? What are we missing!?

Quote from: Sr. Merryman Johz
<Johz> And are the sole reason for my defending.
<Johz> I mean, let's face it, f*** the natives...  >.>

Well, that’s a erm…blunt way of putting it, to say the least. I don’t agree with your conclusions or your assumptions, but um… well, I suppose I could mention that The United Defenders League has indeed handed out badges recently for their victories in New Spain and Christmas (badges depicted above), as well as having some strong liberation efforts in Ether and Halo. But I dunno, something still feels missing, perhaps it’s the lack of …

Quote from: Cf. Lt. Solm and Sr. Merryman Riemstagrad
<@Solm> Riemst!
<@Solm> Fix the lag
<+Riemstagrad> o/
* +Riemstagrad fixes the lag

There we go, the lack of Solm and Riemstagrad (who is also celebrating his recent acquisition of “UDL”, the nation). Heh. No, I meant the lack of fighting the lagging server as The United Defenders League defends regions against invasions!  We’ve defended a lot of regions in the past two weeks, especially from the Black Riders, such as The NationStates Holocaust Memorial   (who invades a Holocaust Memorial!?), Iraq,  Gorolandia, The Court of UNAF, Boghanistan, The Fabulous Dominion of the Pegasus, Sumer, The Ottawa Collective, League of Righteousness, Melonesia, GM Motel, United Freelands, Undertow, Comintern, Score Hero, Aaiam, Tequila, Byonds Ragtag Group of Fools, Mount Olympus, Melonesia, Imperial Federation, Tzardom of Kazakhstan, Nukeland, Democratica, League of Righteousness, Phoebe, Beta Quadrant, Jordia, Cackalackey and Tzardom of Kazakhstan among others that I have not logged. Anyways, I think that about covers the brunt of our military victories from the past two weeks, it’s been fairly prolific, maybe even a bit exhausting.

These successes had a lot to do with the work from Earth and Tim-Opolis, who we here at the Greenwood Band have decided to promote to the ranks of Lieutenant because of their excellent service. I wish them well in their endeavors in the League, being a leader in our ranks is by no means a simple task. But I know these two are up to the task. This announcement comes on the coat-tails of Belschaft’s promotion to the rank of “Guardian” with his general semi-retirement from Gameplay; Belschaft has been a great and honorable friend to us all in The United Defenders League and I happily have placed his quiver in our Hall of Honour among the greats who have serviced the good alongside us.

The Monthly Awards also set out to recognize the incredible work of our great defenders. Akimonad scored the Newcomer of the Month award (the first roleplayer to do this), Johz picked up the Detagger Award once again and a surprise recipient of the Chief's Award was chosen, among various other recipients during October's Award Ceremonies.

Quote from: Cf. Lt. Solm
<Solm> You’re a press secretary, Cormac.
<Solm> We can't let you see the good stuff
<Solm> Because then you would have to lie in your presses

Oh yes, how could I forget! The other recent appointment was Cormac Stark, who has been given the position of Press Secretary. As the head of the Press Secretary Office, Cormac will be helping to carve out The United Defenders League’s general message presented to the press and the public abroad – much like carving a pumpkin, but my Aunt was not available for this job so Cormac will have to suffice (I’m sure he will!). Also, Cormac has just returned from his honeymoon with his new and very happy wife, Aliandra Stark, our Chief of Orientation. It was a great wedding and a lot of fun, I hope those two have a long and uninterrupted marriage (you cannot Cease-To-Exist; I need you both on the battle-field.)

Um, Movie-Night is making a come-back! On Nov. 3rd. 8 PM EST, we will be watching one of the Peter Pan films; we haven’t yet decided which one is the best. Um, but you’re welcome to join us at #udl on Espernet (IRC) when we open our regular military channel up to the public for your viewing pleasures.

Some last notes to wrap things up,

Today in history, nothing significant happened, but tomorrow night is the seventh anniversary of “The Core” ‘s coup of The West Pacific and only four days later, Lazarus was invaded by Evil Wolf, with support from various raider groups included Lone Wolves United and The Black Hawks.

Weird facts that you may not have known, on May 18, 2004, Warzone Sandbox and Warzone Airspace were created –first– out of the Warzones (Sandbox was first). Crazygirl became the delegate of Warzone Sandbox and Ostendt, in Warzone Airspace. The other warzones were added on May 20, 2004. Warzone Australia was first taken by Tresville and the North Pacific Army, Warzone Asia was first taken by Ceaser Caslte (ancient invader group). No idea what happened in Warzone Europe or Africa.

So for the Moments of Zen; I went for a nap one day – the *one* time I go to sleep for once and I woke up after an hour or so with the forum having been changed to announce the new leader of the United Defenders League: Mahaj.

<Mahaj> point is
<Mahaj> It says I'm in charge
<Cormac> A new direction for UDL: "Go liberate Dharma. Night!"
<Solm> Orders, CoB?
<Mahaj> not now
<Unibot> Can I stay on as a Merryman?
<Mahaj> Unibot
<Mahaj> I have a special position for you
<Mahaj> I call it the Chief of Printing

*shudders* Not to be out done,

<Earth> we have a doable liberation at minor
<mid-north> .r doable
<FriarTuck> mid-north: http://www.nationstates.net/region=doable
<Tim> ...
<Tim> mid-north
<Earth> ...
<Tim> ...