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Author Topic: A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- Mar 19 2012  (Read 1086 times)

Offline Unibot

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A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- Mar 19 2012
« on: March 20, 2012, 06:26:31 AM »

A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate of the United Defenders League,

The 2012 Defender Awards, that we told you about last time, just announced its winners. The United Defenders League is very honoured to pick up the Defender Group of the Year Award and The Newcomer of the Year Award (which we shared with our merryman, Ravania). Also, congratulations to our Chief of Intelligence, Eluvatar for winning the Dipes Award for his contributions to the field of intelligence. We as a group would like to thank all the voters, native communities across NationStates, our mothers, alarm clocks, Max Barry, caffeine, Max Berry, the F5 key and The Founderless Regions Alliance for hosting the Awards ceremony. *music plays* Hey wait, I’m not done with the update! How rude, hmphf.

As for internally, The United Defenders League has been busy getting the Great Recruitment Council off the ground.  The guys and I have been putting our heads together to find new and exciting ways to improve recruitment; I don’t think any of them are legal *sniggers* but hypothetically they’d be pretty neat. Well, to start things off, you can now find our telegram advertisements sandwiched in between a couple of raider group telegrams when you create a new nation and view its telegram box – but it’s a start! Thank you to Solm, one of our beloved merryman, for putting together the auto-recruiter script; we’ve generally strayed away from recruiting fresh newbies but we’ve decided it’s time to end that! To improve our effectiveness we’ve got some wacky ideas that might blow some minds when they’re released, but to start off with, we’ve compensated for the lack of annoyingness (because we’ve used less bold tags) by adding animated arrows that non-subtly point you to the message that will change your life!!

In addition to recruitment, The United Defenders League now includes a legal department. Our newly established Judge Advocate General's Corps, currently managed by Agamemnon, will provide legal counsel for our defenders and staff or others in cases we deem as falling under the umbrella of “cases that the UDL is interested in”. Defenders, like police officers in real life, tend to go to court a lot, so I think this service could be of mighty use. The legal department will also be consulted in interpretations of regional law when stuff happens that requires legal consultation. For example:

<Mahaj> Oh noz.
<St. George> Is that illegal in The North Pacific?
<Unibot>… *glances at the legal code… the constitution… the bill of rights…* Um… this could take a bit to figure out; they’ve codified their region flag!?!?!
<Agamemnon> It’s illegal under c.8 of their Bill of Rights and c.11… but c.11 applies to everything.
<Unibot> Ah thank violet!

That was a simulated conversation by the way; St. George doesn’t actually care about breaking rules (kidding!).

In our military operations, we’ve had a great week or two. We defeated the Black Riders and co. in Liberal Haven, which meant we had to endow our soldiers with some pretty badges:

St. George, Carta, Zwangzug and our new-ish member, Nullarni get hugs and chocolate cake for being the only four to attend both attempts to liberate A Liberal Haven (the second attempt was successful, the first was close… but lacking in cigars). We also had some great defenses against The Black Hawks and the Black Riders, like in the United Lands of Catalystia, Kingdom of Ireland, District 10, Western Europe, Frozen wastes of Ralarii, The Youngworld,  Together In Isolation and The Great Green Federation. There was also a sneaky raid in Deutschland which we caught and stopped before it could progress.

I recently re-created the German team from the infamous Monty Python skit, Philosopher’s Football Match, which can be found in the 1972 Munich Olympics. Which means you may occasionally see some philosophers kicking raider butt around NationStates from now on. Highlights thus far include Team Captain, Georg “Nobby” Hegel demonstrating his ‘Master-Slave dialectic’ against The Black Riders in the defense of “The Great Green Federation” and Franz Beckenbauer defending “Together In Isolation” from TBH and DEN:

@Goobergunch> Seconds ago: The Republic of Franz Beckenbauer became regional WA Delegate.
<+Saugeais> Beck!@
<IG> Very nice
<Wibblefeet> congrats
<@Goobergunch> defense successful

Speaking of sports, The United Defenders League is pleased to sponsor the Tournament of the Golden Arrow, a roleplayed archery event in NS-Sports which is being organized by Zwangzug and I. It’s our way of giving back to the community that’s been *so* helpful and contributive to the defender cause. You know, when I was first starting up the UDL, people were particularly critical of my choice to include roleplayers into our staff, but it always seemed like the natural thing to do: they were always online and many of them were very nice. I’m really glad I kept  with it – nowadays our roleplayers are some of the most distinguished and experienced members and the UDL enjoys a multicultural element that I don’t think exists in many other organizations in NationStates. I will circulate the dates and links for the Tournament when they’re up shortly; nonetheless, the Tournament is open to all!

In other news, as was explained earlier, at the end of the month will we be handing out awards to our merrymen and merrywoman. These awards are our organization’s monthly awards in the same manner as other defender organizations do. Details on the awards can be found here. Also, if you’re interested, Nullarni has written an interesting essay on our oath and has brought up some very interesting observations.

Our Movie-Night will take place on...the one... the only… APRIL FOOLS DAY: NationStates’s consistently funniest day of the year. No word on if any shenanigans will be played on people.

Your Moment of Zen is in two parts,

First, on a particularly boring night, Goober spotted something!

<@Goobergunch> Seconds ago: The Guiding Light of Francos Spain replaced the Supreme Bunnyness of Krulltopia as regional delegate.
<@Mahaj> WUT

And then from a discussion on Francos Spain, the conversation quickly deteriorated,

<+Astro> Like replacing every seventh word with "penis"?
<+Wied> The seventh word in that sentence is penis...
<+Astro> Oh, I didn't even notice. rofl.
<@Eluvatar> lol
<@Mahaj> lol
<@Goobergunch> I prefer replacing every word over five letters with "penis"
<@Mahaj> why, so only raiders will be saying things other than 'penis' ?
<@Goobergunch> It forces people to compose statements with brevity
<+Astro> You just wrote "It penis penis to penis penis with penis."
<+Astro> We are so puerile. I mean penis.

May Justice Never Be Abandoned,