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Author Topic: A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- July 1 2012  (Read 1261 times)

Offline Unibot

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A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- July 1 2012
« on: July 02, 2012, 02:51:40 AM »

A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate of The United Defenders League,

To whom it may concern: from one proud Canuck to another, Happy Canada Day!

Heh. Now what’s happened this past week? Well, we’ve gotten some great new members that I think we’re going to really enjoy having on our team. Welcome Vibhor O'Connor, from the United Kingdom! In addition to Callisdrun, long-time roleplayer, The Aurora Confederacy, beloved roleplayer from Global Economics and Trade, Meowfoundland, our newest merrycat, Dukopolious, Ellorn, Hawk Watcher,  Funkadelia from Taijitu, Auralia, well-known WA author, and last but not least, Prince Windsor from the North Pacific.

We also have welcomed back Topid to our band of merrymen – I guess he just couldn’t resist those tights! In addition to Topid, we also said hello to our newest Judge Advocate, Hyanygo, who is fully qualified, having served as Europeia’s Attorney General, to represent our staff in legal disputes and provide other legal services when the need arises. Lastly, we welcomed Jenrak to our Greenwood Band last week; Jen has already been out defending and helped us successfully liberate The Galaxy just last week!

Speaking of liberating, wow has the United Defenders League been busy! We had three successful liberations in the past few days; we liberated Gargantuan from Democratium Cyber Warfare Units (DCWU) and The New Inquisition; in addition to liberating The Galaxy from Nazi Europe and Zoo from The Black Angels.  We also have to thank our allies, The North Pacific Army, The Founderless Regions Alliance and The Royal Defence Force of United Kingdom for helping us liberate these regions and support these missions. A big shout out also goes to Ten Thousand Islands Treaty Organization (TITO) for helping us defend Zoo from a counter-liberation attack by a group of unidentified raiders (saw The Black Hawks,  The New Inquisition, The Black Riders there), who tried and failed last night to take back Zoo from the native community.

Those who took part in the missions received these military ribbons (from left to right, Gargantuan, The Galaxy, Zoo):

What’s next on the agenda to discuss? Eh.. oh! The Monthly Awards have been released in The United Defenders League. Some repeat-winners included Riemstagrad for Triggerman of the Month and ABK for Recruiter of the Month, whilst Mahaj ran away with the Chief’s Award for his leadership shown during the unfortunately, unsuccessful refound of Concosia.

It was unfortunate that were unable to successful refound Concosia; nonetheless, in response to our liberation and attempted refound of Concosia, The New Inquisition has *finally* declared war with us. Like a distinctive growth of silver hair or the aging of fine wine, we accept this inevitable new stage of maturity as a defender organization with honour and grace.

Furthermore, the incident inspired me to commission the “Order of Danmark”, named after one of the natives of Concosia who bravely challenged the foreign occupation by The New Inquisition in their region. Members of the Order of Danmark shall be recognized in our Hall of Honour and shall receive this customary award:

Members of The Order of Danmark are natives of regions that have been threatened by foreign occupation. Natives are awarded this distinction by The United Defenders League for inspirational courage and resilience in the face of oppression. You can find a list of the first recipients of The Order of Danmark here.

Some final stuff on the agenda to discuss: Grays Harbour and Lochinver have be officially sworn in as our first, Master Craftsmans as apart of The United Defenders League’s new Artist’s Guild. Grays is a famous image-maker whose historical work includes the early mission ribbons used by the Texas Defense Forces. Nowadays he's now known more for his creation of stationary and currency images in Factbooks and National Information, in addition to being a beloved National Sovereignist in the WA General Assembly. Lochinver is a well-established image-maker in Global Economics and Trade who designed the format for Lyran Arms and Metix Digital’s storefronts; an incredible talent in the field of headers and miscellaneous image design which is on display in his storefront.  We wish them the best of luck! The Artist’s Guild will be completing image requests for defenders, which may include flags for defender puppets, military ribbons, badges, seal and other assorted requests.

Also, Movie Night was a swashbuckling success (yarh!), with the crowd enjoying “Pirates of the Caribbean”.  Next week, on July 14 2012 8:00 EDT, The United Defenders League will be hosting a screening of “The Dark Knight” in its IRC channel for Movie Night – all are welcome; this will hopefully prepare all those Bat-junkies for the Dark Knight Rises coming out the week after that.

Well I think that just covers about everything I wanted to cover this week, erm, defences, awards, TNI, artists and Batman. Yep.

Here’s your Moment of Zen:

<+Almaniania> Is there a udl.org, udl.net, udl.xxx, udl.com, udl.net?
<+Astrolinium> udl.xxx would be amazing.
<+Astrolinium> "Watch Unibot liberate Wordy with his large switcher for just $9.99/mo"
<Unibot> hhhhhhmmmm.
<@Milo> udl needs to start doing evony-esque ad campaigns, obv.
<@Milo> "Come and liberate, m'lord!"

May Justice Never Be Abandoned,