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Author Topic: A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- Jan 20 2013  (Read 1043 times)

Offline Unibot

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  • Posts: 55
A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- Jan 20 2013
« on: January 21, 2013, 05:14:41 AM »

Happy (belated) New Years, everybody. The United Defenders League's New Year resolution is to be bigger, better and more resilient than the year previous.

It’s been some time since our last update. As I said, I was away for a week or so, then we spent the rest of this week preparing The United Defenders League for its annual reboot – with a darker backstory, a Hans Zimmer soundtrack and ninjas, I would say we’re well prepared for the coming year. Kidding of course, Hans Zimmer wasn’t available, but we will be approaching our organization’s administration differently this year. The message I will be conveying to our Chiefs of Staff is this list of priorities:

First, we need to continue our recruitment efforts by spreading the message of the defender cause, but likewise, we need to change minds. Recruitment, in years previous, was a more dependable process because the defender ethos pitched a compelling argument and, subsequently, a larger tent.  This requires a more robust communications program. Instead of having an individual Press Secretary, our Press Secretary will now be a NationStates account which can be used to post many different articles on certain subjects from approved commentators.

Second, we need to innovate technologically – conduct studies to optimize timing. Ultimately, what works for invaders, will not work for us. We’re constrained by larger troop selections which cannot perform the same maneuvers; therefore we need to tailor our timing system to fit what we do and how we do it. But likewise, we need to innovate in how we think about defenderism. Defenderism isn’t some distant or contained ideology within a sphere of other ideologies, it’s an understanding of liberty, freedom and peace that has roots in many political ideologies (i.e., Liberal Democratic thought, Christian thought, Libertarian thought) on the political “left” and “right”.  This has major implications for our foreign affairs – our natural allies are those regions who are already comfortable with being ideological.

Since the fall of the Red Liberty Alliance, the moderate left has often been overlooked; with our new foreign affairs attaché, Eggy216 (who some may recognize from Social Liberal Union where he serves as Minister of Foreign Affairs), I hope we can convey a new spirited message of commonality. Our values of self-determination, liberty and freedom of speech are their values. Likewise, I am happy to expand our base of foreign affairs attachés to include: Synaxis (delegate of the defender-catholic region, Coalition of Catholic States), Ognjen Ahmadinejad (a strong voice against invader oppression in the Muslim community of NationStates, who is also serving as the delegate of Islamic Republic of Iran) and Afforess (more known as Capitalist Paradise’s Secretary of Interior and Forums). These appointments reflect some major developments for defenderism in the Christian, Islamic and Libertarian communities, where we also share values of peace, bellum iustum and the just acquisition of property. 

Innovation requires creativity, drawing connections and paying close attention to developing trends for emerging demographics.  As a first step, I have created an entirely new discussion thread for The United Defenders League to begin the New Year.

Alright, enough of this blathering. What have we been doing here besides talking? Well we just had a very successful liberation last night in RORMs. The community of Region of Reunited Muslim States moved to RORMs to flee the destruction of their original region at the hands of The Black Riders, now The Black Riders were back to finish “the job”. But The United Defenders League with the help of The South Pacific Army, Right to Life Army, Coalition of Catholic States, Medjai Guard, The Founderless Regions Alliance and The North Pacific Army, was able to liberate RORMs in a decisive 30-22 victory.  RORMs is “ever grateful,” explained Johor, the native delegate, “to its powerful and loyal allies. Thank you, liberators”. You are welcome, Johor.  All participating soldiers will receive the following military ribbon:

Additionally, The Greenwood Band was involved with support missions in The Pacific and United Kingdom, where we helped neutralize threats to regional security.

* Neavilos showers Luna with fun.
<Jormengand> Hmm. Uni said that I should go here to talk to, and I quote, "The gang." Some gang right here. :p
* Luna sighs
<Luna> I am tough
<Luna> Like any gang member
<Luna> GRRR!

<DeCole> So, what do i have to do now? :)
<Unibot> Decole, you apply for membership here: Kantrias
<Unibot> Erk
<Unibot> No
<Unibot> Copy/Paste ERROR
<Tim> D:
<Tim> Bad UNIBOT
<Earth> XD
<Earth> BAHAH
* Tim troutslaps Unibot for this :P
<Unibot> http://s4.zetaboards.com/UDL/topic/8778084/1/ < this is where you apply, DeCole
<Tim> ^yes :D
<Tim> there
<Prussia> xD
<Prussia> There we go

Ah yes, the joys of recruitment. As I said, we’re looking to expand and we’ve welcomed a lot of new members in the past week to The United Defenders League.  Welcome to Democratic Republic of United Koryo, Imbrinium, Andarium,SCONN,Nationalist Eminral Republic,Arcomo,Jormengand and DeCole. Additionally, we’re welcoming back Belschaft this week, who has decided to rejoin us.  Likewise, we are just in the process of greeting A Mean Old Man to The United Defenders League. A Mean Old Man has a respected history in the intelligence field, since he was the one who led the investigation that eventually identified Frak (a couper) as Haxstree, a member of The South Pacific. Others may know A Mean Old Man for his distinguished delegate service in The East Pacific or his career in The World Assembly, where he was eventually commended. A Mean Old Man has taken on the role of Chief of Intelligence for our organization and will be working with his newly appointed Vice Chief of Intelligence, Lieutenant Mahaj. In additional news, we have announced that Lieutenant Cormac Stark has ascended to the Hall of Honour in recognition of his past service and furthermore, Strawberrry Fields has received the Order of Danmarkland for his fortitude in the face of Hippiedom's continued occupation.

<Unibot> I want to hug Mahaj until he's blue
<Mahaj> oh well in my culture being blue is one step closer to godliness

Hmmm, Culture. It is my esteemed pleasure to announce the formation of the Chieftaincy of Culture which Lieutenant Earth (aka Lyanna Stark) will be leading. Culture is often an unappreciated focus in NationStates, but it’s probably one of the more vital ones in all actuality and I’m pleased to have someone so experienced in the field leading the task. You can expect more events like the Christmas events to take place in the near future.

Speaking of Earth and Christmas. Guess what Earth got me for Christmas?? EEK. Look at it in all of its glory:

You could say this is me ending the Update on a high note.

Okay, I’m done writing. Love you all. Here’s your Moment of Zen:

<Asta> I went digging through logs for Earth's quote about driving her sister's vagina
<Asta> and searching "vagina" pulled up *way* too many false positives to use
<Asta> :|
<Asta> We... may have an obsession >_>