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Author Topic: A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- Dec 25 2012  (Read 1280 times)

Offline Unibot

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A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- Dec 25 2012
« on: December 26, 2012, 05:10:09 AM »

A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate of The United Defenders League,


Jingle Bells, Jakker Smells, Detag every day. Oh, what fun it is to have applied, endorse and dossier!  HEY! Hehe, oh the holidays, how I love you. It’s been very merry indeed in the Sherwood Forest. We’re just wrapping up our series of cultural events. The fun started last week when we ran our “Secret Santa” event; a lot of thought was put into the gifts and it was great to see that participants had went out of their way to make their gift something special.

My gift to our Press Secretary, Cormac Stark, started things off since I surprised him with a wrapped “Lieutenant” badge – say hello to our newest Lieutenant, Cormac Stark! Cormac has been diligently working as both a Senior Merryman and as our Press Secretary for months; this promotion was long overdue and I am glad that I may have, just maybe, caught him off guard with the presentation of the promotion.

Quote from: Lieutenant Cormac reacting to his present
<Cormac> OMFG

Heh, but alas my present still didn’t steal the show, in regards to Secret Santa, although I tried. A lot of presents were nations (or defender “switchers” as well call them), but some thought out of the box a bit more. Flowering Staplers presented St. George with a poem, Zwangzug presented Tim with a dialogue written by herself between talking chess pieces as well as an illustration of the story, Ravania got Hodori  (a car-enthusiast) a late-updating region named Cars for him to stash his defender puppets  with a really purdy World Factbook Entry, Hodori did his own really impressive illustration as a present for Ravania and Earth made Johz a festive flag. However, I think Chief Lieutenant Solm really went all out with his present for Senior Merrywoman Astarial – a special modification to NationStates that altered the site in unexpected places to tell Astarial just how special she is. She seemed to be *cough* happy with this present.

Quote from: Merry Christmas Asta
* @Unibot hangs up mistletoe above Solmie and Asta
* @Asta pounces Solmy and kisses him thoroughly

Nonetheless, we did other events to celebrate the Holidays too.

Quote from: Senior Merryman Soviet Canuckistan with Lieutenant Tim on Movie Night
<Soviet_Canuckistan> did I miss pirated movie night?
<Tim> SovCan, yup
<Soviet_Canuckistan> darn

Yes, you missed Movie Night, you silly duck. But a lot of people did not! Regulars, in great numbers, showed up for this monthly tradition. We were also blessed with the presence of Communist Quinntopia of NS Weekly and Evil Wolf, who was just pleasantly surprised we didn’t ban him like usual. Movie Nights are special cultural events: we open #udl, our military communication channel, to the public and watch a film together. This Christmas, merrymen and merrywomen chose to watch “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”, I think, in an attempt to see how many of its memorable dialogue that I and Lieutenant Tim could recount verbatim.

Quote from: Merryman Bazalonia is imbued with the Christmas spirit
<Unibot> We're caroling, Baza. :)
<Bazalonia> Good king winc whatever his name was looked down
<Bazalonia> on the feast of steven
* @Zwangzug will parody that next, Bazalonia, just for you :D
* +Bazalonia feels special
* +Bazalonia cancels the stab Zwangzug appointment he had placed in his diary

Quote from: Avakael on Caroling
* Avakael has joined #udl
<Avakael> oh
<Avakael> CAROLING
<Avakael> f**k that
* Avakael has left #udl

Falla la la la, la la la. Indeed. The United Defenders League also was out caroling on Christmas Eve to various regions across NationStates that permitted our caroling. Carolers used Christmas-themed puppets and were advised not to make any references that could be construed as recruitment. We visited many regions, but two of them stick out in my mind. We caroled in The New Inquisition, I suppose as a holiday break from the hostilities and additionally, we got the opportunity to carol in The South Pacific just at the precise moment that the region elected their new delegate, Milograd. Some may remember Milograd from when he served as the Chief Lieutenant of The United Defenders League; nowadays however, he holds the ceremonial title of Guardian with the Greenwood Band. I am certain that Milograd is up to the task of leading the region and will do well as delegate; likewise, I am also glad to hear that The United Defenders League could be of some service to The South Pacific to aid in a safe delegate-transition over Christmas Eve. With Milograd taking the reins as The South Pacific delegate, we’ve had the pleasure of welcoming their former delegate, Hileville, back to The United Defenders League. As I said in his application, Hileville served his region well and, I know from past experience, he will serve native rights with just as much passion. We’re happy to have him back on the team.

It hasn’t just been fun cultural events though, we’ve been working around NationStates. Two of the more unusual missions would be Texas and Christmas. A few days, NewTexas, delegate of Texas, accidently resigned himself from the World Assembly due to a new “issue” that has an option which can remove players from The World Assembly – the full drama unfolds here; I’d advise any delegates or players concerned about their endorsement count to educate themselves about the issue because it sounds like it is staying. Fortunately, one of our members, Douria, spotted the accidental resignation and quickly called troops in to support NewTexas before he lost his record of 8 years 87 days as delegate. Furthermore, we have an ongoing mission in Christmas, since we’re protecting the region, at the request of natives, from possible trouble-makers. Generally speaking, at this time of the year, Christmas has been raided, so we’re happy to start a new tradition for the region.

Otherwise, the past week or so has been –quieter–, in regards to raider activity, but we have had some important missions.

Quote from: Lieutenant Cormac on Lieutenant Tim
<Cormac> I just realized the awesome potential for "Damn it Tim" jokes based on Dr. McCoy's "Damn it Jim" lines from the original Star Trek. This has been your sci-fi nerd moment of the day.

Yes, dammit Tim. If it wasn’t for you and your keen sense of timing, I wouldn’t have to keep handing out military ribbons to our soldiers for successful liberations. The United Defenders League has had a series of successful liberations over the past few weeks, first in Transylvania and Italy, to free those regions from The Cat Burglars. Then we also stopped The Red Fleet from occupying and passwording Comintern without native approval. Additionally, we got a rare opportunity to work with some new organizations, The Right to Life Army and the Coalition of Catholic States, to liberate “RORMs” from occupation by ILLUINATI. ILLUINATI had instructed natives through RORMs’ World Factbook Entry : "To all natives of the region RORMS, [we] invite you to join ISIS and work for the largest and most effective intelligence and sabotage agency in the NS world." I guess, you could say that we invited them to a can of whoop-ass.

Those who participated in said missions received the following Military Ribbons:

(From left to right: Transylvania, Comintern, Italy and RORMS)

Alrighty, so it’s at this point I should admit that I won’t be around much this week since I’m going on vacation with Lieutenant Earth *coughs*, off-duty of course. I am afraid you’ll have to wait for a week more than usual for your bi-weekly embassy update. Nonetheless, I’ve instructed my officers to hold the fort down when I am gone and established a chain of command from Chief Lieutenant Solm to Lieutenant Ravania and then Lieutenant Sovreignry. I may or may not have given my lieutenants a comprehensive set of objectives and reminders to guide them while I am away *chuckles*. Nonetheless, tomorrow, after I fly out tonight to meet with Lieutenant Earth, The United Defenders League is going to organize an intimate little Skype chat between any of our members who want to talk with one another – should be a lot of fun.

Stay safe everybody and I hope everyone had a great Christmas. Here’s your Moment of Zens:

Quote from: Moment of Zen
<Waga> also if you can change my mask to militia, I put up my application yesterday and need to see the training manual
* Tim slaps Solm around a bit with a large trout
<Solm> What!?
<Solm> Wat!?
<Solm> Something happenign!?
<Tim> Waga
<Tim> Masking
<Tim> Militia
<Solm> WHERE!?
<Solm> oh
<Solm> WAGA!
<Solm> Crazily masked
<Solm> Waga has been
<Waga> thanks solm!
<Earth> what?!
<Tim> what?
<Tim> What happened Erf!
<Earth> ?

Quote from: Moment of Zen
<Earth> I am not driving my sister's vagina!