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Author Topic: A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- Aug 17 2012  (Read 2265 times)

Offline Unibot

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A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- Aug 17 2012
« on: August 17, 2012, 05:07:04 AM »

A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate of The United Defenders League,

It’s been a quieter week as merrymen take time off to continue their vacations and summer activities – speaking of which I’ve returned from my vacation that was mentioned last update. Another special Kodiak moment from that trip:

Unibot standing beside some random dude in sunglasses in Sherwood, PEI.

Nonetheless, the Greenwood Band has been active this past week or so, striking liberations in Confederation of Democratic Socialists against Greater German Reich, Bevanawayanastan against United Sector of Aardvarks, Dragonarius against The Empire of Friendship and a recent liberation in East America. There were also defences in Great White Brotherhood against Pwnzoria as well as Ether, Roma Union and Ponsatomy against Libertatem. I know the group also helped out the North Pacific Army in Goauld System Lords and helped the Founderless Regions Alliance restore Fidelia.

In addition to that, our new guys have gotten some experience in some practice liberations in Warzone Asia and Warzone Sandbox.

So yes, a quiet week, or as the lieutenants put it: Hey Ravania, is everything under control?

<@Ravania> Solm, How's everything? Well, everything is under control :p

Well, apparently it is under control! The United Defenders League is also happy to welcome Biyah, a legend in the field of intelligence, back to the Greenwood Band. In addition to roleplay stars, Crystal Spires and The Fanboyists; also Ajzland, Conclespia, Max empire, Apox, Atomosea, James Weismantle, Summermusic222, Fashiontopia and Kamany. So far in our recruitment challenge, I’ve been cleaning up, gaining my third recruitment star and two more away from the prestigious “sir” title – I can already taste the pageantry.
As for administrative news, I must promote the “Defender Tree” project, which seeks to map out which defender trained which defender – leading some ‘original’, ancient defenders to lead their own households (i.e., I am a fourth generation defender from the House of Ostendt). The project’s idea came about when I followed my own lineage through Whamabama, former head of the dissolved E-Army, to Westwind, former ADN Deputy-Director and Equilism co-founder and finally to Ostendt, Founder of the ArméeBelge/BelgischLeger (ABBL) and the E-Army. I had some great chats with all of them about the past and felt a bit more connected with the history of defending, which raised some interest among other defenders to do the same. Kogvuron is running the project, so contact him if you’re interested in participating.

We’ve already gotten some very interesting posts about defending history from Free4All, a legendary retired defender, Nastic, former TNP delegate who called in TNP to help defend The Heartland during its historic invasion and Mendanau, co-founder of the ADN.

In addition to the Defender Tree Project; The United Defenders League is also sponsoring NS Weather – a program coded by Solm and designed by me. NS Weather predicts weather for cities in NationStates and generates these reports in a static and stable image link that can be hosted on any forum for roleplay purposes etc. I hope you enjoy it!

Also, there’s a funny thread where merrymen have decided on pictures to personify different members of the group; like, Solm being depicted as a cute Golden Retriever or Mahaj, smiling mahajmellows etc.

If you’re wondering, Movie Night will occur Sunday, August 19th 2012 at 8:00 PM EDT – we’ll be watching “Dr. Strangelove” and all are invited to join us at #udl to do so.

Some final stuff to cover: (i) you might have watched the Olympics intently, but you probably didn’t follow the recent NationStates Summer Olympics as much – The UDL is very proud of all of the merrymen and merrywomen who performed admirably, some of whom (I count twelve), even were gold medalists! Congratulations; (ii) we’re happily observing the drafting of “Commend Yohannes” and “Commend Topid” – Yohannes is being proposed for commendation for her great service to the roleplayer community and Topid, the Security Council community, but we know them as both super nice defenders, (iii) a shout goes out to Haven, whose community is bouncing back from a major invasion a year ago – Haven is historically regarded as one of the greatest NationStates roleplayer regions of all time.

Yes, I know you’ve been waiting for it, here’s your Moments of Zen:
[--after a few fruitless minutes of trying to recruit Cleverbot to the UDL--]

Unibot: Why don't you want to join the UDL?
Cleverbot: When you have a nightmare don't tell it to anyone.
Unibot: Aww are you scared of joining the UDL?
Cleverbot: Nope.
Unibot: Cleverbot.. are you a raider?
Cleverbot: Yes.
Unibot: Godammit, I can't believe they got to you first before me.
Cleverbot: Why can't you believe me?
Unibot: Because you're a raider. :p
Cleverbot: What are you?
Unibot: I'm a defender.
Cleverbot: What position?
Unibot: I'm the head of the organization. Are you sure you don't want to be a defender?
Cleverbot: Yes I am sure I don't want to talk about it.
Unibot: Goddammit, I bet you grief like a motherf**cker.
Cleverbot: Yes I do.
Unibot: What about all the native communities?
Cleverbot: They're all going to crash and burn.

<Abbey> That cat was only about 4 months old when she got pregnant
<Umbra> o-o
<Veladio> haha
<Umbra> that's pretty fast.
<Veladio> new mtv show
<Veladio> kitten moms

Offline McMasterdonia

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Re: A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- Aug 17 2012
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2012, 05:10:22 AM »
Ur a towel