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Author Topic: A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- Aug 1 2012  (Read 1630 times)

Offline Unibot

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A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- Aug 1 2012
« on: August 01, 2012, 03:57:11 AM »

A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate of The United Defenders League,

A relatively quiet week admittedly since much of our staff has been away on vacations and holidays during the summer lull – I myself type this letter to you from erm *looks at the road signs* Boxboro, Massachusetts.

In Boston, I had a particularly fun get-together with Earth22 (also known as Lyanna Stark), Pharaoh of Osiris; Eluvatar, Chief of Intelligence of the United Defenders League and Delegate of the North Pacific; Evil Wolf (also known as “Blue Wolf”), Former Khan of the Lone Wolves United and infamous trouble-maker; Gulliver, speaker of the North Pacific; and R3naissanc3r, Royal Penguin and renowned member of The New Inquisition and Land of Kings and Emperors among many other regions. Some highlights included Eluvatar practicing his reconnaissance skills and sneaking up on Earth and I on the train-platform (GODDAMIT ELU!), contemplating pushing Evil Wolf off a cliff to improve UDL-TITO relations (deep down inside, you know I love you, EW :P) and handing out UDL T-Shirts to Earth and Eluvatar (but *not* R3naissanc3r because we came to the conclusion that would count as treason with The New Inquisition unless he burnt the shirt as an effigy).  A big shout out to Eluvatar for planning the day – it was incredibly fun and I think we all enjoyed it a lot, I know I did.

Four out of five of us from the get-together.

A UDL T-Shirt

What’s a UDL T-Shirt, you ask? I had shirts made in the UDL colours and customized with our insignia and have steadily been delivering them to some of our senior members. I know Senior Merryman Quadrimmina was the first to receive his shirt in the mail and called himself a “happy customer”.  Nonetheless, I didn’t think anyone outside of the organization would want a shirt for the UDL, but if you do, telegram Unibot II about it and we’ll talk about options.

Anyways, in administrative news: congratulations to Mewsland on his appointment as Vice Chief of Orientation – I had heard quite a bit about his training abilities and patience and we felt it was time to make it official. As Vice Chief of Orientation, Mewsland will be busy! The Chieftaincy of Orientation announced on July 27 that there is a new “Certificate of Merit” to recognize defenders who have received basic training in the field of defending. All senior merrymen and officers have had their certificate, rubber-stamped; but from now on, one’s first few weeks in the Greenwood Band will involve demonstrating to the Chieftaincy of Orientation that one knows the basics!

Furthermore, the Chieftaincy of Orientation will be very busy with all the new prospective recruits that will be flooding in with the new recruitment program. It’s been announced that for every four recruits that a member gets to join, said member gets a star – if a member gets five stars, they will be recognized with the Order of the Golden Arrow as a Knight to be addressed by “Sir” or “Dame”. I am gunning to be the first member of the Order, I recruited enough for my first star a few nights ago but Belschaft is slowly catching up to me from the rear!

On that note, The United Defenders League welcomes back the always lovely, Earth22 (also known as Lyanna Stark) to the Greenwood Band after she amusingly rejoined with  my forum account by accident (I had been using her computer) – thus starting off a funny dialogue on the forums. The League also happily welcomes Abbey Anumia, Mesoland and Astarial, as well as Subject X7,  Zarkenis Ultima, The Drone Empire, Tehraan, Discoveria, Bajireyn, Westfolde, The United Kingdom of Poland, Kritarchy Kolumbes, Zaras, Belhorizon, Embassy Lords and Mertado!

Likewise, we’re very honoured to welcome The Freestates, The Western Reaches and Imagey Nation (who was commended by the Security Council for his renowned “If you want a seal or logo” thread) to The United Defenders League’s Artist Guild which has been a smashing success thus far – I know of several private image requests that have been satisfied by the Guild and I’ve recently signed off on a project by image-making rockstars, The Western Reaches and Lochinver to improve the design of the forum – I’m excited to see the results. To get a feel for The Western Reaches’s work, I’d take a look at the incredible poster he made for The United Defenders League recently.

UDL Master Craftsman, Lochinver takes matters into his own hand when a troll joins #udl.
* General_Tyler was kicked by Unibot (BYE!)
<+AdmiralMew|Karma> Thank you, Unibot
<@Unibot> That was for his own security.
<@Unibot> Not ours :P
<+Lochinver> we were about to make him use MS Paint
<@Unibot> Oh gawd

As for military successes, it’s been a slow week but I know there was a successful defense in African Union and liberations in The Alliance of Ogrefasz, Great White Brotherhood, The Plain of Scamander, The Islamic Republic of Iran, Actiunedon, The Dominion of Satan and a liberation in done with the Royal British Isles Navy in New Confederacy of Sovereign Nations. Also, the Post-Liberation mission in Zoo is *finally* over, since the password has been changed as per native wishes to keep the region in “lockdown” – we wish the native community well there!

Bribery at its finest.
<@Unibot> Also you guys should know..
<@Unibot> If you get this one
<@Unibot> You get a military ribbon
<@Unibot> :P
<@Unibot> So everybody stay up!
<Nullarni> Ribbons! Huzzah!
<+Astrolinium> But, Uni... I don't have enough hair to put in /another/ ribbon. :P
<+Nationstatelandsville> Can I show this ribbon to children and scream "F*** YOU, BRATS, I WAS IN A WAR!"

Some final stuff to bring up,

The Monthly Awards for The United Defenders League are up! Congratulations to the recipients of the awards.

And lastly, The United Defenders League says farewell to Milograd on his “indefinite sabbatical” from NationStates. Milograd, former Chief Lieutenant and our institution’s Guardian, has touched all of us in the Greenwood Band with his innocent, heart-warming demeanor and his dark humor – he will be greatly missed.

In honour of Milograd, your Moment of Zen is:

<@Milograd> Jaywalking should be a capital crime
<@Milograd> Just to show those people who think they can get away with it.
<@Mahaj> lol
<+Jenrak> The world will be derived of photogenic white women, Milograd.
<+Jenrak> You will plunge the planet into a darker era.
<@Milograd> Truly.

« Last Edit: August 01, 2012, 03:58:55 AM by Unibot »