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News: Let us make the whole region resound with the song of We Are The Happiest People in NationStates.

Author Topic: A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- April 5, 2012  (Read 1015 times)

Offline Unibot

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A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- April 5, 2012
« on: April 06, 2012, 03:04:20 AM »

A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate of the United Defenders League,

Wow, lot’s to talk about! So at the beginning of the week we had our April Fools Day… or shall I say, I misguidedly thought that reinventing the Alliance Defense Network would be a good idea. Pope Hope was doing her best to sell the idea but by the evening that night, just a wave of pure *nostalgia* washed over me for my quiver full of arrows, hearty laughs and green tights. By gawd did I miss our forum and my band of merrymen and merrywomen, but it was fun being ADN for a day. For those of you who missed the April Fools joke, you can visit our now public archives and you’ll see the whole event is archived including the cold, blue steel and glass skin that represented the ADN Reborn oh so perfectly.

Some highlights included: (1) Pope Hope’s first and hopefully not her last post on our forum where she officially declared martial law dissolved the Alliance Defense Network Reborn, (2) The North Pacific joining the ADN Reborn and simultaneously declaring war on us as a part of the Empire, (3) Biyah being masked as an “Undesirable” for his part in the Empire’s takeover of Osiris, The North Pacific and The Rejected Realms  -- some of the jabs back and forth between Biyah and I may have been a little *too* fun, (4) JAL (aka Durk) having respect on our boards for one whole day as our media advisor instead of his usual, “Village Idiot” masking (although I still think the Village Idiot has a vital role to play in the modern rural society).

Several UDL members, although not in the UDL capacity were enjoying the NationStates’ wide April Fools day event.  Earth (as “Lyanna Stark”), our Chief of Orientation and Eluvatar, our Chief of Intelligence were having a fun time planning the revolution against Max Barry. Eventually of course, the NationStates community won over the heart of Max Barry before April Fools day ended. Although one player believed that the IPO scam was just a Unibotian plot all along to teach peace and socialism to the masses via demonstration:

<+Riemstagrad> it's all just one big conspiracy of Unibot!
<@Ballotonia> Yes, yes it is! (what is?)
<+Riemstagrad> i mean... look at the IPO  pie-chart!
<+Riemstagrad> it is Unibot's flag

And it continues…

Anyways the only scheme going on was the cultivation of good feelings in regards to the power of the NationStates Community to collectively overcome individual selfishness that was detrimental for the whole (sound familiar) and with that mischievous cultivation came some new members for The United Defenders League like Almaniania, Laysley, Wyominger, Lumierea,  Wrightstates and Phillippanoa! Muahahahahaha

Outside of the IPO, we’ve had some other great members join the League this month like Lackadaisical2 and Nationstatelandsville from NationStates General; Demphor,  Mewsland, Goldsaver, Danatha, Winland, Hjornis ; Greater Evil Imperial Japanese Dystopia  and The Black Plains straight from the warmongering of International Incidents; Thatius and Audioslavia from NS-Sports; Astrolinium and Sovreignry from the WA Community; John Pressman from the United Kingdom, Cassitopia from the South Pacific, Aleksotopia from the North Pacific, Fireeliand from Canada, Lords Flail from the West Pacific. Whoo… that was a mouthful, welcome to the UDL, guys! At least the Grand Recruitment Council has been a smashing success – oh and congratulations to Parhe who finally remembered to post his pledge to complete his application to the UDL… only a few months later. :P

In addition to those new members, Gauntleted Fist, a long-time Generalite and member of Lazarus has joined our band of merrymen this month and we’ve bestowed him the title of “Vice Chief of Feeder Affairs”. Our Chieftaincy of Feeder Affairs is tasked with the duty of helping to provide a voice to our institution for the feeders and sinkers on issues specific to Game-Created Regions and we thought, who better to do that than a long-time resident of a sinker, eh? But of course, Gauntleted Fist is fairly new to these gameplay politics so we’ve appointed probably one of the most experienced people on the matter that I could get to helm the Chieftaincy and replace the always sharp, Neo Kervoskia – congratulations to Goobergunchia on his appointment as our Chief of Feeder  Affairs! Good luck to both of you! Feel free to say hello to the new Chieftaincy at their public office.

These appointments of course come on the heels with the apology in the South Pacific for my unethical conduct; by lobbying a treaty in the South Pacific to people that happened also to be my soldiers, I broke a serious ethical relationship between professionals. We’ve proposed some policies to hopefully prevent this behavior in the future and draw some clear ethical lines to follow, although our initial draft has been vetoed from complaints from other feeder governments, since it became apparent it would have caused problems elsewhere.  We’ll keep you updated on the newest drafts in the future.

This past month we’ve been cleaning up on defences; with some help from TITO, we were able to defend Former United States in a crushing 10-3 victory, defended  The YoungWorld for the second time this month and had a *shut-out* on the last major update of March. Raiders were unable to capture anything that night, overwhelmed by defenders in various regions. Good job team!

Let’s see, what’s next, oh yeah, so we’re at war with LKE now. Here’s the UDL statement in response. Um... yeah… right, moving on, nothing more really to say here…

Anyways. We’ve just recently handed out the *new* Monthly Awards for our merrymen – the recipients were decided by the lieutenants. Ravania picked up “Detagger of the Month”, North Wiedna ran away with “Conservationalist of the Month”, Danny causally strolled from the proceedings with a “Spotter of the Month” award in his hands,  Zwangzug strutted her stuff to pick up the “Liberator of the Month” and Fischstan stole the show with the “Most Defences of the Month” award. Carta was also awarded the Chief’s Award  for overcoming great tribulations to be all that he can be and for his dutiful address to the diplomatic incident in the South Pacific that carefully balanced his role as Chief Lieutenant and his citizenship in said region. Each recipient was awarded an aquamarine gemstone in honour of the month of March:

Hhhhmmm purdy.

Okay and last but not least. Movie Night is this Saturday, April 7. 21:00 EST. The movie is “The Life of Brian”, our apologies in advance in areas of Wales included the townships of Biggletoftwick, Knobbiewardinewhimper and Nantstrathchurch, Oxfordshire where the film is still unfortunately prohibted – but for everyone else, Movie Night is open for all!! Raider, Defender, Generalite, Roleplayer, NSer, Non-NSer, Pope Hope, Not Pope Hope, NS-Sporter … whatever, come on out.

<@Mahaj> unibot rarely puts the best quote into the update
<+Blaat> because the best ones happen when he's not there

Ahhh… sooo much pressure….

Here is your Moment of Zen:
<@UNIBOSS> Lacky, I hope we've made a good first impression. :D
<@UNIBOSS> We'll train you sometime later unless you want to be trained now.
<+Parhe> trained?
<+Lacky> You're all silly.
<+Parhe> We must be trained?
<+Libby> What's wrong?
<@UNIBOSS> Yep Parhe. :(
* @Goobergunch puts a silly hat on Lacky's head
<+Parhe> I can sit and fetch already
<@Mahaj> we must all be toilet trained
* +Blaat pees in the channel.

May Justice Never Be Abandoned,