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Author Topic: A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- Apr 17 2012  (Read 1354 times)

Offline Unibot

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A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- Apr 17 2012
« on: April 18, 2012, 12:37:13 AM »

A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate of the United Defenders League,

The United Defenders League liberated ITALIA from The Black Hawks last week in what has to be one of the smoothest liberations in a long time. It all started at about 2 AM on Thursday when I decided that we would try to liberate ITALIA in twenty-three hours, as opposed to doing it on Saturday – which was a move I didn’t think the Black Hawks would anticipate because Friday night is generally a night chockfull of raids and defences. So I pulled an all-nighter and started telegramming and recruiting members for “Operation Little Stalingrad” and fortunately, we had a really good turnout; something along the lines of thirty merrymen showed up to help out ITALIA and eat some Hawk. We pretended not to have very many members online to defend, so I defended (and defended Federalist Europe Alliance from a raid by myself! MUHAHAA) and the staff prepared everyone for the liberation. By the time, the liberation came around; the Black Hawks lead hadn’t bothered to watch update and we liberated ITALIA, 41-31.  All the soldiers that took part in the liberation have been awarded this pretty military ribbon:

Other than that, it’s been quite slow for defending as of late, because raiders have been piling again, but we had a close, close loss to the Black Riders in Pacific (13-12) recently and a successful liberation in Western Africa earlier last week. We also just had a successful liberation in Hong Kong against a bunch of stooges calling themselves the "Royal Canadian Air Force" and endeavoring to “refound” founderless regions against their consent to bring security to them – they just leave the part out about them being the eternal and all-powerful founders of the region forever and ever after and other important details. It was a personal pleasure of mine as a real-life Canadian to liberate the region.

A lot of this past week has been full of drama.

First, our Judge Advocate General's Corps saw its first bit of action; Agamemnon, Judge Advocate with the United Defenders League has been sent to Democrats to represent South Boston Irishmen in court against several charges which are partially related to South Boston Irishmen’s work with The United Defenders League. I like to make sure that our members have access to justice when they’re being accused of things related to defending, so I’m glad we’re helping to defend South Boston Irishmen in his time of need for legal aid.

The second stint of drama came this past week when there was some heated dialogue exchanged between the Arch-Chancellor of the Founderless Regions Alliance and I in regards to the politicization of our organization. As I said in a public statement available here, I would quite like to move on and endeavor for better relations between defender organizations and more solidarity between what are essentially team-mates in the fight for justice. I guess as easy as it is for us to find common ground, the stress of our positions and duties pushes us towards in-fighting, not to mention that the defender organizations that stand today are the result of years of conflict between defenders and the social delineation of various groups. To do our part for the cause of defender solidarity, we’ve restored TITO’s viewing privileges on our private military forum and wish them the best.

To recap some administrative news: we’re very pleased to have established an embassy with ITALIA following their liberation; now even our Italian friends can receive our “Lettere dal Capobanda”! On a similar note, I’ve also taken the time to update our Embassy Row to include shiny regional flags for all our embassies – it looks purdy, you might enjoy that. If there’s a flag or emblem that needs correcting, please tell me and I’ll get on it.


The Tournament of the Golden Arrow; a roleplayed archery event that I told you about earlier will be kicking off at the end of this week. If you want to attend you need to sign up here before Sunday, April 22. There’s also a quiz that goes along with the tournament which influences your scores in the event – the more you know about NS-Sports, NS Gameplay and The United Defenders League, the better you’ll do in the tournament!

Finally, a shout out to Stargate for securing their region;  I hear they’re working on a constitution and elections now, which is awesome – a great example for all founderless regions; doing their best to develop their region even after years of being raided.

Your Moment of Zen, brought to you by Carta’s telegram box:

<@Carta> The Anglophile of Earth22 (1 year 43 days ago) Hey! My name is Earth, and I'm from Europeia, one of the largest, most active and most prestigious regions in NationStates. I'd like to personally invite you to join our region.
<@Carta> <_<
<@Carta> old puppets lolz
<@Mahaj> yeah
<@Carta> LOL
<@Carta>  bold skywalker (1 year 73 days ago) sorry- raiding mission want to join up?
<@Carta> i forgot that i tried out raiding once
<@Carta> before i became a rper
<@Mahaj> lol
Oh my! How things change in a year!

Question for the embassy: do you have any funny telegrams you’d like to share? :P

May Justice Never Be Abandoned,