News: Play forum games in an offensive way, like those of the anti-junta resistance!
Total Members Voted: 2
Voting closed: March 12, 2007, 12:48:38 AM
Repeal "UN Biological Weapons Ban"A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution Category: Repeal Resolution: #113 Proposed by: KarmicariaDescription: UN Resolution #113: UN Biological Weapons Ban (Category: Global Disarmament; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.Argument: The United Nations;RECONGNIZING the intent of UNR#113 "UN Biological Weapons Ban";NOTING that UNR #113 includes such things as the common cold and flu, but does not include non-contagious infectious agents such as anthrax, which enables nations to exploit this oversight and develop biological weapons using such non-contagious infectious agents;CONCERNED that giving control of all biological research facilities to the military within member nations is excessive and would come at a great cost to the nations civil liberties and economies;DISTURBED that the resolution severely hinders legitimate research of countermeasures to biological attack;BELIEVING that the united nations can find better ways to convince non-member nations to refrain from using biological weapons through more diplomatic means than by severing and refusing alliances with them;HEREBY repeals UN Resolution #113 "UN Biological Weapons Ban", in order to make room for more comprehensive legislation.
UN Biological Weapons BanA resolution to slash worldwide military spending. Category: Global Disarmament Strength: Strong Proposed by: ReformentiaDescription: NOTING bioweapons are an unpredictable and dangerous weapon to ALL parties in a conflict, combatant and non-combatant alike.DECLARING “bioweapons” are contagious biological viruses, bacteria or microbes with the effect of harming, incapacitating, or killing a person upon infection. Alternately, "vaccines" are neutralized forms of bioweapons individually administered to a voluntary subject to stimulate immune response to those bioweapons, and which pose a negligible (less than 0.5%) chance of causing injury beyond the required immune response or death.DECLARING a "virus" to be a microscopic infective agent with DNA or RNA guiding its actions.CONVINCED the possession or use of such bioweapons by any UN or NON UN member nation presents an unacceptable risk to the safety of all nations and are unnecessary to national defense.TAKING NOTE of the need for nations to develop effective defenses against such bioweapons.HEREBY RESOLVES:1. The possession, production, trafficking or use (either directly or through proxy) of bioweapons as defined by this resolution is forbidden to all UN member nations.2. Exception is made to Article 1 for trace amounts of no more than 250mg of any bioweapons required for the purpose of counter-agent research. Such trace amounts it is the responsibility of any nation researching them to keep secured against risk of any infection to anyone. They are to be so secured within a multi-tier (minimum of 2 tier) quarantined building in that nation, and kept under the highest of that nation’s military security.3. In any circumstances not covered by Article 2: Any bioweapon proscribed as described in this resolution which at any time is in the possession of a member nation or known to be in the possession of its citizenry must be immediately and completely destroyed through a method which incorporates all possible safeguards against any release of the agent.4. Though being infected is not illegal, if a proscribed agent is present in an infected individual they must undergo immediate isolation and treatment.5. UN member nations are proscribed from military partnerships of any kind with any nation known to be using, trafficking, producing or in possession of bioweapons which are proscribed as described by this resolution.STRONGLY URGES:6. UN member nations to employ trade sanctions or incentives as they see fit to any nation known to be using, trafficking, producing or in possession of bioweapons which are proscribed as described by this resolution, in any circumstances where the application of such sanctions or incentives would represent an effective means to having that nation abandon such bioweapons.7. UN member nations issue a formal statement of intent that in the event that a nation/nations employs bioweapons against a UN member nation, forces will be committed to the defense of that member nation, and/or reprisals upon the offending nation/nations. The terms and conditions of such a statement to be left to the discretion of each individual member nation.Votes For: 8,557Votes Against: 6,382Implemented: Sat Jul 23 2005