Some of the arguments floating around seem to be, "Well banning it doesn't stop it." Erm, well that may be true, yet it's impossible to totally stop anything, so I don't really see... how that one holds up. I took a look at the UN Forums because I'm bored in a small town with 2 months to waste

LoL, and aside from all the futile "we stand for whaling because we like barbeques" arguments, they were against it because a ban wouldn't stop it, and it would make it harder to control.
Well, I beg to differ! Cocaine is illegal, and people go through illegal measures to get it. Murder is illegal, and people go through illegal means to do it anyway. However, I don't see how this correlates with banning whales. There are only... so many "dirty" ways to hunt a whale, and being out on a boat in the middle of an ocean is a totally different scenario. If you ban whaling, it's not going to magically become a dirty underground business along the lines of a drug trade. It just won't. Poachers exist now, and poachers will exist afterwards, yet a ban on whaling should help the whale population because it's much easier to manage than a drug trade. Sure, the oceans are huge, yet if a ban is placed on it, I don't anticipate a sudden rush of boats to the open waters to hunt whales with some sort of sneak attack. I just don't. Laws taken towards helping sustain the panda population have
helped, and not harmed: this is an appropriate example to look at. And unless NS has developed a miraculous new way to poach whales, the techniques aren't exactly the most humane.
And as for the arguments that, "My people need whale products..." give me a break.
I'm not entirely sure what I was trying to prove there... I hope it's "decipherable"