News: Let's promote the adoption of the Revolutionary Calendar to advance the scientific timekeeping of the region!
Total Members Voted: 5
The Resolution At Vote The following resolution is being debated by the UN. If it passes, it will immediately take effect in all UN member nations. Protection of Historical SitesA resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts. Category: Education and Creativity Area of Effect: Cultural Heritage Proposed by: Lapis HeavenDescription: The United Nations,AWARE of the importance of historical sites for the international community and future generations;NOTING that history isn't only a national subject, but of international concern;BELIEVING that keeping history alive therefore is without doubt worth being handled by the United Nations;DECIDES to protect historical sites of importanceTherefore:§1 DEFINES a 'historical site' asa. building (including fountains, aqueducts and structures to similar purpose)b. remainsc. excavationd. grave/tomb ore. cult sitewith historical means to a specific nation or folk as well as to the international community.§2 ESTABLISHES the 'List of UN-protected Historical Sites' containing all historical sites, that are of supraregional importance, because they are/werea. a masterpiece of human creationb. a major watershed in architecture, technology, urban development or landscapingc. a unique or at least rare evidence of a contemporary or lost civilizationd. an outstanding example of an architectural, technical or scenic type, that emblematize one or more important episode(s) in history of humanitye. an outstanding example of traditional human housing schemes or land/sea utilization, which is typical for one or more cultures orf. connected directly or at least distinguishable with events, traditional ways of life, ideas, credos, artistic or literary acts of exceptional universal meaning.§3 ESTABLISHES the 'United Nations Committee for Protection of Historical Sites' (UNCPH) as board of twelve independent members, elected by UN.§4 MANDATES the UNCPH to keep the 'List of UN-protected Historical Sites' (see §2) updated ex officio and publish it in print and online via database. Each member state per application as well as 10% of the population of a member state per petition can request a change (admission or deletion) of the list. The UN hereby forbids any other change of the list.§5 ENACTS that every item of the 'List of UN-protected Historical Sites' (see §2) must not be destroyed or changed in substance, except for restoration or faithful reproduction above remains, if they maintain the originality and meaning of the item. Primarily the reason for being on the list (see §2) must be conserved.§6 ALLOWS member nations to diverge from §5 in times of war, if a opposing belligerent has taken position within or near an item on the 'List of UN-protected Historical Sites' (see §2) and maintaining the item would be of strategic disadvantage, as long as they minimize damage to the item as far as possible. Any damage will be reviewed by UNCPH after the conflict has ended and possible sanctions will be determined.§7 RECOMMENDS member nations to maintain other national historical sites as well in order to keep the memory of regional and supraregional history alive.Authored by Damned PoPer
*points and laughs*