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Nuclear ResponsibilityA resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry. Category: Environmental Industry Affected: Uranium Mining Proposed by: Love and esterelDescription: -A- FULLY AWARE of potential nuclear risks to populations and our environment, on both national and international levels, such as radiation and radioactivity,-B- DESIRING to reduce the risks related to nuclear threats and accidents,-C- RESPECTING the choice of members to possess a nuclear deterrent arsenal,-D- ALARMED by the amount of nuclear armaments of some nations exceeding their deterrent need,-E- CONVINCED that in order to reduce these risks related to nuclear energy and weaponry, best practices and safety and security measures must be implemented and populations must be kept well informed:-1- STRONGLY URGES all members to limit or reduce their nuclear arsenal in order to not exceed a reasonable deterrent force;-2- CHARGES the Nuclear Energy Research Commission (NERC) created by resolution 154 to ESTABLISH the “UN Nuclear Accidents and Incidents Scale” (UNNAIS) defining a 7 level gradation of nuclear incidents and accidents, related measurement procedures and adequate needed responses (where 1 indicates an on-site anomaly without contamination, and 7: a breakdown of a reactor with widespread contamination);-3- REQUIRES that, for each area or activity maintaining or using nuclear material which might pose a risk of a UNNAIS accident at level 4 or above, an accident control plan shall be developed and maintained by national and local administrations, in coordination with neighbour nations. At a minimum, this plan shall address, wherever as appropriate, with an emergency and/or long term approach: containment, evacuation, medical response, site security and environmental response;-4- MANDATES that, for any accident at UNNAIS level 4 or above, the public in the potentially affected area shall immediately be informed of (i) the occurrence of the incident, (ii) the amount and nature of the health risk posed, and (iii) appropriate protective measures to be taken while avoiding potential panic situations and false alarms;-5- MANDATES that records shall be maintained of all UNNAIS incident at level 1 or above, and shall be made available for examination by the public unless required to be classified in the interest of national security;-6- CHARGES the NERC with the following:-6.1- to make further strong safety recommendations for civil and military nuclear reactors, their facilities and the disposal and transportation of their related waste, including but not limited to:- redundancy and maximum years of operational life for critical systems,-control procedures and good practices,-accident behaviour containment,-confinement of reactors,-structure reliability in relation to, for example, fire, natural disasters and external attacks,-delivery of appropriate safety and decontamination equipment and medicines, and instruction, such as iodine pills to protect population from thyroid cancers,-6.2- to offer help to members in order to comply with this document along with desiring non-members and to offer training to their nuclear facilities personal,-6.3- to perform scheduled mandatory inspections of all civil nuclear reactors, their facilities and the disposal and transportation of their related waste, to release public report and to make related surety requirements, in accordance with this document,-7- MANDATES that any information gathered as a result of these inspections would only be used by NERC for the purposes outlined in the proposal.Co-authored by Sinaasappel