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Total Members Voted: 13
Continuity Of GovernmentA resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order. Category: Political Stability Strength: Mild Proposed by: YeldaDescription: The General Assembly of The United Nations,ALARMED by the possibility that war, terrorist acts and/or natural disasters could lead to the deaths of numerous UN member delegations;CONCERNED that widespread loss of these member delegations would lead to a disruption of the normal functioning of the United Nations;DETERMINED to ensure that the United Nations continues to function in the event of any man-made or natural disaster which results in the death or incapacitation of significant numbers of its member delegations;HEREBY enacts the following:1. All member nations will designate an official within their government who shall immediately have the authority to function as an acting UN ambassador in the event of the unexpected death, disappearance or incapacitation of the their permanent UN representative.2. All member nations will maintain a list of qualified individuals who would be immediately available to fill vacancies in critical positions on their UN delegations.3. All member nations will establish procedures to ensure that an acting UN delegation will be assembled in a timely manner.4. Acting delegations shall be vested with full authority to exercise their respective nations' UN powers and privileges until such time as a permanent delegation is appointed by their government.