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Author Topic: A Taijituan Proposal  (Read 528 times)

Offline PoD Gunner

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A Taijituan Proposal
« on: June 19, 2007, 08:28:28 AM »
I have noticed a proposal initiated by our very own member of Taijitu, and thought I'd bring it to your attention:

Committee for Pension Funds

A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Damisar

Description: The United Nations,

RECOGNIZING that those above retirement age are often unfit to earn a wage, either physically or mentally, and that without the ability to work, and with the absence of saved funds in lower-income jobs, living without a pension is impossible,

ACKNOWLEDGING that some nations may have the intention of giving all persons past retirement age a fair state-issued pension, but may be limited by budget constraints and/or a struggling economy,

PROPOSES to form the Committee for Pension Funds. The committee would subsidize state pensions in nations which require them. A nation wishing for the aid will have to apply to the committee, and the committee will reserve the right to conduct inspections in the nations that are successful in their applications, in order to ensure that the subsidies are being used appropriately.

The committee will have a maximum amount of funds that will come from a minimal contribution from all member UN states, amounting to no more than 0.450% of national GDP.

On another note, I have voted 'nay' against the current resolution at vote, For the Benefit of Artists, considering that it is void of any content and measure and operates with unclear and dangerous termini what cultural vitality is concerned. Also, most of the TG's I have received in NS have been against it.
I will be re-starting the debate of UN Resolutions in the forums, starting the 20th with the proposal to come.

EDIT: Up-date
Last UN Decision

The resolution "For the Benefit of Artists" was defeated 7,297 votes to 3,609.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2007, 07:31:41 PM by PoD Gunner »
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