To all other nations and their leaders:
I am Matthias Collier, High Chancellor of the recently instated Confederate Democratic Socialist Parliament of the states of Confederate Freedom. Only recently have we been able to fully restore stability and stifle all remaining inner conflict between the people and the few corrupt and elitist capitalist entities that were left; now that full peace and stability has been restored, the people of this Confederacy have petitioned the Parliament which, after many hours of council and debate, have taken confidence in my agreement with the people that the State must begin to look beyond its own borders, to other nations that may aid us, and that our State can give aid to, as the United Socialist States of Confederate Freedom, effective after a twenty-four hour period, finally emerges free from the former isolationist policies of our predecessor-government, the corrupted Confederate Republic (which has now been removed from power).
Our nation takes pride in a number of plentiful and useful resources, such as lumber, coal, cobalt, and copper ore. Our grain industries are also worthwhile, such as rye, wheat and hops. For decades now, the Confederacy has been mostly self-reliant, but in these modern times, any nation that wishes to prosper and reach its fullest and greatest potential MUST be involved in relations with other nations, such as trade, foreign aid, commerce and legal emigration. In a secondary selection of international relations, our nation takes pride in our military, which is always ready with a sufficient personnel, and enjoys advanced, modern equipment and excellent training; if the need for military aid is requested, the people are willing to allow the State to supply it in reasonable degrees, pending that the request is indeed justified.
As we also possess a small stretch of coastline on our northwestern border, our nation, and the few port cities it possesses, are in desperate need, causing an outcry for increased shipping of exports, imports, and marine travel. Advancements in marine technology is slow, and our navies (both commercial and military) is in need of an increased supply of fundings and personnel, as well as much-needed improvements in development of naval technology. The State is willing to engage in negotiations for the retrieval of such useful advancements, as well as the reciprocation required for such, as an advanced shipping industry and navy would be vital in the improvement of our nation's economy and security.
As High Chancellor of the Parliament, I give to you, the leaders of other great nations, the golden opportunity to better the conditions of living for your people and ours, as well as create alliances and international relationships that will only better secure the peace and prosperity of our nations.
I await any and all responses with trepidation.
Matthias Collier, High Chancellor of USSCF and Herald of the Confederate Democratic Socialists' Party.