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Author Topic: Council of the United Axis of Socialist States  (Read 17849 times)

Offline Union

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Re: Council of the United Axis of Socialist States
« Reply #180 on: August 16, 2007, 01:20:59 AM »
We have been notified that the Delfos government is concern about the treatment of Delfians in our country. Here are some data from the National Census that might provide some insight to your anxiety:

Page 47, Volume 5

Foreign Nationalities Demographic
Nationality: Delfian

# of Visitors (Current): 1143 registered visitors
# of Register Citizens (of former Delfian nationality): 11
# of Delfian Immigration applicants accepted (last year): 0

As you can see, the number of Delfian nationalities residing in our country is minor. I assure you that they will be protected equally under Loyalist law, like any other Loyalist citizen. If you have any further concerns, please don't hesitate to ask.

ooc: I have a really strict immigration policy, seeing how my nation is overpopulated.   
« Last Edit: August 16, 2007, 01:23:02 AM by People's Republic of Loyalist »
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Council of the United Axis of Socialist States
« Reply #181 on: August 16, 2007, 12:59:22 PM »
"Regarding the Delfian population in Chinese Loyalist Republic, they will be granted asylum in Saletsia if they want. And to the threat of a civil war, I am sure Saletsia - acknowledging our close relations - will help."
He turns his laptop on and shows it to the Delfian representative:
The Republic of Saletsia hereby declares the termination of its membership in the UASS. All Saletsian forces on UASS territory will be withdrawn immediately and we ask UASS forces to also withdraw from our territory at once.

President Barga

"As you can see, Saletsia now leaves the UASS. We, as well as you, see no advantages in such a treaty anymore. But it has disadvantages; a number of nations hold a grudge against the UASS and we are just making ourselves a target of hatred when we remain in this unprofitable union.

Though, we are no longer in this treaty, we would be very interested in bilateral talks with the New Delfian Government."

Offline Delfos

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Re: Council of the United Axis of Socialist States
« Reply #182 on: August 16, 2007, 02:53:15 PM »
Yuri: "Ah well...i will transmit your wishes to our Supreme Council and then they will contact you about any diplomatic talks. Farewell, was nice to have you here."

barman: "No one else in the room, will you stay in the UASS?"
Yuri: "It's not up to me, give me some vodka please."
barman: "Here, lemon and rocks."
Yuri: "Could you change this to a plastic cup, I'm going out..."
barman: "Sure, let me...ah here."
Yuri: "Thank you, we might not see each other again, so farewell."
barman: "Farewell."

Yuri walked outside where he was greeted by the doorman. "Hello, still here?"
doorman: "It's my job, sir."
Yuri: "I mean, don't you have anyone to take over?"
doorman: "No i don't, but i don't need one, with so much inactivity by the UASS council i can sleep here. The Guards help me with it."
Yuri: "I see, well, farewell."
doorman: "Good bye Mr. Papovish."

Offline Union

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Re: Council of the United Axis of Socialist States
« Reply #183 on: August 17, 2007, 01:18:46 AM »
As of today, The People's Republic of Loyalist officially withdraws itself from the UASS.
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Xyrael

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Re: Council of the United Axis of Socialist States
« Reply #184 on: August 25, 2007, 04:57:50 PM »

To: United Axis of Socialist States
From: The State of Xyrael

It is time for the UASS to leave Southern Ryazania. This declaration is an
official proclamation announcing the complete annexation of Southern Ryazania by the Eastian Triple
Alliance. You have 8 hours to withdraw all forces from Southern Ryazania. Reparations will be given
for the expenses required to do so. Should you choose to stay, you will be charged with Imperialism,
occupation and suppression of an Eastian state, and intent to harm State Infantry, and our forces will
use force to expel you. Leave now, or we will bury you forever.

I have become, again and again.

Offline Xyrael

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Re: Council of the United Axis of Socialist States
« Reply #185 on: August 25, 2007, 05:17:23 PM »

To: United Axis of Socialist States
From: The State of Xyrael

We have taken note that the UASS seeks to ally with rogue nuclear nations such as PRL.
As such we feel the UASS is a direct threat to global stability, and that the communists
seek to overthrow the very system which keeps our world together. The UFM seeks war with
the Eastian Triple Alliance without consulting the UASS first, and is deemed a rogue state.
As such, the State must react to both UFM, PRL, and the UASS which allows their continued

This is an announcement declaring that a state of war exists between the State of Xyrael
and the United Axis of Socialist States. You will disarm immediately, or you will be overthrown.
We will not watch the UASS destroy our way of life. We ask that members who do not wish to
engage in war with the State withdraw themselves from the UASS immediately, as it has become
clear that this alliance no longer stands for the principles it was founded upon.

I have become, again and again.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Council of the United Axis of Socialist States
« Reply #186 on: August 25, 2007, 06:07:34 PM »
From: United Axis of Socialist States
To: The State of Xyrael

Hello. I'm Yuri Papovish, you might remember me from the Ciatlan Conference. I've just arrived and i got shocked by your message.

We have taken note that the UASS seeks to ally with rogue nuclear nations such as PRL.
UASS only business for quite some time is to continue the plan for Utopia. Nothing else has been discussed. The only concern, if i may say, is the protection of Utopia and how to deal with it.

As such we feel the UASS is a direct threat to global stability, and that the communists
seek to overthrow the very system which keeps our world together.
That is funny, that might be true, but we haven't done anything...

The UFM seeks war with
the Eastian Triple Alliance without consulting the UASS first, and is deemed a rogue state.
As such, the State must react to both UFM, PRL, and the UASS which allows their continued
You judged right when said UFM took belligerent actions without consulting UASS, noting that none of this has been approved and you cannot condemn a just alliance for the irresponsible acts of a member that haven't even been present in our council for some time. Let me leave my word, we will toss UFM out for the mess he got UASS into. PRL is not a member of this axis for quite some time, so if that's all, i don't think you have an issue with UASS.

We have no war or quarrel with the Xyrael State, and we will not disarm. About troops in Southern Ryazania, Delfian soldiers are long gone, the only military presence is in Llanydern, our 'Aid of Boyenivish' is still there taking care of the wounded. If there is any other presence of UASS allied soldiers, they will be ordered by the council to step out. So take care and bury someone else, leave us alone, will you?

UASS ND Representative
Yuri Papovish

Yuri: "Hey, doorman, please take this message to the communications to be wired, I'm going in the council."
doorman: "Oh OK, I've nothing better to do."

Yuri entered the council room, quite empty except for delfian delegates. They were called to assist the take over by New Delfos...

Papovish: "I'm now the head of council of the United Axis of the Socialist States, lets begin with this session." *reads some papers* "Dispatch: Every allied UASS soldier must leave Southern Ryazania immediately. Either leave by your means or meet ND zone in Llanydern to be shipped back." *reads some more* "As new Head of Council, i start the voting to expel the Union of Free Men from the United Axis of the Socialist States for involving UASS into belligerent issues without even bringing it to the council. Vote now starts...who's in favor? 10, against? none, you two don't vote?"
"No sir, we don't have an opinion about it."
"Fair enough, 10 in favor, 2 abstains, the UFM is now expelled from UASS. This session is closed, come back tomorrow."

Offline Delfos

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Re: Council of the United Axis of Socialist States
« Reply #187 on: August 25, 2007, 06:10:17 PM »
From: United Axis of Socialist States
To: The State of Xyrael

The UASS Council has decided with absolute majority to cease the membership of the UFM from this Allied Axis. I hope the Xyrael State emends the statement. We await further notice.

Offline Xyrael

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Re: Council of the United Axis of Socialist States
« Reply #188 on: August 25, 2007, 10:29:20 PM »

To: United Axis of Socialist States
From: The State of Xyrael

The State of Xyrael hereby withdraws it's declaration of war in lieu of UFM expulsion. We request that UASS is present when PRL and UFM governments stand trial for high crimes against humanity, including but not limited to unwarranted use of nuclear force against civilian population centers, mass killings of the Loyalist people, mass killings of the Saletsian people, intent to commit genocide against the Saletsian people, intent to cause irreparable harm to Saletsian lands, and intent to cause irreparable environmental damage on a world-wide scale.

I have become, again and again.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Council of the United Axis of Socialist States
« Reply #189 on: August 26, 2007, 02:06:31 AM »
Speaking only for New Delfos and UASS Head Councilor, our committee will be present at such trial.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Council of the United Axis of Socialist States
« Reply #190 on: August 26, 2007, 08:41:06 PM »

design brought from New Delfos.

Yuri: "This is the proposal to award the soldiers present in Llanydern Border War before dissolving this axis. Shall i tell the men to start wasting the money left in this axis to produce the medals?"

Offline Xyrael

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Re: Council of the United Axis of Socialist States
« Reply #191 on: August 26, 2007, 09:31:16 PM »
ooc:  :clap:
I have become, again and again.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Council of the United Axis of Socialist States
« Reply #192 on: August 26, 2007, 10:17:23 PM »
Yuri: "Right, let's start shipping the medals to the units...here's the list."

Yuri Papovish gave away a document with folders filled with names and regiments, the tittles of the folders were:

New Delfos
Uichi Ryu

Millions of names! For example, New Delfos had more than 2 million, and Saletsia had 5 million alone, you can imagine.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Council of the United Axis of Socialist States
« Reply #193 on: August 26, 2007, 11:26:14 PM »
Yuri: "Alright, it is time to kiss goodbye this allied axis. The ideals will be followed, and all this secret folders will be moved to New Delfos, specially pointing those about Utopia. Any former member that wants access to this documents will have to ask permission to New Delfos. It was nice while it last, and it will leave a big and nice legacy. All issues and matters from modern property of UASS will be transfered to New Delfos, creating the XUASS Committee to carefully study the documents. This committee 1st job is to devolop a strategy for Utopia, probably a shared territory of Esperança and Saletsia-Minor."

everyone present (not that many) stood up and applauded the speech, the safe-boxes were opened, all important documents were classified as New Delfos property and all stored in a special modern safe-box, ready to be transported to New Delfos. All other documents were piled, took to the council building's kitchen and burnt down. Yuri Papovish presented the burning, and after all documents turned to ashes, they were took to the garden outside and buried.

Yuri: "This building no longed serves it's purpose, this afternoon, when this document here is returned to Confederate-Freedom government, this will become CF's property. The UASS is disbanded, go seek another job."

doorman: "Alright, plenty of jobs...it was great to serve here. Take care!"