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Author Topic: Confederate Freedom and Gallipoli-China  (Read 12724 times)

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Confederate Freedom and Gallipoli-China
« Reply #90 on: April 26, 2007, 04:53:22 PM »
Captain Nagach was alarmed by Viktor's statement.

"I too think it is time for us to formally announce the establishment of this treaty. I also propose we all conduct multinational military exercises or already create plans for the worst military scenarios...Right-wings states so close to us in the East forming such a military alliance means no good at all...We should try to ready ourselves for anything bad that is possible to happen....before it may become too late."

Offline Union

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Re: Confederate Freedom and Gallipoli-China
« Reply #91 on: April 27, 2007, 10:29:59 PM »
Text Message to Captain Nagach:

A representative of the DCL has boarded a plane at Badana, and would be arriving shortly. Arrange pickup for the man to the conference. His name is Ben Shin, District General of the Guandao. His flight time arrival is below.
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Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Confederate Freedom and Gallipoli-China
« Reply #92 on: April 28, 2007, 01:56:03 AM »
"Well, I'll go tell the guards to expect a new guest," said Viktor, rising from the table again.

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Offline Saletsia

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Re: Confederate Freedom and Gallipoli-China
« Reply #93 on: April 28, 2007, 11:49:59 AM »
"Thank you. Would you mind if I come t the airport and pick up our new guest?"

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Re: Confederate Freedom and Gallipoli-China
« Reply #94 on: April 28, 2007, 02:34:41 PM »
 The blaze of the airport's lights was a stunning aura against the background of the black night sky. General Ben Shin looks up, scanning the blackness,...it was strange feeling to see so few stars. He was told that light and industrial pollution in the large nations was the cause of this.

 He was in his formal wear, a western style military uniform of a grayish blue. His neatly combed black hair glim with a silky shine, a result of his recent purchase of imported "shampoo". On his belt, a sidearm holster slung on his right. Inside, it carried a small compact crossbow pistol, the common arm of the State Police. He was offer a firearm pistol by the Master Armorer back in Anyia before he left, but he declined it. Ben Shin has complete trust in his crossbow pistol, even if it did seem a bit old-fashion in modern eyes...
(click to show/hide)

 Ben Shin did not had time to check on the local law regarding personal weapons and he was reluctant to be unarmed in unfamiliar territory. The State's decision to send him as the conference representative was split second, they called him just this morning as he was shaving. Two hours later, he was at Anyia Rail Complex with his suitcase and a stack of papers hastily handed to him by a government official. During the train ride to Badana, he read the five page briefing report that was his only source of instruction. Such was the psyche of those serving the State, taught to analyze and assess instructions at a moment's haste, and complete the mission on time and on par.

 It began to rain, just as a black limousine pull up beside him. He nodded at his airport security escort. In the background, the buzz of highway traffic faded into the drumming of the rain...
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Talmann

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Re: Confederate Freedom and Gallipoli-China
« Reply #95 on: April 28, 2007, 07:26:25 PM »
A messenger came in: "Excuse me, Herald. A message for Herr Waldmann and perhaps Herr Beruff."
Klaus excused himself and went to read the note.

Klaus Waldmann,
Do not entangle Talstadt too greatly. Remember, we are interested in trade and the terrorists. Remind Herr Beruff of this as well. Also, there is a great debate within the Royalist Partei right now as to whether Talstadt should boost troops due to growing international tensions. They want your opinion and your presense might be enough to calm this debate.

Yours truly,
König Sam

Klaus beckoned Hans over to read the note, and sternly reminded his friend of their goals there. Then Klaus turned around and went back into the room. "I am sorry, my friends, I am limited here for only another day before I must return to Talstadt. I am anxious to hear the Herald's comments on the terrorist situation, and I am also wondering if I could get a signed document stating the trade restrictions, if any, between our two great nations."
Music is the key to the heart.

"Once art to me was something far off, unfathomable and unreachable... But I discovered that the real essence of art was not something high up and far off, it was right inside my ordinary daily self. If a musician wants to be a fine artist, he must first become a finer person. A work of art is the expression of a person's whole personality, sensibility, and ability." -Shinichi Suzuki

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Confederate Freedom and Gallipoli-China
« Reply #96 on: April 28, 2007, 09:14:30 PM »
Captain Nagach got out of the limousine that halted in front of General Ben Shin. Noticing his uniform and higher rank, Nagach automatically saluted and introduced himself: "Captain Nagach of the Saletsian armed forces. I assume, sir, you are the representative from the Dominion of Chinese Loyalist? Please do get in the limousine. It will take us to the conference hall."
Gen. Shin and Capt. Nagach boarder the vehicle and drove off headed to the conference hall.
Moments later they arrived and Captain Nagach again opened the door and escorted the Chinese Loyalist into the room.

"Gentlemen, may I introduce: Gen. Shin of the Chinese Loyalist State."

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Confederate Freedom and Gallipoli-China
« Reply #97 on: April 28, 2007, 09:17:42 PM »
"Welcome," said Viktor.  He was getting worried again; the LCF was looking like far too much of a threat to relax, at least while this alliance was still unformed.  Indicating the treaty, which was still on the table, he began pacing, wringing his hands.

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Re: Confederate Freedom and Gallipoli-China
« Reply #98 on: April 28, 2007, 11:00:09 PM »
"Please to meet each of you, I'm honor to be in the presence of greater nations." Ben Shin bow down before the assembly. "Please excuse my lateness and continue with your discussion, I am simply here to listen and assess. Nevertheless, my humble nation is prepare to join the alliance... as long as our friends the Saletsian do the same. Our course is that of theirs." Ben Shin is shown his seat, conveniently right beside the Saletsian representative. During the ride, there was little conversation between him and the Captain, but Nagach appear of good nature and trait. Now...on to business.
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Confederate Freedom and Gallipoli-China
« Reply #99 on: April 29, 2007, 12:18:42 AM »
"Ah, General Shin, I forgot to say Saletsia has alredy signed this treaty and is officialy a member now. We believe unity will be of benefit to all left-wing nations such as our two countries."

Offline Union

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Re: Confederate Freedom and Gallipoli-China
« Reply #100 on: April 29, 2007, 02:49:03 AM »
"Then in our best interest, we shall sign as well."
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Confederate Freedom and Gallipoli-China
« Reply #101 on: April 29, 2007, 03:25:09 AM »
"Well, General, I'll clue you in on the discussion we've been having," said Viktor, who had stopped pacing.  "Do you think we should announce the formation of this alliance?  This would allow us to do a few things, among them designate official representitives on the Axis Council, begin settling Utopia, invite other nations, such as Arasel and Jutensa to apply for positions, and to act as a unit.  I think we should announce it, and Captain Nagach agrees with me.  We just need the High Chancellor's opinion."

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Re: Confederate Freedom and Gallipoli-China
« Reply #102 on: April 29, 2007, 04:30:18 PM »
 A easy decision to make...the Chancellor has simply told him to follow the course of their Saletsian comrades.
"Then the Chancellor's interest would be to announce the existence of this treaty, as I said before, our course is that of Saletsia."

Perhaps a rash decision, but he did not have the luxury of telecommunications to discuss it with the Chancellor thousand of miles away. The papers were clear enough, there would be no more delay, he had to report back to Anyia as soon as possible. There was also that ceremonial visit to the Anyia 2nd Honour Militia in the morning he had to attend. 
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Delfos

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Re: Confederate Freedom and Gallipoli-China
« Reply #103 on: May 01, 2007, 01:21:39 PM »
(OOC: hehe learnt to do that, anyway im a bit lost about this, does this conference as an end? when will the sociallist union born? here comes my contribution to this RP!)

*starts to rain outside*

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Confederate Freedom and Gallipoli-China
« Reply #104 on: May 01, 2007, 02:31:28 PM »
OOC: we're still waiting for HC to respond...strange how our best RPers seem to disappear for some reason.

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