OOC: ä = alt 132 on qwerty keyboard, ö = alt 148, û (closest thing to u umlaut) = alt 150, ß = alt 225
IC: "Oh, yes, thank you. We are quite grateful that you offer such a selection. It is not often that I can have steak." said Klaus. "Now, you asked what Talstadt looks like?" He looked around, making sure everyone looked approving of his statement. The Herald's sister wasn't looking, she kept staring out the window. "I'll try to keep it brief. Most of Talstadt is hilly at best. In the East, nearest to here, we have mountians everywhere. It is hard to get a decent road made from town to town. But we do have many small lakes, and one significantly larger lake, Bergensmeer, on which the large trading town of Bergenhafen is located. I come from the north of Talstadt, and so I am used to the large conifer forests that we have there. I remember as a child, me and all the other village children would run about throwing pinecones at one another. Ah.. but anyway, where was I?"
"You were just about to get to the South and East sections of Talstadt." Hans interjected. "I believe I can cover those. The south is a place of great loyalty to the König, mostly because he was from its capital, Feldenstadt. As is apparent in the name, the south is mainly open fields, forming a large river basin where we get much of our farming done. Then the east of Talstadt is basically the most heavily populated. The coastline is scattered with houses, lighthouses, and ports for trading. Often where one does not see a port, it is because there is a cliff right on the waters edge. Which leaves us just with..."
Klaus finished his sentence, "The capital of Talstadt. Himmelstadt is so called because it is basically a bowl of land surrounded by mountains. The castle given to our king is on a cliff in the middle of the city. The northern edges of the city limits are farming, the south and parts of the edges are mining. We have several parks in Himmelstadt, several temples to our gods, and... ah, yes, our military training centers."
Klaus continued, "Well I believe that sums it up. I guess that leaves us waiting on the Herr delegate from Gallipoli-China." After he said that, the eyes of the table turned slowly to Viktor.