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Author Topic: Civilian Visa to DCL  (Read 1284 times)

Offline Union

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  • Loyalty to Self, Liberty to All
Civilian Visa to DCL
« on: June 15, 2007, 01:35:26 AM »
The following listings have been release by the Ministry of Customs:

-Limited Access (Visitors)-

Non-diplomatic visitors from these countries are given limited access to Loyalist State territories, providing they have the proper Visa issue by a Chinese Loyalist Embassy. Visitors with limited access visa are only allow in the municipalities of Na Wai and Anyia. Depending on the country of origin, they may be accompany by a State assigned officer who would escort them everywhere for the remainder of their stay. Any violation of these terms would result in automatic deportation and the revoking/confiscation of your visa. 

Myroria (100 visitor limit and 2 weeks limit) escort require
UFS (500 visitor limit and 3 weeks limit) escort require
Mercantilist Dominion

For trans-national transportation, limited access visitors may only take National Railway routes and Districtorial Railway routes. Anyone found traveling outside of the permitted municipalities would be arrested and charge with state trespassing and illicit spying.

-Free Access-

Citizens from these countries are granted free access to enter Loyalist State territories, providing they have a proper Visa issue by a Chinese Loyalist Embassy.

Confederate Freedom
Uichi Ryu

-Black Listed-


Non-diplomatic citizens from these countries are prohibited from entering Chinese Loyalist territories for any circumstances. Anyone caught entering or within our borders would be detain and potentially shot if avoiding arrest. Those detain would either be deported or face trial. Life or death sentence are possible.   

-Worker/Business Visa-

Any company/individual who received permission to conduct business or involved with a state contract project in the Dominion of Chinese Loyalist would be given a Worker or Business Visa. The terms varied depending on contract agreement and State discretion. Escorts may or may not be given, and are access may be limited. Worker Visas apply to foreign contractors, commercial transport drivers, and such. Business Visas apply to representatives or managers of foreign companies.   
« Last Edit: July 09, 2007, 04:10:07 AM by Chinese Loyalist »
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