OOC: Let's just say than two representatives were sent under the auspices of USSCF Ambassador Johannes Kröhner.
IC: Dietrich Ulrich took his stand, wearing his military dress uniform--as many veterans in Confederate Freedom were wont to do--and cleared his throat to speak as he pulled a piece of paper from his briefcase, "The Herald wishes to extend his utmost apologies that he could not attend this conference in person, as affairs of state in our Geborenland are constantly keeping him indisposed. He has allowed me to speak on behalf of our State in the matters discussed here. He is determined to comply with his devotion to both our State and those of our fellow Socialists in all necessary matters, including military aid. The Herald has already been informed of the supposed terrorist organization within our borders, and has expressed utmost confidence that the State Security Service--our center of Intelligence operations, anti-terrorism, covert operations, and government and national security--headed by Stephen Schwimmer, will be able to fully and adequately investiage the matter and oust these criminals among the People. In the meantime, the Herald has also allowed me to speak on his behalf in the matter of any needed military, financial, or other such aid as is required and requested by your esteemed nation."