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Author Topic: Manifesto of the Taijituan Communist Party  (Read 1668 times)

Offline Zimmerwald

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Manifesto of the Taijituan Communist Party
« on: June 30, 2007, 02:36:24 AM »
I didn't want to be the one to write a Manifesto and then present it.  I want the writing of the TCP Manifesto to be a group effort, which, of course, will only be possible once the Party has members.  So, in lieu of a full-fledged manifesto, here is a rough guide to what I hope will be the Party's principles.

The TCP is directly democratic, and works to implement democracy as much as possible in Taijitu.  The TCP is based on equality and collective ownership and management.  Every Party member is equal, and everyone has the opportunity to be heared, and his policies implemented.  Party line and policy is decided by the membership, not dictated from any official.

Obviously, this is far shorter and less comprehensive than the eventual Manifesto, but if you're thinking of joining a Party, it's helpful to know what that party stands for.

ProP Spokesperson