Concerning Meri's testimony, it is the position of the defence that the testimony from Meri is not credible due to much the same reason that Durnia was asked to be recused: bias. Several times in the TNP, she would troll the IRC channel and TNP’s IRC channel and insulting various people, including my client, at one point asking about his religion and accusing him of being a fake Hindu for forgetting that he celebrated a Hindu religious festival. At various other times she has been known to abuse her op powers in the Taijitu IRC channel, banning various people whom she does not like and felt offended by. Most, if not everyone, has seen such behaviour in the Senate and in the IRC channel.
< 13meri > Many things. He always seemed to be complaining about one thing or another going on in Taijitu. One topic that emerged that pertains to this trial is the subject of his UN nation.
How does this relate? Several people here have complained about things going on in our very own region. This trial, separation of powers, the TRR event, the fact that Meri is the current Speaker, etc.
So I guess Tacolicious is a threat to Taijitu now? He's "complained" about one thing or another since I came here (no offense intended to Taco since I mostly agree with him on just about everything it seems).
< 13meri > At the time that we began discussing the subject, and i believe to this day, he has refused to disclose the location or identity of his UN. Since in this game, each player is allowed to have only one UN, and UNs can in many instances, particularly in military and intelligence contexts represent power, the dedication of one's UN is usually an indication of a player's loyalty.
In regards to the lack of trust between the two, Meri is a pro-raider in a raider region, the DEN. Govindia is extremely pro-defender, only joining neutral regions such as Taijitu or defender-oriented regions. Govindia did not want to disclose information such as his UN nation that Meri, being a raider that has little trust for defenders, could exploit. This is also why he repeatedly asked if Meri trusted him; Meri has little trust for defenders and they are in the same region now, Taijitu. At the time, Govindia was in TWP, which is a defender region, and has stated that he was in TWP’s military, a defender force as well.
Nonetheless, while Meri may be in the dark about Govindia's UN nation, the government of Taijitu should not be. The only way to become a citizen of Taijitu was for him to disclose his UN nation. Take a look
here, and you will read where Gnoled said:
After Govindia sending me a link to his UN nation over IM, his request to become a citizen is approved. Welcome!
Also, where one keeps their UN nation is not necessarily and indication of their loyalty. Are you willing to say that Limi, myself, and many others are not loyal because our UN nations do not reside in Taijitu?
The other quote that Meri is mentioned in, where there are claims of Govindia working in a different region – that can be easily explained by the fact that he was in a defender region. He has never worked against Taijituan interests, and just because he is in a defender region, does not mean he is disloyal to Taijitu. No one is required to have their UN nation here in this region and still be active. Meri has shown that those who are not of a raider alignment are heavily distrusts whom she calls “fendas,” which is the term she uses for defenders.
Gnoled Ttam has confirmed my UN nation via IM, and has approved my citizenship request. If Meri wanted to know Govindia's UN nation, why could she not have asked him? Why was she so adamant to keep pressing my client, a known defender, and she a known raider ? Why did St. Oz claim my client was a regional security threat as a reason for not placing my nation on the map after a legitimate map request was made, and then proceeded at one point to go over his constitutional authority and ban him from both the channel and the forum at least 3 times in the span of 15 minutes?
Your honour, this just goes to show the level of discrimination that my client has been receiving at the hands of people like Meri and St. Oz for no justifiable reason.
Additionally I would like to point out that in Korinn’s testimony, he was listed as Assistant Prosecutor, yet no declaration has been made at the start of this docket that he is Assistant Prosecutor, thereby stating possibly false information?
I suggest that the defense hurry though, because given that the official religions in Japan are Buddhism and Shinto, Christmas is a more commercial event than anywhere else and the esteemed Japanese players might be wandering the shops for new katanas to put under the bonsai-tree.
Such statements by the prosecution are not only ignorant, but insulting as well. Just because a region my client is in has Japanese-style themes, does not mean that all the players there are Japanese. If the Prosecution must know, the player makeup is at least 4 or 5 Canadians, 4 Americans, one Lithuanian, two Britons, and one American living in the Philippines. They all have a common fascination though, for Japan. The comment above is insulting and a cheap derogatory remark to my client’s association with that region, and I request the court deal with such attacks on my client, something he has repeatedly continued through the duration of this trial.