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Author Topic: TSP Update September 2011  (Read 1735 times)

Offline Hileville

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TSP Update September 2011
« on: September 19, 2011, 12:35:15 AM »
I will be acting as TSP's ambassador to your region.  So here is our update:

The South Pacific Report

World Assembly Delegate: Belschaft
Chairman of Assembly: Hileville
Minister of Justice: Unibot
Minister of Security: King J
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Antariel
Craziest Person in TSP: Carta
Regional Power: Extremely High
Regional Forum: Join us, and glory.

A shiny new regime

How Frak thinks we run our elections...

Salutations, gentle reader, and welcome to the first TSP update of the new regime. In tandem with our recent delegate elections, we have a new cabinet to rule over us with a hopefully not too metallic fist, meaning that the burden of writing updates now falls entirely upon myself, Antariel, new Minister of Foreign Affairs, and my legion of elephant aides.

Our main delegate election was delightfully tense, with a multitude of candidates applying. Our first round primaries reduced them to the two frontrunners, Carta and Belschaft, and then the election began. There was drama, frantic endo-tarting, an attempted coup, again, (see below), but Belschaft narrowly emerged victorious, with Carta graciously accepting a position as Vice Delegate, along with the veteran Fudgetopia.

Meanwhile, in the Cabinet, a whole new range of nations have stepped up to the challenge, the only continuity being me having some kind of role in the foreign ministry, except that now it is my fault when it all goes wrong.

...this can only end well.

Aside from that, congratulations to Unibot, Hileville, and King J. Carta also took the title of Craziest Person in TSP, and was very proud. Our final election to the Ministry of Regional Affairs, to handle roleplay, the map, and encourage RMB and forum activity, is currently ongoing, expect the results in the next update.

Of course as you are by now no doubt aware, TSP can achieve very little without the oh so useful input of a certain puppet.

Frak for Fudge; Fantastic Factions
Just to add to the election fun, Frak the Third decided to try and coup the region yet again, this time by attempting to get endorsements removed from Vice Delegate Fudgetopia while the candidates were battling. That's aside from his/her attempt to force us to only allow certain candidates to win. Ultimately, a quick TSP response saw Fudgie increase in endorsements.

Current opinion among some TSP members is that Frak's next move will probably result in the current delegate being made ruler of a small nation in real life. They really do seem to go that badly wrong for the guy/girl. You could almost feel sorry for Frak. Maybe. If you'd been drinking.


Another day, another batch of TSP law reform. As already mentioned, we now boast a Ministry of Regional Affairs, while bits of the judicial system continue to be modified, while we consider if we should just overhaul the whole thing. I could go on about our legal reform, and even quote relevant sections, but on the other hand I'd like you to read this update.

Just trust me. It's happening.

We're thinking it should be a ball of wool

In recent months, TSP has been saddened by the disappearance of The Cat Tribe, a TSP member of good standing who has left the game. To commemorate TCT, we have instituted a Memorial award to be awarded 'to an individual or group of individuals that has distinguished themselves conspicuously by their steadfast and exceptional defence of democracy and political freedom whilst such ideals (1) face curtailment or clear and present endangerment; (2) have yet to be entrenched.'

Nominations are currently open for the first such award.

TSP Gossip Corner

Basically my platform to mock others

Belschaft: Actually a hyper-intelligent aubergine?

HEM: Mysterious disappearance, Antariel denies everything

Polkstreet: Lying about the weather all these years?

Sheepatropolis: Has been hiding a love of goats?

*All gossip has no connection to truth. Especially on HEM :P

In Other News:

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs searches for underlings- I mean deputies

- TSP RMB endorses shortbread.

- We place bets on Frak's next move.

Next time in TSP:

- It's pretty safe to assume Frak will be mentioned.
- Will we change our voting system?
- The South Pacific Army Revitalised?
- Max Berry turns out to be Cyrele, sent from the future to punish the past. Millions stunned.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 12:44:45 AM by Hileville »

Delegate of The South Pacific | Lawspeaker of Balder | Attorney General of Osiris