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World Assembly Delegate: HilevilleChairman of Assembly: BelschaftMinister of Security: All the Kings Men of Rebel-topiaMinister of Foreign Affairs: PenguinMinister of Regional Affairs: God-EmperorMinister of Justice: Todd McCloudCraziest Person in TSP: LadyRebelsRegional Power: Extremely HighRegional Forum:Join UsSeptember Election ResultsIn our recent ballot stuffing competition TSP saw some changes in our Cabinet line up. For MoJ, Drugged Monkeys lost out to Todd McCloud 10-5. For the MoS seat, Rebel-topia took over for Sheepatropolis' reign of 4 terms winning 12-4. Penguin ran unopposed for MoFA 15-1.God-Emperor held onto MoRA against Camwood 10-4. LadyRebels is still TSPs Craziest getting 7 out of the 11 votes cast. Hileville was confirmed as Delegate by a margin of 12-3. Last but not least, Belschaft kept his CoA seat against Antariel 9-5. Much mudslinging took place in this race. And talking about the mudslinging...Flurry of Charges Stem From Election CampaigningThis election cycle saw Belschaft bring charges not only against his opponent for the office of Chair, but also against the Minster of Justice.Bel vs. AntIn a four part campaign to bring charges against Ant for defamation and fraud, DM decided to close the case and told Bel that there were no grounds for his complaints. This created controversy prompting Bel to decide that he would go after DM.Bel vs. Drugged MonkeysCharges were brought by Bel against DM for prohibiting the enactment of Due Process and, as he believed, giving him a False warning. Charges were dropped by the new MoJ as he dismissed the case.Weekly IRC Trivia NightEvery Thursday at 1:30am GMT, join us for fun and excitement and prizes (ok no prizes but there will be fun)! Come join us on our IRC: #the_south_pacificTSP Gossip CornerLoh arrested after a cat scandal? Penguins power wanes as activity slides?Mcmasterdonia planning to coup TSP?GEzuz beats Alv once to many?Rebel can read big words!Michu gets her masters and plans to take Penguins Queenship?**Information contained in the gossip corner may or may not be true.**