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Author Topic: May 2012 Update  (Read 1445 times)

Offline Hileville

  • Foreign Dignitary
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  • Posts: 14
May 2012 Update
« on: June 02, 2012, 04:28:23 PM »

World Assembly Delegate: Hileville
Chairman of Assembly: Eluvatar
Minister of Justice: Drugged Monkeys
Minister of Security: Sheepatropolis
Minister of Foreign Affairs: All the Kings Men of Rebel-topia
Minister of Regional Affairs: Milograd
Craziest Person in TSP: Carta
Regional Power: Extremely High
Regional Forum:Join Us

June Elections

With June just days away, the election process has been started. Hileville is running for another term as delegate, and Milograd is opposing him. Antariel and Belschaft are running for Chair or Assembly. Sheepa is rerunning for Minister of Security, Rebel-topia is rerunning for Foreign Affairs. Eluvatar is running for Regional Affairs, Drugged Monkeys will be rerunning for Minister of Justice, and, last but not least, Carta's reign as TSPs Craziest is being threatened by Alvenrder and LadyRebels. All are campaigning hard, and it looks to be a close race in both Delegate and Chair.

Special elections for MoJ

After being charged with Gross Misconduct and going through most of the trial process, Unibot resigned from his Cabinet position of Minister of Justice. Using what most everyone considered a "loophole" in the Charter, he escaped impeachment by his resigning. Many called to continue the trial, but the Magistrate and Delegate both came to the conclusion that that would be against the Charter.

TSPU Ribbon Cutting and Dean Announced

TSP is happy to announce TSP University has been officially founded. And, as newly appointed Dean of the all new South Pacific University, Penguin hopes to set a precedent of intellectual stimulation that involves all citizens (and members) of TSP. Currently we offer four different areas of interest with more to come. Feel free to stop by and take a look, comment and enjoy.
TSPUs first order of business will be to update TSPs Wiki page, and it will commence about 16th of June. A few citizens of TSP have offered to lend a hand on making everything spiffy once again.

SPA Lends a Hand to Airspace

The South Pacific Army has had recent success in a civilization mission that took place in Warzone Airspace. This was met with opposition as just 12 hours after the SPA moved in, the United Defenders League attempted to liberate it from our forces. The liberation failed and tension grew between the UDL and the South Pacific. This operation was finished successfully by the South Pacific Army after a successful turnover to the natives in Airspace. Supporting the operation was the Europeian Royal Navy and the New Inquisition. The South Pacific was more than happy to lend a hand to a region that was in turmoil after Codger had resigned after the one year mark of service. The South Pacific Army continues to watch the situation in Warzone Airspace.

TSP Gossip Corner

Oh no the gossip corner got revamped and now we whisper in Rebel-topia's ears.

Oh no LR and PenguinPies adopted Alvendar. Are we sure that we want LR raising anyone NS wise? and the Defender/Raider moments in that house must be a lot of fun.

TSP is in an Election cycle, are you ready for this?
Your life is now in the hands of the boogie man, you should be happy because if not him then most likely we would give you over to Hileville....*insert evil laugh*

Your moment of time and space colliding: Remember that life is what you make it.....now get back to work and make a post on NS....thank you and have a wonderful day.

Everything in the gossip palace of TSP is subject to the mind of the writer.....this time brought to you from the mind of LR aka LadyRebels aka Dat Weird Woman.

Johnson coupes [region]South Pacific[/region], thought it was [region]The South Pacific[/region]

**Information contained in the gossip corner may or may not be true.**

"Your Moment In The Sun"
Brought To You By TSP

Welcome to one and all to the first YMITS, this is that one chick (at least we all hope she is a chick) LR live and in charge of nothing I saw nothing did you see that truck?

This is a throw together for the first time run of this and I hope that everyone enjoys it enough to comment on it, or to at least tell us to leave it out from now on.

Now for some Shout outs:
  • I have to say that this thought came to me thanks to the UDL moment of Zen that they have in their update, so shout out to the wonderful people of the UDL.
  • Be sure to let our wonderful Citizen of TSP, Loh know how happy that you are for his IRL engagement.
  • Be sure to stop by and help us remember what was happening about a year ago, yep for us in TSP it was Dev and we have some wonderful post going into that thread already.
Anyway here is the end of this first YMITS, and we hope for it not to be the last.

Delegate of The South Pacific | Lawspeaker of Balder | Attorney General of Osiris