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Author Topic: March 2012 Update  (Read 1282 times)

Offline Hileville

  • Foreign Dignitary
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  • Posts: 14
March 2012 Update
« on: April 01, 2012, 03:56:26 AM »

World Assembly Delegate: Hileville
Chairman of Assembly: Eluvatar
Minister of Justice: Unibot
Minister of Security: Sheepatropolis
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Belschaft
Minister of Regional Affairs: Carta
Craziest Person in TSP: Carta
Regional Power: Extremely High
Regional Forum:Join Us

Frak's Identity Revealed

The identity of Frak who has caused some trouble for TSP in the past has been revealed.  Frak is Haxstree who was at the time of the reveal TSP's Minister of Regional Affairs as well as a Corporal in The South Pacific Army.  This discovery ended a huge intelligence effort that had existed for months in The South Pacific.  AMOM was able to obtain Frak's IP address through an MSN Chat and then revealed this to the region.  If you want more information on the reveal of Frak please visit Our old forum.  We will be providing updates as the trial gets underway.

Elections Finished - Appointments Made

March marked another set of elections for The South Pacific and some of the cabinet stayed in tact.  Delegate Hileville announced appointments for the offices of Minister of Regional Affairs and Chair of the Assembly as no eligible candidate ran for the positions.  Those appointed were Carta - who had previously served as a Vice Delegate and Minister of Regional Affairs in TSP and Eluvatar - who will return as the Chair of the Assembly.  We also had elections for Minister of Justice and Minister of Foreign Affairs in which both Unibot and Belschaft retained their respected positions.  Sheepatropolis was also elected to a second term as Minister of Security.  Delegate Hileville was confirmed as the regions Delegate and will finish out his term which will expire in June.  How could I forget that Carta was confirmed as the craziest member of TSP for the third straight time.

Belschaft Resigns - MoFA Vacant

Due to personal reasons Belschaft has resigned as Minister of Foreign Affairs.  A special election has been called and is underway.  Some potential candidates include Rebel-topia, Todd McCloud, Earth and Charles I. Cerebella.  In the next update we shall have elected a new Minister of Foreign Affairs and will update you at that time.

Shiny New Forum!

The South Pacific has moved to a new forum hosted by Zetaboards.  The decision came after the many problems the z1 invisionfree server was having.  The new forum is located at http://forums.thesouthpacific.org.  Make sure to stop by and say hello.

Diplomacy Square

Not much has changed since our last updated but The South Pacific has entered into Treaties with Lazarus, Osiris, and Balder and The New Inquisition.

TSP Gossip Corner

Carta's secret attempts to coup the region in an elaborate conspiracy involving Johnson exposed.

AMOM and Antariel agree on something.  Millions speechless.

Tsrill destroys forum in fit of picque.

**Information contained in the gossip corner may or may not be true.**

PS:  Can Topid be removed as moderator of this forum?

Delegate of The South Pacific | Lawspeaker of Balder | Attorney General of Osiris