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Author Topic: July Update  (Read 1464 times)

Offline Hileville

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July Update
« on: August 05, 2012, 09:12:14 PM »

World Assembly Delegate: Hileville
Chairman of Assembly: Belschaft
Minister of Justice: Drugged Monkeys
Minister of Security: Sheepatropolis
Minister of Foreign Affairs: All the Kings Men of Rebel-topia
Minister of Regional Affairs: God-Emperor
Craziest Person in TSP: LadyRebels
Regional Power: Extremely High
Regional Forum:Join Us

Eluvatar Resigns From Cabinet Position

After a few weeks of inactivity, a motion to recall Eluvatar from his post as Minister of Regional Affairs was put on the floor. Before it could be discussed at length, Elu posted his resignation, citing unannounced a weeks leave of absence and and recent vacation as his reasons for being inactive in the Cabinet. Many are sad to see him go, although we all wish him the best in his delegate position in TNP.

Special Elections Held for Minister of Regional Affairs

After the resignation of Eluvatar, the Election Commission sprang to action starting the Special Elections. Four people were nominated, with two declining, leaving God-Emperor and Alvenrder as going head to head. And, no one can say TSP doesn't like to have some fun in our elections. Quoting  part of the nomination thread:
Antariel: *Meaningful cough*
Milograd: I nominate "Meaningful Cough" for the position of MoRA.
Alvenrder: I shall also Nominate Meaningful cough i believe he would be best at this position
mcmasterdonia: The ability of meaningful cough should go without question, he is the only one for this job. I third meaningful cough's nomination, and hope very much that he will accept it.
The campaigning was fast and furious, and both candidates had ideas on how to bring up the activity levels in TSP.

Voting ended with God-Emperor taking the poll 11-5. Congratulations to God-Emperor on becoming TSPs new Minister of Regional Affairs!!

Haxstree Trial: Take 3

With the resignation of Gandalifa and the appointment of Todd McCloud as Magistrate, and the argument whether he could be tried for actions he committed before he was a citizen, the trial of Hax had fallen apart. Todd had made the decision to restart the trial process from scratch. The prosecution has already remade its case against Hax, and the defendant has asked for a 24 hour extension, but was denied. The jury will have up to seven days to come to a verdict, per the Procedural (Criminal Law) Act.

Assembly Discussions Come To Halt

Three major discussions within the Assembly have all come to a complete top. The delegate election reform and the SPA Act have four pages each of discussions, having 96 and 101 replies, respectively. Discussions about the recent changes to the citizenship laws has also been a hotly debated topic. But it seems that the summer lul has hit, and these three big topics on the floor in the Assembly have produced nothing substantial enough to move to vote.

Two Appointed as Deputy MOS

Sheepa has finally made a decision on who he will appoint as Deputy MoS. Or, should we say, Deputies. The decision came down to God-Emperor and Antariel. And After much debating, both have been added to the MoS staff. Congratulations to both.

TSP Gossip Corner

PenguinPies tries to coup TSP; Forgot she needed WA nation.

Alv loses MoRA vote; Tries changing platform.

Meaningful Cough really exists?

**Information contained in the gossip corner may or may not be true.**

Delegate of The South Pacific | Lawspeaker of Balder | Attorney General of Osiris