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News: Be vigilant: Anticitoyens could be behind any corner.

Author Topic: January Update  (Read 1242 times)

Offline Hileville

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  • Posts: 14
January Update
« on: January 09, 2013, 09:38:27 AM »

Foreign Update

World Assembly Delegate: Milograd
Chairman of Assembly: Antariel
Minister of Justice: Drugged Monkeys
Minister of Security: Belschaft
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Hileville
Minister of Regional Affairs: HEM
Craziest Person in TSP: Rebel-topia
Regional Power: Extremely High
Regional Forum:Join Us

SPINN Reboot...Successful

On November 30, 2012 then Delegate Hileville appointed former Delegate Southern Bellz to the position of Editor-in-Chief of the South Pacific Independent News Network.  Hileville believed Southern Bellz would be the nation to lead SPINN into the future and complete a successful reboot of the news organization.  Southern Bellz didn't waste any time as she got to work assembling her staff.

Hileville, was appointed News Editor and leads the Breaking News Division.  Belschaft and Hernolord were hired on as Staff Writers to work on the Monthly Feature section of SPINN.  Alv and Drugged Monkeys were hired on as News Reporters.  SPINN began with coverage of TSP's elections in December and an interview article conducted by Drugged Monkeys with True North.  The region looks forward to continued development from the SPINN staff.  Make sure to stop by the forums and Check Out SPINN TODAY!

TSP Elects New Cabinet

Lady Rebels, the EC Chair, has been dealing with RL issues, and hasn't graced TSP for a while. With this, elections started a bit late, as LR usually jumps at starting the election process. AMOM ran ran the elections quite smoothly while down to two Election Commissioners. But despite starting a little late, and being short an EC, the election process was as good as ever. By the start of campaigning, it was Antariel versus Bel for the third straight election; but this time, for Minister of Security. The seat for Minister of Regional Affairs was well sought after with Drugged Monkeys, HEM, and Loh all campaigning. Hileville and Unibot both ran unopposed for Foreign Affairs and Chair of the Assembly, respectively, while no one accepted their nomination for Minister of Justice, leaving it vacant. The title of TSP's Craziest was also up for grabs, with God-Emperor, Milograd, and Rebel-topia all looking to hold this honored title.

Much debate took place between Bel and Ant, as everyone well expected. Bel, looking to return to the post for the first time since its creation, outlined his plan to overhaul the SPA; to both build her numbers and to rework the way in which the SPA opperates. Antariel proposed running the SPA mostly as is; making his main point to be activity. The race for MoRA, saw all three candidates running with fairly identical platforms; a welcoming program, and internal activity. Despite their different ways of achieving this, all three agreed, if not elected, to help achieve their goals. Hileville talked about his plan for strengthening TSPs relationships, especially with other GCRs. The Drama Llama reared its ugly head in the unopposed campaign for Unibot for Chair. Not much about current affairs within TSP were discussed. Unibots campaign thread saw mostly questions about his involvement as leader of the UDL and his resignation as MoJ and quick departure from TSP. Before the end of the campaigning, Unibot resigned candidacy for the position, leaving it vacant for the elections.

Here is how the elections ended:
Chair: Vacant
MoS: Belschaft
MoFA: Hileville
MoJ: Vacant

New Delegate Elected

After nominations were closed and campaigning began, only two nations showed interest in the Delegacy. Milograd, a constant to have his name in the running for delegate, went up against The Third Imperium (God-Emperor), a nation with deep TSP roots, only recently coming back to the government side of TSP. It was a hotly contested campaign, as both looked to win endos from both those on the forums and those in the region. Near the end of elections, drama graced this election, as "The Zeroth Imperium", was banned from the region for campaigning for GE. They claimed the nation had been given to them by GE for the purpose of helping him secure endorsements, but said they were "stabbed in the back" by him, as Hileville had asked GE if these claims were true, and he said they were not. Those claims can be found on the NationStates forum - http://forum.nationstates.net/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=214683

Special Elections Held by Delegate, Milograd

After Milograd won the election for Delegate he immediately opened special elections to determine who would hold the two vacant positions being Chair of the Assembly and Minister of Justice.  Antariel and God-Emperor ran for Chair and Durgged Monkeys ran for Minister of Justice, a position he held previously.  Antariel beat GE and will return to the TSP Cabinet for the first time in a little of a year when he was banned due admitting he was Black Pineapple.  Antariel has been an excellent citizen and has done great work with the South Pacific Army since and had his suspension from Cabinet vacated due to legal issues earlier in the year.  Drugged Monkeys was confirmed to the position of Minister of Justice.  DM came to TSP after successful Warzone operations and joined the SPA.  He later was elected to Cabinet and served one term as Minister of Justice.  We look forward to the work both will do for the region in their respected Offices.

TSP - Osiris - TNP Joint Christmas Event

TSP recently participated in a joint Christmas Event with TNP and Osiris hosted on the TNP forums. The event was successful and was another step in bringing the three regions closer together. The event is the first of many to be hosted with the three regions and we look forward to the next one.

TSP Aids Osiris Delegate Mad Jack

The South Pacific Army assisted in restoring Mad Jack to the Delegate seat after being the victim of a Coup.  The Cabinet issued the following statement on the situation in Osiris:

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Gossip Corner:
  • Penguin and Michu are both from Antarctica.
  • Sedge only got coal for Christmas.
  • TNP, TSP, and Osiris to unify under one government headed by Biyah

Delegate of The South Pacific | Lawspeaker of Balder | Attorney General of Osiris