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Author Topic: January 2012 Update  (Read 1523 times)

Offline Hileville

  • Foreign Dignitary
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  • Posts: 14
January 2012 Update
« on: January 21, 2012, 12:24:56 AM »
[SIZE=8]The South Pacific Report[/SIZE]

World Assembly Delegate: Hileville
Chairman of Assembly: Eluvatar
Minister of Justice: Unibot
Minister of Security: Sheepatropolis
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Vacant
Minister of Regional Affairs: Haxstree
Craziest Person in TSP: Carta
Regional Power: Extremely High
Regional Forum: Join Us

Under New Management

The South Pacific completed its most recent election last month and there were a few new additions to the Cabinet.  Hileville was elected Delegate after a very productive term as Chair of the Assembly.  Unibot retained his post as Minister of Justice, Sheepatropolis was elected Minister of Security and Eluvatar was elected to the Chair of Assembly. 

With Carta retiring form The South Pacific in the middle of the election it was left to incoming Delegate Hileville to make an appointment.  Haxstree was the lucky member of TSP who got the job.  Southern Bellz and Haxstree had just finished a close battle for Minister of Foreign Affairs.  Southern Bellz recently resigned from her post as that dreaded Real Life Bug caught up with her.  Sheepatropolis has appointed King J as his deputy.  They both work very hard around the clock to get our Army up and running again.

The Cat-Tribe Memorial Award Ceremony

The time has finally come for The South Pacific to honor its first two recipients of The Cat-Tribe Memorial Award.  The Ceremony will take place starting January 27, 2012.  Make sure you stop by our forums and give your congratulations to The Cat-Tribe and Southern Bellz who TSP believe have demonstrated a defense of Democracy and Political Freedoms.  The Monday after the ceremony will begin a week long debate that will cover several topics that will be announced at a later time.

Diplomacy Square

The South Pacific has joined The Modern Pacific Alliance which aims to improve relations with all of the feeder/sinker regions and provides a way to discuss those important issues that effect all of the respected member regions. 

TSP also has signed a Treaty with Lone Wolves United and The United Defenders League.  This was done in order for TSP to build closer relations with raider and defender groups.  We also ended are feud with The Rejected Realms and The West Pacific in the time between our last update and now.

Activity Central

Several attempts at generating RMB and IRC activity in the region are underway.  The first being thought of by Sheepatropolis is our IRC Quiz Night, the first ever quiz was a success and Rachel Anumia was the winner.  The next edition of TSP IRC Quiz Night will be 1/21/12 @ 5:30pm EST (10:30pm GMT).  Hileville has introduced a discussion topic to our RMB and changes it whenever he feels like it.  The person who has contributed the most in discussions on the RMB earns a spot in our WFE.

TSP Gossip Corner

Antariel:  Now called TSP's Black Elephant.

Hileville:  Actually an assassin robot lion created by Eluvatar?

Unibot:  Is really a raider in disguise.

**Information contained in the gossip corner may or may not be true.**

The next update hopefully will be written mostly by our new Minister of Foreign Affairs and not our Great Delegate![/color][/b]

Delegate of The South Pacific | Lawspeaker of Balder | Attorney General of Osiris