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Author Topic: February 2012 Update  (Read 1372 times)

Offline Hileville

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February 2012 Update
« on: March 01, 2012, 04:53:14 AM »

World Assembly Delegate: Hileville
Chairman of Assembly: Eluvatar
Minister of Justice: Unibot
Minister of Security: Sheepatropolis
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Belschaft
Minister of Regional Affairs: Haxstree
Craziest Person in TSP: Carta
Regional Power: Extremely High
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SPA  News

The South Pacific Army is back and better than ever. Here is an update.

Two Nations - Three Warzones

Led by Minister of Security Sheepa, the revived South Pacific Army hopes to create a new avenue in Gameplay, outside of the raider/defender norms, to create a style unique to the South Pacific. With a focus on the Warzones as a place for competition and training, the first acquisitions of the new South Pacific army were conducted by a two man team. Minister of Security Sheepa and Haxstree swapped WAs as they captured Warzone Australia, Europe, and Sandbox in a swift strike. We also can't forget the contribution of Minister of Justice Unibot, who dropped in to help take care of a Warzone with one endorsement too many.

A Phantom Confrontation

With the initial strike, the South Pacific Army fell on ally Europeia to help hold Warzone Australia and Sandbox. As part of the operational procedure, all Warzone embassies were cancelled, leading to a declaration of war between the South Pacific and the miffed "the Phantom Knights", a small raiding group with historical ties to Warzone Australia. The bellicose demands and warnings of the Phantoms soon turned against them, as Warzone Australia delegate and TSP corporal Antariel remained steadfast against threatening telegrams. The South Pacific Army demonstrated even in its infancy, its capacity for reinforcements remains outstanding. A call to defend Warzone Australia was sent across the South Pacific, with numerous WAs heeding the call. In sum, over 20 South Pacific WAs have moved to defend Warzone Australia, and nearly 20 still remain. In the face of this insurmountable force, the Phantom Knights laid down their arms against the South Pacific, and were recently seen taking Warzone Europe to put up the South Pacifican flag.

The Great Council

Delegate Hileville called the Great Council to order, a venue to address problems in the Charter and Law of The South Pacific. Current debates include election reform, how to control the South Pacific Army in law, and needed judicial reform. Also up for discussion are the role of Vice Delegates and whether or not to rename the Ministry of Justice the Ministry of Irrefutable Justice.

Election of Belschaft

Former Delegate Belschaft was elected Minister of Foreign Affairs in a special election following the vacancy left by Antariel following his ill conceived coup attempt of the Pacific.  Belschaft ended up winning in a lopsided 11 to 5 victory, but the race was not without excitement. The TSP drama llama, which had looked to become endangered made a strong comeback as both Haxstree and Belschaft got cited by the Ministry of Justice for uncouth debate behavior. The victory also came a few days late for Belschaft, as an untimely forum glitch mandated a new vote.

Diplomacy Sqaure

The South Pacific is negotiating treaties with Balder, Lazarus and Osiris, which would establish alliances with said regions and create mutual defense against coupers and other deviants.

TSP Gossip Corner

LadyRebels: Crazier than Carta?

Eluvatar: Nephew of Albus Dumbledore

Mahaj:  Seen being very political in nature, almost as if he was a Vice Delegate somewhere

**Information contained in the gossip corner may or may not be true.**

Delegate of The South Pacific | Lawspeaker of Balder | Attorney General of Osiris

Offline Eluvatar

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Re: February 2012 Update
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2012, 02:57:22 PM »
My secret is out!
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