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Author Topic: April 08  (Read 1748 times)

Offline mavenu

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April 08
« on: April 15, 2008, 09:06:52 PM »
I didn't even realize I had an embassy here ^_^

The South Pacific Report

for April 7, 2008.

Well, readers of this TSP report, you thought my line about, "seeing you 5 months from now," was a joke? It's been 4 months, so I'll try to cut the extra stuff out.


A number of Non Aggression Pact and Mutual Protection Pact were passed in the beginning of the year.

MDP: The Young World and The Pacific


Election News

A new Election Commissioner, Todd McCloud, was appointed.

Under the guidance of the Election Commission, Tsumany (the EC chair) declared (long overdue, I might add...) elections to be open. The vote will be taking place between April 5-7.

So there might be a different author next time :P

Civil Headquarters fun
We've started using dictionary.com Word of the day as our word to use on the civil headquarters. We invite all visitors and residents to use the word.

United Nations World Assembly

We're working on a proposal to present to the WA. It deals with "Payment for Seized Property". We'd like to thank Bali Lo for taking the lead on this.

UN votes
Well I'd tell you, but considering we just turfed them all....

The South Pacific Annual Awards were passed out

A resident of Napieria, Professor Barnabas MacLennox, has begun to tour the nations of the south pacific. This is a free-form RP.

That's it for the TSP report, and...how about 8 months from now? Drop by the coffee shop when you visit, we'd love to have you there. Or at least stop rumors from being developed about yourself.

On behalf of the South Pacific,
out and about from The South Pacific

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Re: April 08
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2008, 10:47:14 PM »
Oh nice, an update!
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