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Author Topic: Charter of the Progressive Party  (Read 1368 times)

Offline Gulliver

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Charter of the Progressive Party
« on: June 30, 2007, 06:51:58 AM »
Charter of the Progressive Party

Article I: Declaration of Principles

1. All Citizens of Taijitu are entitled to equal rights and equal protection under the law.

2. Government should be democratic, transparent, and sensible.

3. Freedom of Speech, Thought, and Property are sacrosanct.

4. Change for the sake of change is not sensible, nor is upholding outdated institutions for solely for the sake of tradition.

5. When formulating policy, all potential solutions and their possible implications must be given time and consideration; policy should be decided on reason and pragmaticism, not sporadic emotion and empty rhetoric.

6. Taijitu as one of many great regions in NationStates is not alone and should embrace interregional cooperation.

7. Limited progress is preferable to stagnation and thus compromise is essential.

8. People should be afforded the greatest freedom possible, but not to the extent that the lives of others and the public welfare is endangered.

Article II: Membership

1. Any who sign up to join the Progressive Party and agree to abide by its rules and principles may become Members unless they are explicitly excluded.

2. Only a two-thirds party vote may exclude someone from the Progressive Party. However, any member who is convicted of a major crime by the Court may be immediately removed by the Regional Committee with the consent of a majority of its members.

3. Members must abide by a code of conduct, on penalty of removal, consisting of the following:
    a. Members shall not harrass or insult others.
    b. Members shall not join any civic organization considered incompatible with the principles of the Progressive Party by a majority vote.
    c. Members shall not undermine the Progressive Party.

4. All Members are equal except as modified by arrangements in this Charter.

Article III: The Regional Committee

1. The Progressive Regional Committee shall be the administering body of the Progressive Party.

2. The Committee shall be elected by the Party at large 2 weeks after the conclusion of each Delegate election.

3. The Committee shall consist of a number that is at least 3 and no more than 9, to be determined by the preceding committee based on the size of the Progressive Party.

4. At any time and for any reason any member of the Progressive Party may move for a vote of no confidence against any member of the Committee. If a majority of party members agree with the motion, that member of the Committee shall be removed, and if the Regional Committee shall then have fewer than 3 members a spot election shall be called.

5. The Regional Committee shall be in charge of any and all funds belonging to the Progressive Party and serve as the legal representatives of the Party.

6. The Regional Committee shall select an Election Commission of at least 1 party member outside of the Regional Committee to administer an election at the end of their term.

7. The activities of the Regional Committee shall be public to all members of the Party.

8. Procedures for the institutions enumerated above shall be determined by a document separate of the Charter created by the Regional Committee.

Article IV: Symbols

1. The Progressive Party is represented by the following logo:

2. The motto of the Progressive Party is "Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?".

3. The color of the Progressive Party is purple.

Article V: Amendment

1. A two-thirds vote of the Progressive Party membership shall be required to amend this Charter, and any member of the Party may propose such an amendment.