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Author Topic: The Establishment Speeches of the Party  (Read 1450 times)

Offline Solnath

  • Solus Victor
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The Establishment Speeches of the Party
« on: June 30, 2007, 01:08:27 AM »
Greetings, my fellow Taijituans, Beloved Comrades. Today is a remarkable day in the history of Taijitu. Today proclaims the beginning of a new era, one in which we are no longer alone, but stand united under a common purpose - making Taijitu, the most Awesome place on the internet even more Awesome. Today, the Party has officially begun!

Not long ago, discussions started in the Senate Chambers concerning the birth of political organisations of our own. Spreading like wildfire, the winds of enthusiasm and progression pushed them onward, so now it is time that we, the Citizens of Taijitu make those words reality! On this very day, we take a step toward a more energetic and anti-entropic Taijitu, where the forces of advancement drive us forward to the goal of perfection. I can not say that this path will be one easily walked, but it is through compassion, understanding and cooperation that we shall turn Taijitu into a true diamond - remarkably beautiful and eternal!

Today sees our glorious community take its first steps into adulthood. No longer shall Taijitu be known as an infant region, which is based on the values of others before us, but now we shall take the great leap to adolescence. To independence. Originality and the pursuit of dreams is what civilisation has always been founded upon; Rome faltered and fell because they refused progress; the Native American tribes crumbled in front of the Europeans because they had not embraced development soon enough; even the great bear of the East, the Soviet Union, collapsed, because they did not follow the path set to them by Lenin and Trotsky, the path of dreams, but instead succumbed to corruption!

Many have questioned the Party even before it has officially started on its way. Many have said that the very formation of the Party is degeneration, regression to a more primitive political and communal system. To those who have spoken so, whom I consider to be my friends and whose critique I take seriously and with thought, I reply: The Party can serve its Members, our Comrades, with much more focus than the wide-spread Government as a whole can. The situation can easily be compared to that of educational systems employed around the world. By providing more personal support and interaction, those below the elite that has worked hard to gain their knowledge, receive a better understanding of matters more easily and the pressure that the relentless need for enlightenment brings is evened-out among more people, a larger area, allowing greater detail in matters that might otherwise receive a mere touch of a feather.

It is also true that in order to create something new, one needs building blocks. There is no sense in discarding the past, since learning from mistakes made by us and others is a crucial element of long-term success. This is a significant principle of the Party. We believe that the past should be honoured and respected only if it deserves such attention, that there is no reason to commit the errors of those before us merely because that is how things have always been done. If there is any reverse movement in the Party or by the Party, let it be known that it is to repair a mistake.

Indeed, dear leaders of Taijitu, this step we shall now take to usher forth this Golden Age, a first of many to come, will not only ease your burdens but it shall also make learning and personal growth quicker and more efficient for all of us. Truly, and it saddens me greatly to admit this, all men are not equal, but it is through the teachings of the wiser that the less fortunate among us can gain guidance – even though the term "less fortunate" applies only loosely to some if any of us. That is no lie, every single Citizen I have had the pleasure and honour of meeting and talking to has given me an important and pleasant experience that I cherish. However, I cannot stress enough the fact that even the best of the best are not infallible. The Party is based on the principles of learning and questioning. We do not go out our way to discuss issues that arise that might not please us, for that is our way! We shall tread lightly where consideration and moderation is required, but we, as engines of the future, shall and must walk there.

So, brave Taijitu, it is time to accept the inevitable progress that will without fail take us to an even more glorious future. I dare say without fail because I have come to know you well enough, my fellow Taijituans, and in knowing you, I can say with a clear conscience and from the bottom of my heart that you are capable of this evolutionary and revolutionary action if it ever has, is or will be humanly possible!

The attached file is actually an audio file undercover. To listen to it, download it and change the ending from ".txt" to ".mp3" Contains this speech and a bit more, by yours truly.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2007, 01:10:04 AM by Soly »
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