I think therefor I am
You think therefor you are
There are billions of people on the planet from an incredibly diverse cultures, places and points of view, not to mention what could possibly exist beyond out wee little planet in this huge beyond imagination space time, or beyond that in the universe. Forms of intelligence which we could not even recognize or perceive.
You say prove other perceptions... Do you think a giant squid living at the bottom of the ocean might just see the world a little differently. Ultimately "proof" is impossible and I can just show you the evidence that lends credibility to the theory. As Einstein said "A million experiments cannot prove me right, but a single experiment can prove me wrong"
Now considering all the different thinkers and all the different forms of thought that exist how can you take any one of them and say "That is truth", truth exists in the eye of the beholder because the second you look at it from another persons (or entities) eye it becomes something other then the truth.
"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistent one" - Also the 'Stein