Zao, Ravenclaw Go Rogue, Threaten Forum Closure.
Zaolat (left) and Lord Ravenclaw (right) hold Osi forum hostage14 July, 2013
Pyramid District, Osiris. Zaolat, former Pharaoh of Osiris and current root administrator, threatened to shutdown the Osiris regional forums.
With a few clicks a forum vanishes and an entire community is wiped off the map. It's the NationStates equivalent of cultural genocide. Osiris is staring into the face of oblivion as Zaolat holds the community hostage.
Reports indicate Lord Ravenclaw instigated the move to shutdown the forum. Originally appointed by Deputy Vizier by Pharaoh Lyanna Stark, Lord Ravenclaw resigned as Vizier of Foreign Affairs during the war's crucial early stages. Recent posts by Lord Ravenclaw show this was due to a change in allegiance.
Following Zao's move, a wave of citizens and officials resigned including former Pharaoh and Dalimbar and nearly the entire Osiran government.
Zaolat abruptly quit negotiations pushed by Lord Ravenclaw after representatives of the Osiran government voiced concerns.
More news as it develops.
Written by New Kervoskia
The Trans-Pacific Times - All the scandal that’s fit to print