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Author Topic: Manifesto of the October Evolutionaries  (Read 1018 times)

Offline Gaspo

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  • Ever Vigilant
    • The New Pacific Order
Manifesto of the October Evolutionaries
« on: October 19, 2007, 05:36:09 AM »

The people have faltered; they have permitted themselves to be poisoned by counter-revolutionaries by embracing the customs of the Userite class and coveting their blood-stained frivolities. A new class of traitor has been spawned from these nations, the Sycophant Class. The Sycophant is a nation born into luxury and a wealth of freedom. This birthright has perverted the people and they have used the rank as free Feederites to reap the fruits of their forefathers' labor while they contribute nothing. The Sycophant Class is beneath the Userite.

We, the October Evolutionaries, dissolve the New Pacific Order.  We will not allow the Sycophants and their Userite brethren to stall the evolution of The Pacific. Francoism will once again reign supreme over Pacifica and be the guiding light of all loyal Feederites. On this day, 18th of October 2007, the Francoist Union of Pacifican States is created.

We will remain steadfast in our loyalty to our Allies, however all non-formalized diplomatic relations are under review. Foreign policy will be guided by the Pacifican tradition of self-determination and self-respect. The Pacific does not forget aggressors and opportunists. All have debts to pay. Henceforth no nation shall be permitted citizenship without a thorough understanding of Francoism and an undying loyalty to the spirit of the Revolution and traditions of Pacifica. The tools to achieve these ends are within our grasp: liquidation of the Sycophants and Userite loyalists, re-education of the people, and retention of true Francoism

All Hail Pacifica, All Hail the Revolution, All Hail the Francoist Union!

Vanguard Moo, Premier of the Francoist Union of Pacifican States
Comrade Senator Chosen Men
Comrade Senator Gaspo
Comrade Senator Karpathos
Comrade Senator New Kervoskia
« Last Edit: October 19, 2007, 05:39:05 AM by Gaspo »
Senator of the New Pacific Order
Commandant of the Pacific Army
High Black Templar of the Ordo Hereticus
Ambassador to Taijitu