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Author Topic: From the Desk of the Duchess Apparent Castellan  (Read 1387 times)

Offline The Faeyas

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From the Desk of the Duchess Apparent Castellan
« on: July 17, 2007, 02:43:57 AM »
Greetings to The Taijitu Chapter of The Order.

As Duchess Apparent Castellan for The Order, I have one simply order of business to conduct here.

I would like to introduce myself.

I'm The Faeyas, Fae for short, I am the Acting Castellan of the Order of the Gryphons. The Castellan is the head of our Knights Hospitaller, who are in charge of teaching and mentoring new members to the Gryphons as well as acting diplomats to our chapter regions.

I will be sending over a fellow K-H to introduce themselves to you as soon as I can, but until then feel free to PM me any questions you might have about The Knights-Hospitaller or The Order in general. If you need any assistance with setting up your chapter house, or are confused in anyway about anything, I am here to help.

If any members of The Taijitu Chapter are interested in joining the Knights-Hospitaller, feel free to contact me and I will be more than happy to explain what we do and how you would go about joining.

Thank you,

The Faeyas
TWP Chapter Duchess Apparent Castellan of the Knights-Hospitaller, The Order