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Author Topic: Update  (Read 4059 times)

Offline McMasterdonia

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« on: May 08, 2012, 09:16:34 AM »
Just to clarify I am not The North Pacific's Ambassador to Taijitu, but I thought I would post an update for you all to enjoy. These updates I have taken from the last two chapters of the holy book of Flemingovia, TNP's Minister of Communications.

Chapter 7 – The Fall of Govindia

1 But the clamour against Govindia grew louder and louder, for the people knew that he should not be in the regional Assembly. 2 But the louder the people shouted, the more Govindia dug in his heels and refused to leave.

3 So Grossechnauzer stood up and began to speak. 4 And he spoke many, many words. 5 All day he spoke, and all night, and through the next day. 6 He appealed to Constitution, he appealed to the Constitution that had been there before the Constitution. He appealed to the traditions of their forefathers that everyone had forgotten except him. He appealed to the traditions of those shadowy days between the Constitutions. 7 And as he spoke the eyes of the people grew heavy.

8 And the people fell asleep, and they slept.

9 And Govindia grew bold, and he began to speak, echoing the words of Grosseschnauzer. 10 Everything that Grosseschnauzer spoke, Govindia repeated.

11 And Eluvatar the Nomad returned from his travels. And nobody knew where he had been. 12 But Govindia and Grosseschnauzer rejoiced, thinking “Eluvatar will speak and the people will listen, and they will end their clamour.” 13 But Eluvatar added his voice to the voice of the People. 14 And so Govindia knew that the people would soon remove him from the Regional Assembly, so he left, crying out and demanding an apology.

15 And the people rejoiced.

16 But Grossescnauzer said “now I will give you a judge who will speak my words to you. 17 And he introduced Hileville to the people.

18 And the people said “who is Hileville, that we should listen to him? What are his ideas for the courts?

19 And Hileville said “I have lots of good ideas to be a good chief justice.”

20 And the people said “what are these good ideas?”

21 And Hileville said “um”

22 And the people’s hearts grew heavy because they knew that nothing had changed in TNP.

IN Summary
Govindia, The Speaker of the Regional Assembly, was according to the law required to be removed from the RA due to missing two consecutive votes. He refused to remove himself stating "I will be removing the other people from the RA for missing two consecutive votes, but not myself". There was then an uproar of protest as many believed that the Speaker was choosing what laws to apply to himself. The Root Admin and former Delegate Grosseschnauzer was the only one supporting Govindia and allowing him to stay on, this was despite repeated calls from the Delegate and other esteemed members of The North Pacific.

A regional assemblyman (your's truly) then submitted a court request to demand that Govindia remove himself from the regional assembly.

The Speaker of The North Pacific's Regional Assembly eventually succumbed to the pressure from the electorate and the honourable members of the assembly and stood aside. The straw that broke the camel's back was the return of Eluvatar, who joint the calls for Govindia's resignation. He did so just before the court was to give its verdict.

For future reference the court stated that the position of any government official including the Speaker does not exclude them from their obligations as members of the assembly. This includes the requirement to not miss two consecutive votes.

The last few quotes are about the election of Hileville to the position of Chief Justice. Flemingovia ran against Hileville in the election, so his words are very telling. It was a tough and personal campaign.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 10:30:49 AM by McMasterdonia »
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Offline McMasterdonia

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Re: Update
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2012, 09:22:29 AM »
Chapter 8 - the writing on the wall.

[1]And it came to pass that in the second month of his reign, Delegate Blue Wolf gave a great feast for a thousand of his nobles and he drank wine with them. [2]And Flemingovia was among them.

[3]While Blue Wolf and Flemingovia were drinking their wine, suddenly the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall, near the lampstand of the delegate’s palace. [4]And Blue Wolf and Flemingovia watched the hand as it wrote. [5]Blue Wolf’s face turned pale and he became so frightened that his legs became weak and his knees were knocking.

[6]And Blue Wolf summoned all the enchaters, astrologers, and diviners and he said to the wise men of the North Pacific, “[7]Whoever reads this writing and tells me what it means will be clothed in purple and have a gold chain placed around his neck, and he will be made the third highest ruler in the Region.”

[8]And the words that the ghostly hand wrote were these: EXCUSATIONE EXIGO.

[9]And Flemingovia spoke and said “May the Delegate live for ever! Do not be alarmed and do not look so pale! The hand that you saw was the hand of Govindia and this is what the words that he wrote in the language of the ancients mean:

[10]EXCUSATIONE: An apology.

[11]EXIGO: I demand.

[12]And Blue Wolf grew angry, and he said “who is this Govindia to demand an apology from me? I did not write his name in the list of cabinet ministers which I published secretly. I will not apologise to him.

[13]But Flemingovia decided to show his love for all humankind, and his tolerance of the the weak of mind, and he wrote a touching yet troublingly homoerotic apology to Govindia.

[14]And Govindia snubbed and ignored the apology of Flemingovia.

[15]Then Grossescnauzer entered the Temple and said “Govindia is my beloved, my child. Who are you, Flemingovia, that people call you God? And who are you, Blue Wolf, that you are titled Delegate? [16]I am Grossescnauzer, and I am Root Admin. I am above the Law and my word IS the Law. [17]Hear therefore what I decree concerning Govindia”

[18]And Grossescnauzer gave five commandments concerning Govindia:

■[19]Thou shalt not call Govindia an Idiot or a Pissant or a Tool or anything else that offends him, or he shall report it and thou shalt be warned.

[20]No Moderator may warn Govindia, no matter what he says or does, for I, Grossescnauzer, am a tolerant Admin with a soft touch. I shall overturn any warning given to Govindia, and thou shalt be bitchslapped for your actions.

[21]Thou shalt not exclude Govindia from any IRC channel, or else he shall whine and shall not let up.

[22]If thou offendest Govindia, he shall demand an apology of you. If you ignore him, he shall repeat his demand in reply to damn near every post you make.

[23]Even if Govinida is banned from other pacifics, and even from TUK, AoQ, FRA, England, in The North Pacific he shall be untouchable, for I AM ADMIN.

[24]And Blue Wolf and Flemingovia and all the people went and pondered these words. And they were sorrowful.

[25]And Blue Wolf replastered the wall.

Summary: This chapter tells us a number of things. For one the former Speaker of the Regional Assembly was warned for the use of foul language by the administrator Flemingovia. Govindia then appealed this on the basis that the word he had used was not a swear word, and that it was unfair for him to be warned. The warning was overturned by the root admin, which created a rift between our administration team.

The drinking done between the Delegate Blue Wolf and his nobles is symbolic of his term as delegate coming to an end, with the upcoming elections for delegate. Candidates for the position of delegate are Romanoffia, Eluvatar and Haor Chall. Vice Delegate is being challenged for by Felasia and McMasterdonia. Gulliver is running for the position of Speaker.

Govindia was ineligible to run for the position of Speaker given the fact that he was not a member of the regional assembly for 30 days. The current Delegate Blue Wolf II was also ineligible for both Delegate and Vice Delegate due to his membership of the assembly lapsing earlier on in his term.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 10:32:07 AM by McMasterdonia »
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Offline Delfos

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Re: Update
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2012, 01:01:53 PM »
Wasn't Govindia in Taijitu doing the same kind of thing some years ago?

Offline McMasterdonia

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Re: Update
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2012, 02:54:45 PM »
ahhahaha. Indeed he was. His reputation is well known in many different regions.
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Re: Update
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2012, 11:00:20 PM »
Yeap, good old memories: http://forum.taijitu.org/the-supreme-court/

I didn't know Gulliver is Ryazania or wth was his nickname back them.

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Re: Update
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2012, 02:30:42 AM »
I was Pragmia back in the day.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Update
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2012, 10:57:27 AM »
Oh, hm, I guess my memory isn't that good then. I thought the Justice back then was Ryz. Anyway I'll refrain from posting here about this since I think this deserves another topic, whoever wants to talk about so many years ago, go ahead and get us a new topic! :)