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Author Topic: The Northern Lights, Issue VII  (Read 2775 times)

Offline Kialga

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The Northern Lights, Issue VII
« on: November 05, 2015, 05:08:45 PM »
New Super Pac helps elect Delegate SillyString
by mcmasterdonia, Political Correspondent
For the first time in the history of the North Pacific a Super Political Action Committee took on a major role within the North Pacific General election for Delegate. The September General Elections were a highly anticipated event, with Delegate Zemnaya Svoboda announcing months in advance that he did not intend to seek reelection for a second consecutive term. Political leaders around the North Pacific rallied and began to prepare for the inevitable fierce campaigning that was to come.

This led to a new political action committee emerging onto the political landscape. The P.A.C called "Sillisary for the North Pacific" was formed by former Delegates Eluvatar and McMasterdonia, and former Vice Delegate and TNP Stalwart Democratic Donkeys. The P.A.C was committed to drafting Silliary Slinton to run for the Delegacy of the North Pacific. The bio for the P.A.C stated the case for electing Silliary as Delegate off the North Pacific:

"SillyString has served as Acting-Delegate, Vice Delegate, Court Justice, Deputy Speaker of the Regional Assembly, Regional Assembly member, and Security Councillor during her time in the North Pacific region. A practicing lawyer, law reformer, and mentor, SillyString has dedicated herself to a significant number of roles since joining the North Pacific in April 2013 and has proven her strong ability and dedication to every challenge set before her."

The P.A.C pointed to Silliary's "strong leadership" and her pro-reform agenda as key talking points in favour of her election. Many members of the North Pacific quickly rallied to the cause of the political action committee - with more than 16 members joining the committee. Members included Minister of Culture Lennart, Security Council Member and one-time Delegate Romanoffia, Speaker Crushing Our Enemies, and Malvad, Former Minister of Culture and Education.

Members of the P.A.C changed their avatars in a campaign pledge to support Silliary Slinton for the Delegacy. This decision was a key factor in Silliary's decision to campaign for Delegate. She acknowledged that she was "out-numbered" by the mass showing of support and said:

"Thank you all for your support! It has been instrumental in my decision. I hope I do not let you down." - Sillisary Slinton

Ms. Slinton was joined in the election campaign by Bootsie Sanders - then Minister of Communication. Mr Sanders campaigned encouraging TNPers that together "Let's do more" to improve the forum community, recruit new members, and increase activity in the Ministry's. While the campaigning was intense, Silliary Slinton was sworn in as the new Delegate of the North Pacific. Her Worshipfulness Pauline Bonaparte was elected Vice Delegate, following Flemingovia's decision to withdraw from the runoff election. Following Madam Delegate Slinton's election she promptly appointed her new cabinet - McMasterdonia O'Malley as Minister of Defence and Education, Kialga as Minister of Communications, Pauline Bonaparte as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tomb as Minister of Home Affairs, and Lennart as Minister of Culture & Entertainment.

The Return of The North Pacific Army
by mcmasterdonia, Military Correspondent
The North Pacific Army has once again returned to a strong period of activity and operational success. The new Government led by Delegate SillyString was quick to make the North Pacific Army a priority for the administration. Recruitment efforts are a focus of the new Minister of Defence, McMasterdonia, and the Minister of Home Affairs & NPA Chief of Staff, the Democratic Republic of Tomb. In the last month, the North Pacific Army has been involved in multiple operations, including the defence of the West Pacific, the invasion of the Greater German Reich, and the liberation of Warzone Australia.

The West Pacific operation saw a large coalition of GCR forces & friends coming to the aide of the West Pacific, who were in open rebellion against the regime of then-Delegate United RussoAsia and forces from DEN. United RussoAsia had handed control of their nation to DEN's Knot, also known as Ivo, who later briefly gave control to Cormac Stark. The operation saw the North Pacific send in approximately 11 soldiers, who were constantly moving in and out, in a game of ping-pong with the sitting Delegate. This is the largest operation the North Pacific Army has been involved in since May. It would appear that the aggressive recruitment style of the Minister and his team is paying off, with many new recruits being the most eager participants in the operation. The RMB saw a huge amount of activity during this time, but most importantly, the operation fostered new found friendships between TNPers and West Pacificans, showing a possible greater future for cooperation and partnership between the two regions.

The training operations conducted by the NPA leadership team have extended into spotting for foreign invasions. Last month, the North Pacific Army joined with allies in the Taijitu Citizens' Militia and pre-emptively defended several regions. NPA officers could see a DEN-affiliated force of approximately 16 updaters staging in Nugut, and deployed to Middle Earth, Asia, and Belgium, in order to preemptively defend those nations from DEN. DEN then surprisingly "liberated" the region of The Eternal Realm from the forces of Auralia. (They have not, of course, actually restored the region to its pre-invasion state.)

The North Pacific Army continues to go from strength to strength, and it is fully expected to be an active and prosperous term for the North Pacific Army and the region. NPA High Command is currently working on a number of proposals that will cover both NPA membership reform, and a broader NPA communications policy. Stay tuned for future updates.

[RP Feature] Floresque Elections
by Myroria, Role Play Correspondent
This column does not represent the views of the Government of The North Pacific.
Floregasque election: Ruling party wins reelection, shakeup in Ward 6
EDITORS' NOTE: The following article has been omitted from the Floregasque Edition of the International Gazette in order to meet the guidelines of the Undesirable Propagation Unit.

FLORESQUE, FLOREGASQUE REPUBLIC - Official results from Friday's general elections have been published, with the ruling National Unity Party (NUP), controlled largely by the Gonfaloniere Alessandro d'Avelocci and his close family, winning 14 of the 15 seats in the Signoria. The party has won every election since its formation in 1948, and the Aveloccis, the richest family in Floresque, have controlled the city-state's government in one form or another for almost 200 years.

The opposition, led by the Workers' Party (WP), held onto the one seat in the legislature that many analysts view as a concession given to them by the NUP-dominated government.

The big surprise of the night was the stunning victory of opposition candidate Catarina Tiraboschi, who won the election for ward-mayor in Ward 6. Ward 6, traditionally considered an NUP stronghold, is located near the prosperous Business District in Ward 5. Tiraboschi's victory may startle some hardline conservatives in the Signoria, who are already rumored to be skeptical of the Gonfaloniere's moves to liberalize lower-level elections in Floresque.

Tiraboschi has been dogged consistently by rumors that she supports the Tenants' Representation Front (TRF), an opposition organization suppressed by the Floregasque government for "anti-civil activities". Tiraboschi has consistently declined to comment on these rumors, an ambivalence that may be concerning to the security-minded NUP.

The Gonfaloniere, if he was shaken by the opposition's success in Ward 6, did not show it. He said he was "ecstatic to see how well our party has done", and thanked the people for "the continued mandate they have given us".

Turnout in the election was reported to be 81%; like all electoral figures from the Republic though, this should be considered suspect. International observers view elections in Floresque to be largely fraudulent, charges that the Gonfaloniere and Signoria deny.

The results of this latest election make clear that, in spite of the Gonfaloniere's apparent attempts to hold fair elections for lower-level positions, opposition parties have a long road ahead of them to reach equal footing with the Avelocci-dominated National Unity Party.

Series: Interview with Cormac Stark (Part 1)
by Lord Ravenclaw, Gameplay Correspondent
This column does not represent the views of the Government of The North Pacific.
The North Pacific's own Lord Ravenclaw sat down with fellow citizen of The North Pacific and fellow Pharaoh-Emeritus of Osiris Cormac Stark to discuss some events in the recent past as part of a series of interviews to be exclusively posted by The Northern Light.

This is the first part of the Interview. Part two shall be about The West Pacific and Part three shall be about a controversial but important issue facing NationStates players in our world.

This interview was originally conducted at the start of October 2015 and details events before that time.

Lord Ravenclaw: Thank you for joining me Cormac Stark, Pharaoh-Emeritus of Osiris.

Cormac Stark: Thanks for having me!

Lord Ravenclaw: You've done a lot over the past three years, would you be able to remind our readers of your origins in NationStates? I understand that the feeders weren't your first home.

Cormac Stark: Well, my origin, aside from a very brief stay in 10000 Islands, was in a now mostly forgotten region called Exshaw, which was founded by Durkadurkiranistan II (aka John Ashcroft Land among older Feederites) as an imperialist region. From there I got involved with other imperialist regions like The New Inquisition and The Land of Kings and Emperors, as well as independent Europeia.

Cormac Stark: I also founded my own region, Asgard, in 2012, it was fairly short lived but much publicized. Of course all of that changed in September 2012 when I switched to defending, but we don't need my whole life story.

Lord Ravenclaw: I seem to recall something about Asgardia during that period as well, what was the story with that?

Cormac Stark: Well, after I joined the UDL in September 2012, Isidor abdicated the throne of Asgard in frustration, and Jagermeister assumed the throne. He ultimately ended up destroying the forum after being made root administrator and abandoning the founder account. I tried to relocate the community of Asgard to Asgardia after that, but unfortunately the damage had been done and it was over for that particular region and community. We're getting into some seriously obscure history here now!

Lord Ravenclaw: Not to get too far off topic, but who was Jagermeister? Forum destruction is a horrible act and people who do it shouldn't go unpunished.

Cormac Stark: He had been a newbie to Exshaw and had come with us to Asgard. He was very prominent and active in Asgard, and all the turmoil when I joined the UDL hit him pretty hard. I've also been told since then that he had some very serious stuff going on in real life, and I've forgiven him for the forum destruction. As far as I know he stopped playing after the forum destruction and hasn't been back.

Lord Ravenclaw: How unfortunate; it's troublesome when real life interferes with our virtual communities - something we know only too well. I hope he's in a better place now.

Cormac Stark: Me too. He was a nice guy, except obviously for that incident, and I wish him all the best.

Lord Ravenclaw: As I understand it, you were first brought to the Game Created Regions because of the World Assembly of all things, would you mind enlightening our readers as to why?

Cormac Stark: Well, in July 2012, Asgard invaded Christmas and after a lengthy occupation imposed an invisible password. Mahaj, then a Lieutenant in the UDL, proposed a liberation resolution and Asgard did its best to fight it. It ultimately passed, but by a narrower margin than most liberation resolutions, so I became convinced that Asgard could actually defeat defenders in the Security Council if we became more involved in more influential regions, i.e., the Feeders and Sinkers. So that was initially why I got involved in The North Pacific and Osiris, in 2012.

Lord Ravenclaw: So, the World Assembly was your passage into two very different regions. But as we both know, you have a long history in Osiris. What happened there?

Cormac Stark: Well, I got involved in Feeders and Sinkers to co-opt their influence for my own ends, but it was actually they who ended up co-opting me. I made friends in both TNP and Osiris, but particularly Osiris, and particularly the Pharaoh at the time, Earth (Lyanna Stark). So over time I became less interested in using these communities and more interested in actually participating in them, and that was especially true in Osiris.

Lord Ravenclaw: Speaking of Stark, what's the history there? You just mentioned Lyanna, so is it mere coincidence or are you two related in some way?

Cormac Stark: It actually was coincidence at first. Stark is popular from Game of Thrones, and my family in Exshaw and Asgard started using it well before I knew anything about Earth. We did later become related when Unibot adopted me as his son, and Earth became my step-mother. There have been some disownings since then. NS families are silly.

Lord Ravenclaw: Onto a different topic and back to Osiris for a little while.

Cormac Stark: Sounds good.

Lord Ravenclaw: How did you go from coming to the desert star of NationStates in order to influence the WA Voting Pool and end up where you are now?

Cormac Stark: Good question. I'm not sure I know the answer, honestly. I was in the right places at the right times or the wrong places at the wrong times, depending on your perspective. I had some legislative and minor executive jobs before I was first elected Pharaoh. I ran for Pharaoh sensing something was off, at a time when people were very discontent with the incumbent, and beat the incumbent for the first time in Osiran history. He couped, of course, and the rest is history. Since then I was until February of this year integrally involved in every major event in Osiris, especially co-founding of the Osiris Fraternal Order.

Lord Ravenclaw: What changed?

Cormac Stark: What changed is I deliberately committed treason to get a lengthy ban from Osiris, because it had become not good for me, and vice versa. I had always said I didn't want to become like a certain other Osiran power player that the OFO permanently exiled - and when I saw myself becoming him, I exiled myself.

Lord Ravenclaw: It's interesting you say that; arguably, there have been eight players over Osiris' history who have had huge impacts on the region - not always for the better either. However, all of them with the exception of two are no longer involved in Osiris. Where does the region go from here?

Cormac Stark: The region goes up, I hope. When I pleaded guilty to treason, I urged the dissolution of the OFO because I believed its institutions were flawed, but I think I was wrong about that. It is the attitudes, not the institutions, which are flawed in Osiris. To make a very long story short, what needs to change in Osiris is that Osirans need to stop seeing themselves as being in perpetual crisis and start seeing themselves as a normal Sinker community again. If they can do that, I believe they will become more cooperative as a community and less reliant on the Pharaoh -- we're always more reliant on leaders when we feel we're in crisis -- and I think it will only be up from there.

Lord Ravenclaw: What do you think Osiris needs to do in order to become less reliant? We've seen at least one Pharaoh of the OFO, including myself; get panned for "not doing enough".

Cormac Stark: What needs to change is the perception that there are problems that one person needs to solve or a crisis that one person needs to address. Regional activity is not a problem, nor a crisis, but rather an opportunity, and it's an opportunity for the entire community. Again, what needs to happen is a change in attitude. The community of Osiris needs to stop seeing so many problems and start seeing all of the opportunities that are right in front of it. At the end of the day, all "activity" means is doing stuff together. When they start wanting to do that again, activity will follow.

Lord Ravenclaw: Can you see yourself returning to Osiris when your sentences expire?

Cormac Stark: I honestly don't know. I don't think so, but I won't rule it out.

Lord Ravenclaw: There have been talks of an unofficial government shutdown, to focus the attention of the community entirely on recruitment and integration efforts. Do you think an unofficial approach like that would help or hinder the community?

Cormac Stark: I think it would hinder the community. What Osiris needs from its government is optimism and a sense of creating opportunity, instead of hearing from the government that the lack of activity is a "crisis." Activity doesn't come from obligation or a sense of duty in a game, it comes from opportunities to have fun. That's what Osiris needs from its government, and it is the government's job to govern. It has a responsibility. We have essentially seen the government of Osiris shut down during the terms of several Pharaohs, and it has not empowered the community.

Lord Ravenclaw: On another note, in an editorial published by The Raven Post, you stated "Gone are the explosive arguments between prominent regional figures, dividing the community into "us vs. them" factions. Personalities will clash in any regional community, but Osiris seems to have turned the page on the chapter of its history that was characterized by divisive and ultimately destructive personality politics"; is this not a result brought upon by the fact that these powerful figures are no longer involved in the community?

Cormac Stark: I don't think so, no. Because after the people who used to have the explosive arguments and power struggles retired, other people would just step up to take their place. It was an institutional and cultural problem in Osiris. I didn't used to be one of the power players involved in the arguments and power struggles, but before the establishment of the OFO I became one of them, and even after Empire was exiled from Osiris, power struggles continued. But those have largely stopped and I do believe it's because of the strength of the OFO's institution, which makes actually winning factional power struggles impossible.

Lord Ravenclaw: Perhaps, although I think that it's more down to the fact that overall, there has been a more unified opinion and approach to Osiris recently, there is no longer quite so much disagreement with direction. So where do -you- go from here? I noticed that you've been endotarting in The North Pacific and were recently readmitted to their Regional Assembly.

Cormac Stark: That's what I'm doing. I don't intend to join (or re-join, as the case may be) any other regions right now, if ever, I'd like to try just focusing my time and energy in one place. TNP has always been welcoming to me, even with all of my past questionable behavior, and so it seems like a community I can contribute to without constant questioning of my motives and loyalties.

Lord Ravenclaw: Is it true that you are planning to reform the Regression Party? Also, is there any truth to the rumour that you are also courting the Queen of Balder? I've also been told that you are trying to undercut the North Pacific's economy and make a profit on the exports of North Pacific Spiced Rum?

Cormac Stark: No truth to any of those rumours, though I do hear Balder is lovely this time of year and the Queen is even lovelier.

Lord Ravenclaw: I have been asked some questions for you, if you wouldn't mind.

Cormac Stark: Sure.

Lord Ravenclaw: What prompted you to return and what do you think is the allure of NationStates? Also, who are you and why do you want "my" lunch money?

Cormac Stark: I was prompted to come back because I do miss people, friendships I've made over the years, and this remains the best way to communicate with them since we don't know each other in real life. I also feel like my time away did me a lot of good and I can participate in the game without the bad feelings I had before.

Cormac Stark: The allure of the game? I think it's different for everyone. For me, it's the friendships I've made that have lasted three years now. For others it may be something else.

Cormac Stark: And I'm Cormac and I want your lunch money for something sketchy and top secret. *smirks*

Lord Ravenclaw: Thank you for joining me Cormac Stark; it's been a unique experience in the two and a half years we've worked together.

Cormac Stark: It has indeed!

Lord Ravenclaw: Okay, is there anything that you'd like to let our readers know before this interview ends?

Cormac Stark: It's nice to be back in NationStates. I feel that my month long break did me a lot of good, that I've changed and grown in my attitudes toward the game, and I look forward to others seeing that as well. And of course thank you for the interview, it's been a pleasure.

SillyString's Silly Advice
by SillyString
This column does not represent the views of the Government of The North Pacific.

Dear SillyString: I'm redecorating my room, and I want my room color to really express my personality. How would I go about choosing the perfect shade of color so that I won't have to repaint it again for a while?
- Painterrific

This is a dilemma that afflicts so many of our viewers, so I'm glad you asked it!

The first step you must take is to bring yourself to a good psychologist. After all, before you can begin choosing a color that fits your personality, you must first determine whether you have DID (dissociative identity disorder) and if so, how many personalities you need to match for.

With a diagnosis in your hand, your next step should be to take one of the many online "What color is your personality" quizzes. Though they appear simple, or even trite, these quizzes are designed with exceeding scientificity and can definitively match you to the right color for you. If you do indeed have DID, be sure that each one of your identities takes the quiz independently.

Armed with your scientifically verifiable personalized colors, you now need to turn those colors into paint. If you have only one identity, or if the colors of your multiple identities are all relatively similar, this isn't too hard. Take their average, get yourself to a paint store, and let the smart paintmongers do their job. They'll decide where you fall on the glossy-matte stage, and they can also estimate exactly how much paint you'll need. Once they whip you up a batch, simply apply paint to walls. You're done! Enjoy your lovely new walls.

If, on the other hand, the colors your identities are diagnosed with are significantly different, the averaging method will not work. When this happens, it becomes necessary to come up with an alternate solution that allows each one to be happy. My best suggestion is to rig up some sort of filtered lighting that will alter your perception of wall color, and then test various different shades of paint under these different lights. That way, whoever you wake up as in the morning will be greeted with their own preference when they turn on the right light. Easy peasy!

Alternatively, if you enjoy certain hard substances, you may choose to doodle on your walls with markers while under their influence. This will surely show off your inner... personality... in a way that paint never can. Good luck!

Seriously silly,

The Northern Lights: Beauty in Truth
Publisher: SillyString :: Executive Editor: Kialga :: Graphic Artist: SillyString

The Northern Lights is produced by the Ministry of Communications on behalf of the Government of The North Pacific and distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Except where otherwise indicated, all content represents the views of the Government of The North Pacific.