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Author Topic: Statement and update from the North Pacific  (Read 1966 times)

Offline JALbatross

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Statement and update from the North Pacific
« on: February 11, 2008, 04:04:50 AM »

The North Pacific Update
11 February, 2008

UN Delegate: The Crimson Westwind Kingdom of Lewis and Clark
Vice Delegate: The Sempre Nastic of Nastic

Regional Power: Extremely High
The North Pacific contains 3,652 nations.

The Region has moved to new a new forum at:

And new IRC channel:

Changes in The North

Dramatic changes are abound in the North Pacific and we feel our friends and allies should be kept aware of the situation. In response to growing inactivity and bureaucracy throughout the region, the elected delegate Lewis and Clark has declared a state of emergency, effective immediately. All government bureaucracies have been streamlined for more efficient, more effective gameplay. In the meantime, please bare with us as we re-vamp our Foreign Affairs department. Thank you for your patience during these turbalent times.

All Embassies have been re-estabished for our friends and allies on the new forum.

An Address To The North Pacific

The Delegate has addressed the Region regarding the current situation in the region, and his address can be read here:


Directory of TNP Officials

The Delegate: His Benevolent Majesty, The Crimson King, Lewis and Clark
Vice Delegate: Lord Nàstic™

The High Council

Defense and Security: Lord Marshal General Dalimbar
Interregional Affairs: Lord Ambassador General Vrtbovska Zahrada
Attorney General: Lord Advocate General New Kervoskia
Interior Affairs: Lord Commissioner General John Ashcroft Land (aka Montana Max)
The House of Lords Presiding Officer: Lord Governor General Grimlock

We look forward to our continued relations with all our friends across NationStates.

Thank you