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Author Topic: Polaris - TNP General Election, Sep 2021  (Read 29561 times)

Offline Lord Dominator

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Polaris - TNP General Election, Sep 2021
« on: September 27, 2021, 02:47:44 AM »

September General Elections Round-Up
[SIZE=100]by Polaris Staff[/SIZE]

The people have spoken, the votes have been counted, the counts started, stopped, and restarted again and the kraken has been released? and TNP?s September 2021 general elections have been concluded. Here?s a rundown:

Delegate Election
The Delegate election saw Minister of Foreign Affairs MadJack defeat former Vice Delegate Dreadton, along with MTDemocracy and Comfed. With Comfed running a humorous campaign and MTDemocracy a newcomer to the region, it was a straight fight between MadJack and Dreadton.

Both major candidates ran on campaigns focussed around engaging the region and ensuring that admin-induced changes to the region could and would be countered with better and more effective outreach, along with renewed and reformed Ministries. MadJack also focused on reviewing the state of tech tools in the region, pursuing a more proactive foreign policy, and tackling over-reliance on a few staffers in the ministries. Dreadton campaigned on doing more to promote the region in-game to a wider audience.

Somehow avoiding the self-sabotage that has been a feature of his previous delegate campaigns, MadJack won the election on the first count, with 57% of the vote.

Vice Delegate Election
In the Vice Delegate race, three candidates ran, Sir Kasto, Lord Dominator and Blue Wolf II. Since Blue Wolf II did not post a campaign, the campaigns by the remaining two were quite similar, maintaining the WADP, the security checks on citizens and the maintaining endorsements, core responsibilities of a Vice Delegate. Both were also committed to welcoming and mentoring new citizens.

Sir Kasto had an additional focus on community relations, leading in trying to engage the Security Council with the larger gameside community, where it had been lacking in previous terms. In the platform, Sir Kasto advocated for a constant engagement that ?will allow better communication and endotarting as they will recognize us.? With Sir Kasto additional focus on community relations and his experience as Deputy Minister in multiple ministries in the previous term, was elected convincingly with 62.07% of the vote.

Speaker Election
The remarkable happened in the Speaker's election, perennial candidate RON (re-open nominations) was elected with a landslide 77% of the vote. This occurred after the sole candidate Venicea pulled out of the election after a controversy erupted over their claims of tech issues.

In the re-run election (RON graciously stepped aside), 5 candidates stood - Deputy Speaker Bobberino, former Minister of Communications Fregerson, leader of the TNP Socialist Party Nubt II, former Speaker and Vice Delegate Oracle, and Gameside Advocate and Deputy Speaker Skaraborg.

Fregerson, who had run a campaign for RON prior to Venicea withdrawing from the race, was an early favourite, though when Oracle entered the race the smart money moved to backing the TNP veteran, who did indeed win the contest, defeating Skaraborg in the 4th round of voting.

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Re: Polaris - TNP General Election, Sep 2021
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2023, 08:16:40 PM »