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Author Topic: November Update  (Read 2896 times)

Offline Finn

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November Update
« on: November 18, 2012, 11:12:34 AM »

THE NORTH PACIFIC Regional Update: November 2012

The Government of The North Pacific
Delegate: McMasterdonia
Vice Delegate: Tim
Council of Ministers
Communications: Eluvatar
Interim Defence: Gladio and Scandigrad
Culture and Entertainment: Romanoffia
World Assembly Affairs: Mahaj
Foreign Affairs: Tim
The Regional Assembly
Speaker: Kingborough
Deputy: KiwiTaicho
Security Council
Chairman: Tim
Great Bights Mum, Pasargard, BlackShear, Grosseschnauzer, Romanoffia, Former English Colony, Eluvatar, Blue Wolf II [/font][/size]
Attorney General: Punk D
Chief Justice: Hileville Associate Justices: Blue Wolf II & Belschaft

Mcmasterdonia Elected TNP Delegate in Special Election

Following the recall of former Delegate Eluvatar for inactivity, The North Pacific conducted a special election to fill the Delegacy. The results are in and with 25 votes Mcmasterdonia has been elected the new Delegate of The North Pacific. His opponents in the special election included Vice Delegate Tim, Speaker of the Regional Assembly Kingborough, Minister of Culture and Entertainment Romanoffia, former Delegate Blue Wolf II and RA members Abstain and James Martin.

The full results of the special election for Delegate are as follows:

mcmasterdonia - 25
Tim - 11
Kingborough - 4
Romanoffia - 3
Blue Wolf II - 2
Abstain - 0
James Martin - 0
Present - 5

A former member of the Progressive Party, Mcmasterdonia ran as an independent for the Delegacy on a platform (link) that emphasized improving regional culture and entertainment, coordination between external affairs and defense, and improved communication and interaction with the on-site community. Mcmasterdonia's platform also emphasized a spirit of cooperation between TNP citizens and the need for strong leadership from the Delegate. He cited his experience as Minister of Defense and former Vice Delegate as indicators of his leadership skills.

In an address to the region following his election, Mcmasterdonia laid out plans for the future (link) that would implement many of the ideas found in his platform. Election of Council ministers will not be conducted immediately but the newly elected Delegate has expressed a desire to get more citizens involved in The North Pacific's executive government.

Written by Cormac Stark

Oh My Goodness Gracious

Following the recall of Delegate Eluvatar, The North Pacific gained a new resident. Oh My Goodness Gracious joined and at first had most of the region in fits of laughter with his silly little posts. Before long however, his intent was clear, OMGG had joined The North Pacific for the sole reason of doing everything he could to prevent our elected Vice Delegate from assuming his rightful position as Interim Delegate.

We were flooded with several nations all bearing the TNP Flag sending out ridiculous telegrams. Including claims that Tim was in bed with the Nazi's and that TG's sent out by the government were fear mongering and should be ignored. Due to this, The Security Council formed a committee of experts to assist in fighting the unendorsement campaign. A special thank you to Biyah, Astarial, and Former English Colony, who assisted the Vice Delegate and Minister for Defence in countering the campaign.

The North Pacific Government thanks our allies, The South Pacific, Osiris and Equilism for deploying their respective militaries to assist in propping Tim up and assisting the new Delegate Mcmasterdonia during the transition period. It is a proof of strength of the alliances that TNP currently holds.
Written by Mcmasterdonia
Judicial Elections

The North Pacific judiciary was up for it's general election once again. The position of Chief Justice, two Associate Justice seats and the office of Attorney General were all up for grabs. This election saw a large field of candidates. The incumbent and highly respected Chief Justice Hileville was re-elected unopposed.

The two Associate Justice's positions were strongly contested with 6 candidates running for election. Incumbent Justice and Security Council member Blue Wolf II was easily elected with a strong 29 votes. Belschaft took the second available position with 16 votes, narrowly defeating Todd McCloud with 13 votes.

Blue Wolf II reelected as Associate Justice.

The Attorney General's office was also fiercely contested, with previous Attorney General Abbey Anumia ruling herself out for another term. Punk D emerged victorious with 21 votes, closely followed by Iro with 15 votes. The Attorney Generals office and the courts will likely be very busy in the coming weeks, with a significant backlog of cases that will require their immediate attention. We congratulate the winners and wish them the best of luck.
Written by Mcmasterdonia
The Regional Assembly.....
The Regional Assembly has been busy in recent weeks, first voting to remove Eluvatar as Delegate. The vote narrowly achieved the 2/3rd majority required and passed the Regional Assembly. While this was ongoing, the Speaker of the RA Kingborough introduced new rules prohibiting the discussion and debate in voting threads. Generally the community was behind him on this matter, it all came to a head however when the Speaker requested that people stop using colours, punctuation and text to highlight or bring attention to their vote.

The North Pacific has descended into purple madness because of this. Regional Assemblyman Grosseschnauzer introduced a recall of the Speaker Kingborough, it was almost unanimously defeated, showing the regions strong confidence in Kingborough as our Speaker. Some are still concerned about the Speaker's rules and processes, which will likely result in more activity in the RA in coming weeks.

The Regional Assembly has also voted to admit [nation]Blue Wolf II[/nation] to the Security Council, 33 Ayes to 4 Nays. Congratulations Blue Wolf!
Written by Mcmasterdonia

Spam Competition

Spammers have taken control of The North Pacific!

In a desire to increase activity in the out of character areas, and the game threads. McMasterdonia opened a Spam Competition, the only award being lots of fun and a nice shiny to go to the winner.

It generated quite a lot of activity, and even pulled some of the long time players such as Blackshear and Democratic Donkeys out to join in the entertainment. Chasmanthe was declared the winner of the competition, Blackshear coming a close second.

The North Pacific Bar and Grill has just opened.

Ambassadors and friends of TNP are welcome to join us for a drink of official TNP rum, or to enjoy the fine dining available.
Written by Mcmasterdonia
The North Pacific Army ~ 6 Months
On April 13th after discussion with the then Delegate Blue Wolf II, I took the oath of office and became the Minister for Defence. It was on that day, that the planning and foundations were laid for the return of the North Pacific Army as a vital part of the community of The North Pacific.

It has been an amazing new part of our community, it has provided opportunities for many new players to get involved and to make a vital contribution to The North Pacific. The NPA has become a community in itself, its members respect each other, and we work hard to maintain a community of friendship, solidarity, good humour and fun. Every member, past and present, has made this experience truly valuable and enjoyable.

I will never forget the first time we decided to raid a region, and the drama that followed. It was a learning curve for us all, and if anything I think that made our resolve and character stronger. It is my hope that this time the NPA will sustain itself and continue to fight for the North Pacific, and will continue to provide opportunity for new players to get involved in the workings of our region and the fine community of the NPA.

Since its reformation the NPA has taken part in 76 missions. Notably including the attempted liberations of Stargate, the protection of Goauld System Lords, the liberation of St Abbaddon, holding Warzone Africa for more than 20 days, and a liberation attempt of Ohio (where we were able to deploy 10+) with UDL assistance.

The NPA has also provided vital opportunity for us to re-engage with our allies. The NPA has led to strong military collaboration and dialogue with The South Pacific and Osiris. When we work together, we are a force to be reckoned with. As this continues, opportunities for TNP to increase its relations and security pacts with other regions will continue and become more relevant.

One of my favourite parts of The North Pacific Army has been that it offers opportunities like no other for the new player to get involved. All it takes is signing up, and being available with the correct resources at update time. It's my hope that the NPA will remain always, steadfast in its dedication to TNP, and forever a community for TNP.
Written by Mcmasterdonia
FLASH! Breaking news.........

TNP Chicken Coup Party busted for sedition! Leaders of the Coup have been arrested and are being held in the Security Council's maximum security detention center:

Tim, Astarial and Kingborough at Chicken Gitmo

Thousands of Coup Party members arrested. Coup Party members are put to hard labor laying eggs their part in the attempted coup:

Imprisoned Chicken Coup Party Members at hard labor

"These Coup Party members are obviously mentally deranged and are in need of some serious mental health care to cure them of their delusion that they are chickens", said Great Bight's Mum, member of the Security Council. "The only reason we haven't treated them for their delusion that they are chickens is because we need the eggs."

Roman, Minister of Cultural Affairs and Entertainment (formerly Ministry of Immigration and Internal Affairs) and Security Council Member could not be reached for comment. Roman was reportedly holed-up in the kitchen of his country dacha allegedly cooking up the world's largest cheese and egg omelet which reportedly covers an area of several dozen hectares.
Written By Romanoffia
Fifty Shades of TNP
One of the hallmarks of TNP over the years has been the creativity of the culture in the region. Poetry, blogging, debate and art have, at various times, thrived in the region.

Recently, one of our long-term residents Flemingovia has entertained the region by writing a Bible for the region, hymns and most recently an erotic novel: "Fifty Shades of UDL". The full text to date can be found on this forum, but for this update he has written a special chapter:

As Christian entered the hardware store where Anastasia worked, his nostrils flared with anticipation. She was so biddable, so willing as she served customers in her pert overalls. He could just imagine how easy she would be to overwhelm with his wealth and power.

She turned to him with a smile, "can I help you... Oh!" she exclaimed as she recognised him. "I haven't seen you since you became Speaker of the Regional Assembly. How is that going?"
He was briefly irritated. He did not want to talk about politics at this time. "I am enjoying it. It is a position that gives me much power. And I like being in a powerful position."

Anastasia blushed.

Inwardly, Christian rejoiced. In his time as Speaker he had had many submissives; some of them, Like Kiwi, had disappointed him by trying to set the rules instead of obeying them. Others were like Grosseschnauzer, who had been a wildcat between the sheets but had rebelled, insisting on posting in fifty shades of purple rather than fifty shades of Grey.

He sensed Anastasia would be different. Not for her large fonts, coloured text or debate in the voting thread. In Anastasia, he knew, he had found someone who would finally post in plain black text. His muscles tensed as he imagined her whispering the only words he longed to hear: "yes" "no" and "abstain".
Written by Flemingovia

Thank You for reading our update!

Offline Funkadelia

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Re: November Update
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2012, 08:22:26 PM »
Thank you for the update! I really enjoy BWII's face.
Today's date is: Today is Jocidi, 5 Cielidor AR 5 - Day 1770 of the Glorious Revolution.

Many trials make manifest
The stranger's fate, the curses' bane.
Many touchstones try the stranger
Many fall, but one remains.