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News: Play forum games in an offensive way, like those of the anti-junta resistance!

Author Topic: More Tnp News  (Read 2897 times)

Offline McMasterdonia

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More Tnp News
« on: May 13, 2012, 06:29:40 AM »
More TNP News from your favourite TNPer! (This does not represent the official views of the government, but merely the personal opinion and observance of the author- mcmasterdonia :)    )

Elections continue in The North Pacific. There is still no clear front runner in the race for delegate, with the vote evenly split between Eluvatar, Romanoffia and Haor Chall. In election fever spirit, TNP's god flemingovia spread the word of the gospel in songs dedicated to our candidates,

These very creative tunes can be found here http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/single/?p=8047965&t=6904416 for Haor Chall, and here http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/single/?p=8048130&t=6904416 for Romanoffia. Eluvatar has had many songs written about him in the past, and it is unclear whether he will be fortunate enough to have an election song written for him.

Amendments to the constitution and legal code is dominating this election. All candidates expressing their support for extensive reform. It has become clear to all candidates, that this change is needed given the lack of faith in the current system and its laws. Given the splitting of the vote, it is very unclear whose method of constitutional amendment will be the one that prevails.

Meanwhile, The North Pacific Court has finally thrown the charges against Durk AKA John Ashcroft Land (JAl) out of court, in a 2 to 1 verdict. There was much celebration by Flemingovia and JAL when the verdict was finally handed down. Security council member Felasia is now facing a court hearing over his alleged impropriety in his refusal to admit JAL to the regional assembly. Felasia served as Speaker a few terms ago, and this alleged offence occured that long ago. It is suggested that Felasia acted unconstitutionally in his capacity as speaker and needs to be punished for it.

The Delegate Blue Wolf II has agreed to a treaty that will cement the diplomatic, military and security relationship we share with our ally Stargate. This will be of great benefit to both regions. The North Pacific government commits itself to protecting the legitimate government of stargate at the time of the treaties signing, against any aggressive acts against its government, including those that have been ongoing in recent months.

Bitterness continues on the regional forums between our delegate Blue Wolf II and Grossesschnauzer the root admin. Many hope that the new election will bring a new age of prosperity, consensus and co-operation to the region. Alot is happening in TNP, it is likely that a lot is going to change given the feeling of the ongoing elections and our citizenry.
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Offline McMasterdonia

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Re: More Tnp News
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2012, 04:19:20 PM »
News just in: Eluvatar is fortunate enough to have a song written about his election campaign now.

The Delegate Blue Wolf has officially banned govindia from the region. There was no clear reason for this at first. Blue Wolf has since said his banning was due to Govindias nation Ramaba cte and then being refounded. Govindia would be required by law to reapply for citizenship and membership of the regional assembly. Blue Wolf has said govindia was banned for spamming the regional forum with illegitimate complaints (due to his lack of citizenship).

It is unclear whether the Delegate - root admin rivalry will explode later today given this chain of offence, and the root admins alleged favourtism for govindia.

Shocking chain of offence. More news will be bought to you, live from the scene as it all unfolds.
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