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News: The more kittens we post, the faster our region prospers; the less kittens we post, the slower our region prospers.

Author Topic: March Update  (Read 3509 times)

Offline Datford-Zyvetskistaahn

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March Update
« on: March 06, 2014, 10:51:47 PM »
March 2014

Table of contents
  • The North Pacific recognizes the Osiris Fraternal Order.
  • Delegate announces new World Assembly voting policy.
  • The North Pacific-Lazarus cultural exchange.
  • The view from the Speaker's Office.
  • The North Pacific in the World Assembly.
  • The North Pacific Government directory.
The North Pacific recognizes the Osiris Fraternal Order

The Delegate deliberates with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs staff on the the recognition statement.
On January 29th, 2014, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement announcing that the Government of The North Pacific formally recognizes the Osiris Fraternal Order ("OFO") as the legitimate government of the region of Osiris. In addition, the Government accepted and reciprocated an earlier request by the OFO for an embassy exchange, thereby establishing formal diplomatic relations between the two governments for the first time.

In the statement, the Government expressed its satisfaction with the progress the OFO had made in fulfilling their commitments towards establishing a democratic and constitutional government, and transitioning control of the regional delegacy to a democratically elected delegate. Furthermore, the Government recognized the positive effects the efforts of the OFO in the two months since its creation had on the region and its community, and in particular the fostering of a prosperous community in Osiris.

The Government of The North Pacific enjoyed a cordial and productive relationship with the Kemetic Republic of Osiris, the region’s government until September 2013, culminating in the ratification of a bilateral alliance in summer 2012. The alliance was rendered void by the dissolution of the Kemetic Republic, since which and until the release of the above statement the two regions had no diplomatic relations. It is the hope of the Government of The North Pacific that, with the robust leadership of Osiris provided by the OFO, the two regions will rekindle the amicable relations of the past.

The full text of the statement of recognition can be found here.
Written by r3naissanc3r.

Delegate announces new World Assembly voting policy

The Delegate smirks at vote stackers while announcing the new policy.
Delegate mcmasterdonia announced on February 17th, 2014 a change in the way he determines how to vote on World Assembly resolutions. Under the new policy, the Delegate’s vote is determined by the outcome of a poll on the regional forum, where only Regional Assembly members with WA nations in the region or deployed with the North Pacific Army are eligible to cast votes. In contrast, the previous voting policy permitted all Regional Assembly members to vote on the offsite poll.

Explaining the reasons for the change, the Delegate stated his intention to reward those members that choose to enlist their WA nation in the services of The North Pacific, either by stationing it in the region to contribute to its security, or by joining the North Pacific Army. Furthermore, the Delegate mentioned that he believes that the change will encourage more members to make the same choice, as well as boost participation in the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs.

The Delegate of The North Pacific is by law given complete discretion in determining the regional vote and voting policy. Traditionally, this involves the use of an offsite poll, though the voting eligibility criteria have varied over the years. The previous policy had been in place since mcmasterdonia’s first term as Delegate, in November 2012. The current policy had also been employed by Delegate Eluvatar in September 2012, as well as for several years up until summer 2012.

The full text of the announcement by the Delegate can be found here.
Written by r3naissanc3r.

The North Pacific-Lazarus cultural exchange

Contestants from the PRL (left) and TNP (right) racing to the end of a spam competition. Crude editing by The North Pacific Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Graphic Design Division.
February 2014 featured a cultural exchange event between The North Pacific and the People’s Republic of Lazarus. The event was hosted in the latter’s forums and included OOC discussion and spam games between members of the two regions.

Of particular interest were the so-called "Trophy Events", a set of contests between the two regions ranging from poetry and trivia to spam games. The stakes were high as the winner region would get to determine the opposing region’s delegate’s pre-title and flag. In the end Lazarus came ahead, but Chairman Milograd graciously awarded the trophy to The North Pacific. So, be on the lookout for changes to his nation besides the loss of the WA Delegate badge.

The Government of The North Pacific thanks the People’s Republic of Lazarus for their hospitality, and for the effort and time they put into organizing this event.
Written by r3naissanc3r.

The view from the Speaker's Office

"I will not sit quietly and let Crushing Our Enemies shred the Constitution." ~Grosseschnauzer, filibustering commenting during a Regional Assembly session.
The Regional Assembly has had a busy month, with discussions on electoral procedure, court legislation, and membership matters.

On the first front, flemingovia proposed a bill that adds the option to reopen nominations to all electoral ballots. The bill was received positively and quickly ratified by the Assembly. A further amendment, introduced by Crushing Our Enemies, is currently under discussion, to address implementation issues overlooked in the original bill. Moreover, an omnibus bill closing several loopholes in electoral law has been proposed by r3naissanc3r, and is currently at vote.

On court legislation, Justice Romanoffia has proposed the addition of a civil code to the regional statute, in response to extensive discussion in the prior months regarding the civil jurisdiction of the regional court. The bill is currently at vote. r3naissanc3r introduced a bill addressing prosecutorial matters, and in particular allowing private citizens to prosecute complaints the Attorney General has declined to proceed on. The bill is currently under debate.

Finally, the Assembly has been discussing the Vice Delegate’s power to block applicants from admission to the Assembly. Cormac submitted a bill to expand its scope, permitting rejection of applicants for reasons besides the regional security grounds that current legislation prescribes. A number of Assembly members have supported requiring an Assembly vote before the Vice Delegate can lift an already existing block on an application. This discussion arose in response to earlier decisions by Vice Delegate Democratic Donkeys to block a membership application by Empires of Narnia, and lift a previous block to Treize_Dreizehn’s application.

The Regional Assembly is The North Pacific’s legislative body, and membership is open to everyone with a nation in the region. You can apply to join here.
Written by r3naissanc3r.

The North Pacific in the World Assembly

Minister of World Assembly Affairs Abacathea (shown to the right) discusses with an aide during a Security Council session.

The North Pacific continues to have an active and prominent involvement in the NationStates World Assembly. Delegate mcmasterdonia currently commands the strongest vote in World Assembly resolutions, and in coordination with Minister for World Assembly Affairs, Abacathea work closely with the members of the region to ensure this voting power is utilized to its full extent and in the best interests of the region. We sat down with Abacathea, who had just stumbled out of the infamous World Assembly strangers’ bar, and asked him about his thoughts on the month the just finished.

"In truth it's been a whirlwind of a month. We've had two resolutions discarded SC side, one of which was a *hic* genuine mistake and could have happened to any of us. And then there's Auralia's fall from grace, which in truth is quite saddening. Say what you want about the guy, he was an active contributor, not only WA side but regionally as well. He'd frequent TNP and further debates, and this was always welcomed as it encouraged activity."

Abacathea was recently commended by the World Assembly. Here is what he had to say on the subject.

"Ah, you're talking about the Commend? Say why is there two of you? Where'd the other one go? Ah yes, well in truth I feel that it is something that really strengthens TNP more than myself. Regions such as International Western Union, which fostered me and raised me, TNP which encouraged me, and Osiris which outright refined me all deserve the kudos for this more than I, but it does lend itself to improving the work I can do as a Minister. TNP is such a massive battlefield to try and work around but it's been a pleasure, and we're seeing consistent and steady increases in the active WA member base as of late. So we're evidently getting there progressively."

And what about the change in the voting policy?

"I swear I thought she was 18... ahem... I mean, yeah, well that definitely helped things. Requiring members who want to have their vote heard to be TNP WA active, along with McM's massive voting power, has really helped spur the activity levels for the Ministry. We envision by the summer to be really hammering at full strength here. So watch this space!"

And there you have it folks! The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs is a regular contributor to resolution discussions in the World Assembly forums. The Ministry strives to keep all WA nations in the region informed on every resolution at vote, and fosters authoring endeavors among regional members. If you are interested in becoming a member and getting involved, apply here.
Written by Abacathea and r3naissanc3r.

The North Pacific Government directory

Delegate: mcmasterdonia
Vice Delegate: Democratic Donkeys
Minister for Foreign Affairs: r3naissanc3r
Minister for Communications: Kiwi
Minister for Defence: Blue Wolf II
Minister for Culture and Entertainment: Lord Ravenclaw
Minister for World Assembly Affairs: Abacathea

Speaker of the Regional Assembly: Zyvetskistaahn
Deputy Speakers: Lord Nwahs

Chief Justice: Leekem
Associate Justices: flemingovia, Romanoffia
Attorney General: Kiwi

Security Council
Chairman: Democratic Donkeys
Members: Great Bights Mum, Former English Colony, BlackShear, Grosseschnauzer, Romanoffia, mcmasterdonia, Democratic Donkeys, Lennart, Lord Byron

The North Pacific March Update is produced and distributed by The North Pacific Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Thank you for reading!