March and April 2013
The Government of The North Pacific
Jamie Anumia elected Delegate
Following McMasterdonia's resignation from the Office of Delegate due to real life reasons, elections were immediately called to fill the vacancy. In the first set of voting, Eluvatar had a clear lead and had almost reached the majority requirement to avoid going to a run-off election. Blue Wolf II went to the courts to seek judicial review to determine if Eluvatar was in fact eligible to run in the election as he had recently served two terms of office.
The Court ruled that Eluvatar was in fact ineligible to run and new election had to be called. Eluvatar endorsed Jamie Anumia's candidacy for the office of Delegate. Jamie Anumia pulled ahead and defeated Blue Wolf II in the run off.
Following his election Jamie Anumia appointed his cabinet, retaining Mall, Romanoffia, Kiwi, and Alvino from the previous cabinet, and appointing McMasterdonia as Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Jamie outlines his plan for The North Pacific:
A successful delegate is a delegate who maintains activity and is able to maintain respect both at home and abroad.
As for my grand vision..good question. I don't have an 'end goal' as such - it will be more to continue the work established by our previous delegates and expand on it - I want TNP to be more active culturally, more active internationally as well as more active militarily - I want us to expand on our current operations and look at ways to further engage new members and get them involved in the NPA. I want TNP to make its mark on the nationstates world through both our actions as well as our words. I want us to strengthen our bonds with our fellow GCR's as well as tightening our relations with our current allies as well as seeking new allies.
Congratulations to Jamie Anumia!
Written by McMasterdonia
From the ArmyThe last two months since the previous NPA update have gone by really quickly and while they have certainly had their ups and downs, I continue to be optimistic about the future of the NPA and our role as the military of the North Pacific.
Previously I've used this update to talk about our successes as a military but this time it seems more prudent to recognise the recent losses of the NPA. We have had roughly nine resignations / discharges from the military for a number of reasons including outside commitments but mainly resulting from insubordination, failures to follow orders or failing to respond to reasonably made requests. The NPA prides itself on being neutral in the R/D game and we always try and allow our soldiers to be active members of other militaries if they choose this path but even that must have its limits. So my one request is that the region take pride in our military for a change and SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!
I would like to formally welcome Borndisaster, one of our new recruits who has proven to be a real asset to the army.
Changes? What changes, you say? To the credit of Mall, he has suggested that we split our forces into several groups to make better use of the recruits we do get and also allow soldiers to pick what sort of role they want to have in the NPA. A concept I am hugely in favour of. The current proposal being discussed by the NPA High Command allows for the military to be split into three parts:
- The Regional Guard - As a member of the regional guard, you would remain on a contact list of people that would be contacted if we need to defend the region against rogue parties who might try and take the WA delegacy from the legitimately elected delegate.
- The Auxiliary or Pilers - Pilers do not have to be around during either update but rather need only check their email, forum PMs or nation telegrams to check if they need to move and reinforce a position during any given time. The benefit of being part of this cross section is that you are not required to be online at update and will be given a rank. It is notable that you will not gain promotions as fast as the third force, the Updaters.
- Special Forces or Updaters - Updaters as mentioned above, are required to be online close to update so that they might move into a region at a given time. Updaters will be promoted much faster than the Auxiliary and are also considered to be members of the regional guard and the Auxiliary.
These proposed changes are very exciting indeed and we welcome any feedback.
My favourite part of this job is recognising the hard work of dedicated soldiers. Borndisaster and Hileville are thus promoted to the rank of Corporal after assisting in recent missions and following orders to the letter. Alvino Castillion aka "Almond" has proven to be an exemplary recruit, always undertaking missions with diligence and professionalism, accordingly I congratulate him on making the rank of Colour Sergeant. Finally I would like to congratulate Kingborough on his promotion to Warrant Officer 2.
The North Pacific Army recently participated in an invasion of the Greater German Reich, with the South Pacific, Sovereign Confederation, and the Kingdom of Denmark. The Greater German Reich has been a serious annoyance to the North Pacific with it's constant adspam. The mission was dependent on when the founder would return, but overall is considered a success.
As always the NPA welcomes any requests for assistance, military co-operation or any new recruits who would like to be a part of our military.
Written by Kiwi
Ninety Nine Problems, But Multiing Ain't One.
Yes folks, The North Pacific may got ninety nine problems, but World Assembly multiing is certainly not on-
...Oh, this is embarrassing. It appears I was wrong on that, and the number.
Recently, the Moderation Team of Nation States went on a banning spree against 108 different World Assembly nations in the North Pacific. The bans lit up the Regional Happenings in an instant, and many expected that the Updates were out of sync somehow. These suspicions were put to rest suddenly when it was discovered that the nations that were being banned all had two things in common...
They were all endorsing then Vice Delegate Blue Wolf and they all originated from the same player.
"It was like watching a dragon devouring its victims one-by-one." Johz told us, excitedly. "Enough to put the fear of Mod back into your heart, I'll say. Hallelujah!"
Artist depiction of Moderator banning the World Assembly Multiing Puppets.Indeed, there was much surprise and quite a bit a fear as bit by bit, they whittled at the puppets that were endorsing Blue Wolf. The 108 bans was a massive blow to Blue Wolf's endorsement count, which dropped drastically. Eventually, the banning subsided, though many in the region were still left gaping in the aftermath of the banning. In the end, many in the region talk about it as a moment when the system to detect multiing was absolutely undermined.
Written by Alvino
The Mentor Program
TNP's Newest Teachers... The Community Itself?
Yes folks, you heard me right. The community that makes up the North Pacific is now its teachers for new members in the North Pacific's Mentor Program. Spearheaded by the new Executive Council, the Mentor Program seeks to improve the quality and activity of the region as whole.
"The TNP Mentor Programme represents an ingenious development in the way we educate, inform and welcome new members to the region." Kiwi, the Minister of Defence stated. "It has tremendous potential to change TNP for the better for all concerned."
The Mentor Program as a whole is seen as a great boon to the region. Members sign up to the Ministry they desire to work with to be Mentors. Once a new (or old) member applies to receive Mentoring in that Ministry, they are assigned a Mentor. Over time, the Mentor learns how to give advice and develop a style of teaching, The "student" learns new skills and how to improve in the area of their interest, and both form closer ties and possibly friendships that could last a long time.
The Five Ministries will each have their own Mentor Program. This means anyone can learn the art of Role Playing, Gameplay, World Assembly resolution writing (and debate), Regional Foreign Affairs, and mass media writing. As the Mentor Program goes on in the region, students shall in time become teachers for new members as well.
The project has already begun under the watchful eye of the Executive Council. It is still too early to tell whether the entire project will be successful or if it will grind to a halt in failure.
Written by Alvino Castillion
The UDL Trials
Relations between The North Pacific and the United Defenders League hit an all time low when it was revealed that Ravania a member of the North Pacific Army and a Lieutenant in the United Defenders League had leaked a PDF copy of a thread in the North Pacific Armies private headquarters.
This was discovered due to a conversation between Unibot and McMasterdonia about introducing a NPA Deployment Override, that led to Eluvatar discovering logs that indicated that Ravania was responsible for the leak. This resulted in a heated discussion in the Regional Assembly, especially as some members were unhappy with the initial response and the suggestion that Eluvatar had been removed for showing loyalty to his home region.
The Interim Delegate Blue Wolf II ordered that embassies be closed and that cooperation with the United Defenders League cease immediately. Ravania has been formally charged and will face trial soon in the North Pacific Court. It is unclear how many other dual members of The North Pacific and the United Defenders League may be charged for their involvement at a later date.
The North Pacific appreciates the expressions of support the South Pacific, Osiris, and Sovereign Confederation in this matter. The North Pacific Wire will be following this matter through to conclusion, and will keep it's readership informed of events as they unfold.
Written by McMasterdonia
Breaking News from The TNP!.....
No More Room On The Fiqh Court Swing-Set! Belschaft Furious!(TNP Wire - Magicality City, 14 April 2013)
Supplicants to the Flemingovian Fiqh Court await the dispensing of justice. Belschaft furious that The Court of The North Pacific has no swing-set. Demands immediate seating on the swing-set.
Several high members of government constructing the new Fiqh Gallows...I mean
The Flemingovia God soundly castigates Belschaft for his intrusion and sends him off for 'time out' in the corner. "You'll swing for this as soon as one of the children gives you a chance!"
Written by Romanoffia
Thanks for reading our Update!