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Author Topic: August Update  (Read 3048 times)

Offline Finn

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August Update
« on: August 08, 2013, 12:17:54 PM »
August 2013

The Government of The North Pacific
Delegate: Jamie Anumia
Vice Delegate: KiwiTaicho

Minister for Foreign Affairs: McMasterdonia
Minister for Defence: Kiwi
Minister for World Assembly Affairs: Sanctaria
Minister for Internal Affairs: Zyvetskistaahn

Speaker of the Regional Assembly: Crushing Our Enemies

Security Council:
Chairman: KiwiTaicho
Members: Great Bights Mum, BlackShear, Grosseschnauzer, Romanoffia, Former English Colony, Eluvatar, Blue Wolf II

The Court
Attorney General: Blue Wolf II
Chief Justice: r3naissanc3r,  Associate Justices: Funkadelia & Romanoffia

Forum: http://forum.thenorthpacific.org
Map: http://map.thenorthpacific.org/
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/xMGxYi
IRC: http://cbe001.chat.mibbit.com/?server=irc.esper.net&channel=%23tnp
Laws: http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/pages/laws/

A Free Osiris

The North Pacific was greatly pleased to see the Kemetic of Republic returned to the rule of its legitimate government led by Cormac Stark and Detective Figs. We have stood with the Kemetic Republic during this ordeal and will continue to support the Osiran Government in its rebuilding process.

Game over for Durkadurkiranistan in Osiris

Osiris is a strong community and has faced many tests since it was created. The North Pacific, and other Game Created regions that have been around for many years longer have also faced these tests in their history. Osiris will grow stronger and more united because of it. The alliance between Osiris and the North Pacific has again been tested, and has once more proven to be strong and beneficial.

Congratulations to Osiris and hail the Kemetic Republic of Osiris!
Written by McMasterdonia

Justice Elections

The North Pacific has gone to the polls once again to elect our Judiciary who will serve a four month term. R3naissanc3r, Gracius Maximus, Romanoffia, Funkadelia, and Malashaan ran for Justice. The final results stood as follows:

Following the election, R3naissanc3r was elected Chief Justice of the Court of the North Pacific with the support of his fellow justices Romanoffia and Funkadelia.

The Three Justices following their election

In the race for Attorney General, Blue Wolf II, Flemingovia and Iro fought it out for victory. Blue Wolf II did not post a campaign, and Flemingovia's campaign focused on not doing anything at all. The final results stood as follows:

Congratulations to the victors! May you serve the North Pacific well.
Written by McMasterdonia

New Allies on the Horizon

The North Pacific and Balder have finally ratified a treaty of mutual security and perpetual friendship. The North Pacific and Balder have grown close over the past year and have collaborated on a variety of projects. We fought along side each other in support of the South Pacific and then Osiris.

The North Pacific looks forward to our future partnership with Balder. It is satisfying to know that the North Pacific has allies that can be relied on, should the need arise.

Rachel Anumia (left) and Jamie Anumia (right) after signing the treaty

The Regional Assembly is also considering a new treaty between Europeia and the North Pacific. This treaty will codify years of friendship and collaboration into a treaty that has been in the pipeline for a long time. We are hopeful that this treaty will soon be ratified and that the alliance between our two regions can continue to grow in strength.
Written by McMasterdonia

Regional Assembly Weekly Digest
(2013-07-26 - 2013-08-02)

Old Business: Please find below a list of proposals that have passed and failed this week.

1. Amendments to Chapter 1 of the Legal Code: Passed
2. Amendment to Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of the Legal Code: Passed

New Business: Below can be found a list of proposals currently before the assembly.

1. Mandatory Ministries Bill: Vote Scheduled
2. Omnibus Recall Bill: Formal Debate
3. Addition of Censure to the Legal Code: Under discussion
3. Temporary Hearing Officer Bill: Under Discussion
5. Admission of Jamie to the Security Council: Under discussion

Other Business: See below for other matters that may concern you as a member of the RA.

1. We extend a warm welcome to our newest Assembly members: Abbey Anumia, Anceally, Isidor C. Anumia, King Durk the Awesome, Greater Scientifica, Wairos, Spudd and Laz!
2. We bid a fond farewell to those who have left us: schweizweld and Icamera. We're sorry to see them go.
3. As I foreshadowed in last week's digest, changes have been made to the proposal and voting procedure. There is now a procedural distinction between legislative proposals (amendments, new laws, etc) and non-legislative amendments (recalls, NPA overrides, etc.) Non-legislative matters have the potential to move much more quickly, and legislative proposals no longer require a second to proceed to vote. Check out the procedures pinned in the RA forum!
4. Have you ever thought about serving in the Speaker's Office, or even becoming Speaker yourself? Wish you could learn more about the office before decided whether to run or not? Telegram or PM the Speaker if you're interested. Observations and training might be made available in the near future.

Deputy Speaker SillyStrings Silly Advice
When hunting wild voters, approach slowly, with caution and a goodly serving of whiskey. If bitten, treat the wound with the whiskey and try again with gin.
Speaker Crushing our Enemies Cautionary Words
There are a number of bills on the floor that will have substantial effects if passed. Be sure to read carefully, so you won’t be caught by surprise if laws change.
Written by Crushing our Enemies

Delegate Unveils New Ministry

After consultation with my cabinet, and other, colleagues, I am delighted to announce the creation of a new Ministry - the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is my further pleasure to announce the appointment of Zyvetskistaahn as its first Minister.
In a nod to the Internal Affairs Ministries of old, I have decided to task this Ministry with the duties of what was, up until recently, the Communications Ministry. As such, this Ministry will oversee the editing and publication of the TNP Wire, and will also be responsible for the publication of cabinet minutes when requested/required.
I am also tasking this new Ministry with the duties of the now abolished Culture & Entertainment Ministry. Minister Zyvetskistaahn, and any appointed deputies, will be required to encourage activity and participation in The North Pacific. I am also bringing the University under this Ministry. This Ministry will also have control of the gameside welcoming script, and will organise a team of volunteers to assist in helping new members to the region settle in via increased presence in the Docks area of the forum, as well as manning a Help Desk there for any questions asked.

The New Cabinet in session

With the appointment of this new Minister, I will be relieving Minister for Foreign Affairs Mcmasterdonia of the existing legally mandated welcoming duties, which were temporarily given to him, and transferring them to Zyvetskistaahn. The new Ministry will be responsible for some familiar tasks, but also one or two new ones, such as the creation of the Communications Desk, to enable increased interaction between the Government and the ordinary citizens. It's also our hope this will increase transparency.
Written by Jamie Anumia

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Re: August Update
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2013, 05:50:19 PM »
I'm happy that Blue Wolf is still the rascal that he is.