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Author Topic: The Taijitu Map  (Read 78095 times)

Offline Jelsi

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Re: The Taijitu Map
« Reply #270 on: February 23, 2007, 02:05:17 PM »
I haven't...cuz I've been here for less than a week.

Offline St Oz

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Re: The Taijitu Map
« Reply #271 on: February 23, 2007, 02:14:05 PM »
Can you please remark Supremo and Bustos as "Bustian Empire" or "Bustian Bloc" or something?  Thanks in advance.

No and what are you doing with two RP nations? Do you want Bustos or Supremo? I'll just have to erase Supremo not give it to the "bustian bloc"

Offline Tuckerani

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Re: The Taijitu Map
« Reply #272 on: February 23, 2007, 05:20:52 PM »
Whats Puppet wanking? hope you dont mean it literally coz that would be weird, lolz

Cheers anyway,

Bennie (now a junior member ;))
Benedict Tucker Proud Government Minister of The Liberal Republic of Tuckerani, www.nationstates.net/tuckerani and www.nationstates.net/shaskinakara

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: The Taijitu Map
« Reply #273 on: February 23, 2007, 05:33:21 PM »
It's what Bustos is trying to do: control more than one nation and use them in concert.  Puppet-wanking is generally considered to be unfair and unscrupulous, and is frowned upon.

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Offline Tuckerani

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Re: The Taijitu Map
« Reply #274 on: February 23, 2007, 05:34:07 PM »
Ignore the above post, I wikipedia'd it if you get my drift,

Benedict Tucker Proud Government Minister of The Liberal Republic of Tuckerani, www.nationstates.net/tuckerani and www.nationstates.net/shaskinakara

Offline Bustos

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Re: The Taijitu Map
« Reply #275 on: February 23, 2007, 09:25:37 PM »
Can you please remark all "United Imperium" territories as "Myrorian Empire" or "Myroria" or something? Thanks in advance.

I am only following what Myroria is trying to do.  AND PLEASE REVERSE THE CHANGES YOU MADE TO MY RESOURCE LIST.  I had the list bolded for a reason...

« Last Edit: February 23, 2007, 11:39:54 PM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Offline Bustos

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Re: The Taijitu Map
« Reply #276 on: February 23, 2007, 11:08:46 PM »
Bustian Colony contains all the information to have my colony, The Great Tribe, approved and placed on the map.

Securing the Border has the picture of the Bustian claim and colony size north of Bustos.

Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2007, 11:41:31 PM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Offline St Oz

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Re: The Taijitu Map
« Reply #277 on: February 24, 2007, 02:03:53 AM »
Can you please remark all "United Imperium" territories as "Myrorian Empire" or "Myroria" or something? Thanks in advance.

I am only following what Myroria is trying to do.  AND PLEASE REVERSE THE CHANGES YOU MADE TO MY RESOURCE LIST.  I had the list bolded for a reason...

Well you can bold it yourself, shouldn't take you more than 5 minutes. So if Myroria drank poison would you too? Myroria has to fight for Ryazania... The Ryazanians aren't necessarily going to be happy with Myroria so it's open for anyone to take. This is different from the Issue with Myroria. Both of these nations are yours. Therefore you're puppet wanking if you want me to change it like that. And everyone knows what I do to puppet wankers. I take my big eraser and rub one of your nations off unless you choose which one. In the case with Myroria, Ryazania was owned by Ryazania not by Myroria. You own this nation and control it.

Offline Bustos

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Re: The Taijitu Map
« Reply #278 on: February 24, 2007, 02:38:23 AM »
Supremo (Mike) and I are two different people.  As I've always said in the OOC forums where he became my protectorate and to him as well, its his nation.  I merely make sure the issues are selected in accordance to HIS policies (notice Filas's NS and my NS are very different) since he became less active.  At anytime, if he so desired, he could leave my protection and reassume his NS.  However this is all moot now since he is leaving entirely and we are RPing that.  After which I am going to let his nation CTE from Tai.

You singled me out, so I clarifying where I got the idea from.  If he drank poison and was still alive, sure I'd try it.

And from now on do not alter any of my posts w/o my expressed permission.  I should not have to redo what you fucked up.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2007, 02:40:21 AM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Offline Rozaria

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Re: The Taijitu Map
« Reply #279 on: February 26, 2007, 12:56:24 PM »
Hey yeah :D
Minister of Cretia:

Offline Tuckerani

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Re: The Taijitu Map
« Reply #280 on: February 26, 2007, 01:06:01 PM »
I'm not puppet wanking there not both owned by me we're just allies, I need to get the minister of Shaskinakara (Aaron fisher) onto these forums!

So can I have the two islands or not? Not rushing you or anything!

Benedict Tucker Proud Government Minister of The Liberal Republic of Tuckerani, www.nationstates.net/tuckerani and www.nationstates.net/shaskinakara

Offline Flemingovia

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Re: The Taijitu Map
« Reply #281 on: February 26, 2007, 06:12:49 PM »
Ho, Cartographer, fine fellow that you are, oh yes.

The lingams of my people have been busy, and our population grows! Even with our expanded borders our people are sleeping three or four to a bed, which by our custom is usually only allowed on Thursday evenings when there is nothing much on the television, oh yes.

Our explorers have discovered lush and fertile lands to the East of our borders, virgin lands unravaged by other lusty races. We long to thrust forth and take them, take them right now, oh yes, yes, yes. Would you please allow our official borders to expand to the East?

Offline Khaalias

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Re: The Taijitu Map
« Reply #282 on: February 27, 2007, 12:58:07 AM »
Could you expand my territory northward?
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of morale and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.  - John Stuart Mill

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Offline Talmann

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Re: The Taijitu Map
« Reply #283 on: February 27, 2007, 01:25:07 AM »
To save Oz some yelling, you need to RP it... well. And then put up a link to it here.
Music is the key to the heart.

"Once art to me was something far off, unfathomable and unreachable... But I discovered that the real essence of art was not something high up and far off, it was right inside my ordinary daily self. If a musician wants to be a fine artist, he must first become a finer person. A work of art is the expression of a person's whole personality, sensibility, and ability." -Shinichi Suzuki

Offline Jelsi

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Re: The Taijitu Map
« Reply #284 on: February 27, 2007, 01:29:54 AM »
Does that include getting the nation on the map period?